POO PUSHER is coming SOON!POO PUSHER is coming SOON!
POO PUSHER, one of the games feature in GEORGE’S GAMING GRIMOIRE is actually getting released. Yes, in THIS dimension! You’ll soon be able to get your hands on a copy [...]
POO PUSHER, one of the games feature in GEORGE’S GAMING GRIMOIRE is actually getting released. Yes, in THIS dimension! You’ll soon be able to get your hands on a copy [...]
Shackled has got to be one of the easiest, if not the easiest, arcade games to finish. It’s bonkers. [...]
Shackled is a reasonable enough Gauntlet clone that drops the player count to 2 but still has some tricks up its sleeve! (Check the next video for how to finish [...]
Another favourite of mine, and somewhat derided at the time of its release, is NEO DRIFT-OUT. Part of the Drift-Out series, and in my opinion it’s the best one! [...]
I complete a run in Ancient Dungeon, sadly with not very many hilarious upgrades (which are random, I was just unlucky this time) [...]
King of the rat simps, Commander Keen, needs to sort his life out and get a hold of himself, basically. He’s enabling someone to basically destroy their life as he [...]
This is a pretty bad game, potentially saved in reality by the fact you can fire ping pong balls at ghosts for a few minutes. At home, it fares less [...]
I play some Ancient Dungeon whilst being hampered by the META ‘recording’ process and a mic setup that is probably some notches below what stig of the dump would use. [...]
I got my friend to do a reading from my book, and also read a section myself (and notice an error, which I explain) [...]
Octavius is now claiming I wrote my book using AI. LOL. There’s ZERO AI text in my book. This was what the book was setting out to prove, that it’s [...]