Damian Caynes does it again (Fails severely)
25 November 202425 November 2024|
GeorgeDamian Caynes does it again (Fails severely)|

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Mac told me the police dragged you from your place and took you to the mental ward. There are people spying on you both in real life and on your computer.
Oh Mr. Speculum Bum Sex, where are your adoring fans now?! Sick of your trolling drivel perhaps? 😀
More importantly, why isn’t your avatar a micro penis?
You have 24 hours to answer me.
Whut is a “Frut Hat”? Is that a reference to a foreskin? Why isn’t your avatar a skinned micropenis?
Oh Mr. Speculum Bub Sex, Only THREE Points For This “Article”?!
Thank you for adhering to my nugatory deadline.
Now, I only make accusations when I have good evidence to back it up (especially video evidence), so I’m definitely not going to accuse you of down voting my comment above.
I’m not saying it’s you, but SOMEONE has tried to ruin my Christmas. However, if you know who did it can you please tell them they’re not in trouble, they just need to change it to an up vote.
Thanks mate.
Cropper EXPOSED! 😀
The only person “exposed” in all of this is you, Damo, with your tiny little micropenis waddling around your room naked. You’re an absolute failure. Piss off ya gronk. Or stick around, I’m not fussed. It seems that every time you’re visible that everyone can watch you shit the bed, repeatedly, so do what you like 🙂
The Cyber Crusader – Dr. Damian Charles Caynes and the Triumph over Online Trolling
If you mean “triumphs” as in “gets completely shat on by everyone, is hated by everyone and is the laughing stock of an entire community and beyond – and always will be” then, yup, you’ve certainly triumphed, pal. Go and write another pamphlet, you deluded spastic.
Hi George. Just recently found your site and Rumble channel. I used to follow you on YouTube ages ago. Would love to purchase a Grimoire 1 and 2 when it comes out. Also interested in your board game “Fuck Off”?
Hello mate, thanks for rejoining the fray ;p Please send me an email to [email protected] and we can sort the books out! Cheers, mate!
Two thumbs down for this? Lol. By the way I did email you George. Let me know if you got it please.
It couldn’t happen to a more deserving loser. Damian Caynes is as popular as hemeroids and losing his shitty YouTube channel is just one more nail in his own coffin. A nail that Damian hit in himself when he uploaded a pornographic video of him with his micropenis on show (if you have a magnifying glass to see it that is). I wonder what the moron will say about this latest debacle?!
“I wonder what the moron will say about this latest debacle?!”
Even odds on
“It’s all trolls” and/or “I’m going to sue x person”
The only person he should be taking to court is himself. The charge? A WASTED LIFE.
The Cyber Crusader – Dr. Damian Charles Caynes and the Triumph over Online Trolling