CONSTIPATION – Altar of the Jobby God

Constipation, from the Czech Republic, have been gracious enough to contribute a track for backers of George’s Gaming Grimoire (and everyone else in general). None of these farts are edited or elongated in any way. No AI was used in the creation of this music, or the farts within it.
So this is where you’ve been! I was wondering the other day what happened to you. I’ve been catching up on your videos and I wanted to know how I can get into your discord server. I checked the how to join the discord server post but, as with so much of the content from over a year ago on this website, the video won’t load.
discord server is here mate
Lovely stuff!
Especially liked the bits that sounded like an elephant with his balls in a vice, a Lambretta starting up, and a man with a balloon animal stuck up his arse!
Also I imagine this is what Miles Davis sounded like when he got the shits.
Some nice guitar work too mate!
thanks, mate! i will probably upload the farts at some point just so that people can marvel at them. this chap definitely has a real talent! he’s not one of those “bottom breather” types, either, who can pull air up in and expel it at will. these are all stewed, real farts!
he has also done some that sound like chewbacca, i will get my mate to send them on and i will make a compilation!
i played the guitar on this one! it is quite simple but there is some brutal riffing!
The ‘artwork’ is poo-ly reminiscent of some of the delightful Cannibal Corpse album covers from the early 90’s…
my mate knows more about all that stuff than i do mate but he has mentioned that band before as being quite stupid! I am actually quite shocked at how good he made things sound for this song as I don’t even have a distortion pedal and he said just to play everything without any effects but he made it sound really good!