Unbound is Undone!

Sorry about the weird quality of the gameplay in this video. Presumably an issue with capturing the shader (which looks absolutely fine prior to going through OBS). It’s the audio that counts, though!
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Do not despair though, she’s going to the Edinburgh Fringe!
Well here’s Sarah’s post on it all.
I found a video by the author of a book published by Unbound. There’s a lot of preamble before arriving at the current subject of administration so you may want to skip ahead.
It’s a different scenario when they’ve sold finished books on behalf of an author and owe them outstanding royalties, but interesting nonetheless. Apparently, Boundless could retain the copyright to work-in-progress books previously due to be published by Unbound. To cut ties with Boundless and find a new publisher you’d have to buy back the rights to your own work.
In Sarah’s case I’d imagine she’d struggle to find a legitimate publisher who would be happy to print unfounded accusations against named, living individuals concerning alleged sexual abuse that was never tried in court. Given the synopsis of the book it’s really no wonder she came to be associated with an unscrupulous organisation such as Unbound.
Really sorry to hear you’ve been through the wringer, healthwise, George – great to have you back with another video, always a treat
Sorry to hear about the ongoing health issues mate, keep on keeping on. I think this will be bad news all round, as the ‘creators’ who haven’t delivered what was promised will use this as an excuse to shill yet more money in donations. Honestly wouldn’t put it past some of them to set up another fund me off the back of this to ‘finally help me get published!’ and those that have given their actual money to projects will get nothing back.
Speaking of business failures, is there any news on Barcadia? I’m surprised they haven’t gone through the hoop yet.
Barcadia a few weeks ago. This is where the arcade cabinets were.
This looks suspiciously like the Nerd turning it into his own retro cave, doesn’t it? “Cheers for the money setting me up with my own bar, now I’ll just use that to house all of my stuff I can no longer afford to keep at my office.”
It begins already… (Sarah on Threads)
“Unsure of next stream. Had some pretty shitty news professionally and also personally things are shit.
Will update when I can, but in the meantime no stream tonight.
She really is hopeless, isn’t she? Like God damn woman, get a grip of yourself. Her Threads feed is largely just apologizing for canceling yet another stream or otherwise saying how miserable she is.
The lying grifters with unpublished dross will love this turn of events; it’s practically a get out of jail free card. The book was finished and ready to go, honest, but unforeseen circumstances, totally out of my control.
Quite so, mate. “The editors who were editing it got edited out!”.
100% this’ll be trotted out as the excuse, conveniently sidestepping the very obvious 350lbs Kim Justice sized elephant in the room that, at least in the Sarah’s case, the book should have been done years ago.