Ghostbusters 2016 (Arcade)

This is a pretty bad game, potentially saved in reality by the fact you can fire ping pong balls at ghosts for a few minutes. At home, it fares less well.
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The days of the arcade being the place where new techniques and technology was innovated is long gone. You get what would have been a flash game years ago on a cabinet.
Yes, mate, pretty much. It’s all throwaway stuff for kids in multiplexes. Often, like this game, tied into “tokens” to spend on crap at the place. However, the Japanese still get some decent games from time to time. The Densha de go arcade game looks amazing, and all their racing stuff like Initial D etc with the card save system also seems to be very popular there. We get nothing like that here, though!
Unrelated but I saw a full TERMINATOR Salvation arcade cabinet in some fat rich kids lock up at an undisclosed location just outside of Norwich. I believe the machine was procured from a run down Sheringham arcade after it went a.w.o.l. as the sole gaming machine at said gambling slot amusement. What an awful film too.
The game is “ok”, I might do a video someday. It’s relentlessly grim and quite difficult. The film was absolutely terrible, a genuine and complete waste of time. Awful.
I haven’t been interested in TERMINATOR since T2 the awesome cabinet and arcade “mouse/joystick gun” home conversions and T2-3D Battle Across Time as the final canon, quality product.
I do wish companies would get back into making really good lightgun games. Most of them now seem to be “quick thrill” BS with no real depth or any need to learn patterns etc. Ghostbusters is a prime example of this. I do think it’s made for kids, right enough, but a child could play it and have fun without having to think, remotely, about what’s happening or what they’re doing. I miss the days of good Time Crisis games! The Transformers game was actually pretty good, I think it was 2016 or so. There’s been another one since then that I’ve not seen.
TIME CRISIS 4? Was the other full sized arcade game at said fat kids lock up with his downtuned DEF LEPPARD 1980s throw-back cover bands equipment. True story, no troll.
Everyone who watched the Terminator films were waiting for the one set in the future showing the battle between the humans and Skynet. Instead we got a film about a prisoner made into a terminator.
There were some good ideas in Salvation but it was trying too hard to be TRANSFORMERS meets an obscure post apocalyptic The Road with Viggo “Aragorn from LOTR” Mortensen with MAD MAX FURY ROAD before fury road. We just wanted that opening battle from T2 for 90 minutes to 2 hours. Most people couldn’t afford the T2-3D Battle Across Time holiday ticket to know it was possible.
Yes, mate, agreed, I just wanted the battles as seen in the original film. To be honest, that’s all I’ve wanted from ANY Terminator sequel, and I’ve NEVER GOT IT.
Yes, exactly, mate. I stated that in another comment, that’s all I wanted since the first film. Never has it materialised. Surely a no brainer but, meh, it never shows up 😮