Octavius and the AI accusation (LOL)

Octavius is now claiming I wrote my book using AI. LOL. There’s ZERO AI text in my book. This was what the book was setting out to prove, that it’s possible to write (by myself) a compelling, funny and, above all, interesting book in less time than it takes these wankers to write a couple of words. Job done.

Let the games begin!

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2 months ago

Just came across this. Carefully edited to avoid showing the audience, presumably because there wasn’t one…


Last edited 2 months ago by chithecynic
Frisky Dingo
10 months ago

Well, it never rains but it pours, George. A sudden flurry of fuckery from the usual pair of dimwits.
Sarah’s true colours shone in glittering poo-brown in that clip, didn’t they? She was icy and bitter, much like a Barcadia cocktail (Come Get Some). Something tells me that we caught a small glimpse of the jealous, nasty shrew that only reveals itself behind closed doors to the trusted circle.
She’s gradually revealing how conniving, greedy, and callous she really is. How much more will it take, however, to convince the likes of Commander Keene and Snorkers of her fakery and cut off the cash flow?

10 months ago

Anyone else thinking that she’s tried using it herself but couldn’t get it to work correctly?

10 months ago
Reply to  Boingalot

The ferret and wotsit should use it, it would at least be free from spelling errors and cut n paste.

T. Rollin
10 months ago

Has Octavius never heard of NaNoWriMo? It’s a competition held every November, where each participant challenges themselves to write a 50,000 word manuscript in 30 days or less.

Just because she’s too clinically fed up to shit out that horribly overdue novella of hers, it doesn’t automatically mean that a writer who can smash out a book in a matter of weeks is using AI to shortcut the process.

Last edited 10 months ago by T. Rollin
10 months ago
Reply to  George

If you listen to the stream, it’s all the fault of the people at unbound, they are constantly leaving so there is no-one to name and they don’t reply. So not only failed as a “writer” but failed to partner with a company that would deal with her needs.

10 months ago

Funny thing is, just a simple google will show you how long authors can pump out a book, and admittedly some can take years, BUT a good many can take far less time than that, A clockwork orange was written in 3 weeks and Frankenstein was written in under a year – and these are timeless classics.

10 months ago

Writing is mostly time-consuming when you don’t understand the topic so have to research everything from the ground up to sound credible. Write off the top of your head regarding a subject you feel passionately about and it flows freely. There’s no need for AI where the latter is concerned.

10 months ago

Whoa hold on a minute mate, she did say “RESPECTIVELY” haha!

10 months ago

So Octavius’s logic is that because you wrote a book so quickly it must be AI? It is actually very possible to write a book in a month’s time. I used to work in a book store and would regularly see authors release multiple books a year. I honestly find Octavius’s comment slanderous, not based on any facts or evidence, just a malicious assumption. Also a wee bit fucking grand of them given that their book is… sorry, where is it again?

10 months ago
Reply to  tyabvj67

When I diverted from programming, I was advised a competent/real author can churn a good 3000 words a day. I also believe “weaner, weaner weaner” man was only hitting around 300 on average, and that hardly affected his books sales. The former was a target I could rarely hit and the output was clearly forced upon rereading. What I came up with at that pace always needed a serious overhaul as it was shite (a bit like my final books some say). Even at my slovenly pace, ~100k works at 300/day is under a year. So Sarah’s Games Saved my Life should be a tome reaching TLoTR scale.

Mr Bum has created a graphic novel, most of the work will be art and layout, not prose. If you’re a whizz with that skill set, aided by the likes of midjourney for the heavy lifting, George’s Vol1 timescale sounds perfectly reasonable for one clearly competent in that area and already started.

It’s also worth remembering some writers farm-out sections to others, and then do a sweep edit to bring some consistency to the final manuscript (even if they failed to catch continuity issues).

Factor in that George isn’t: a piss-head, suffers hangovers, stomps on animals, and doesn’t do constant begging videos to then go off clubbing for the weekend, his timescale seems pretty genuine to me.

Even when Sarah is finished, it’ll need umpteen edits and proofreading to catch the all those super cunning errors the brain can never see with how one invariably skim reads overly familiar material.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see mental George Vol2 released long before Sarah’s goes to print, unless she does a Wotsit and pads it with screenshots and paraphrased wiki-fodder.

10 months ago
Reply to  George

Also, isn’t the book about their life and personal experiences? I know researching can take a very long time but surely if you are writing your lived experiences the only research is going to be a bit of fact checking for accuracies sake. I have written down stories from my own life, just for myself as it helps me to process things. It is shocking how much you can write in a small amount of time when you are drawing from your own memories.

10 months ago

I thought that last video had hit home when she started her stream tonight, it was like she had done a few bumps of coke. The way she was blatantly overdoing the silliness and was a giggling wreck <insert_masked_crying_wojak_meme>* it was so cringe and sad.
She was definitely trying to put a straight face on after George called her out and held her to account and that look she gave and the response that George is using AI leaves no shadow of doubt in my mind that shes a fuming, jealous, troll.

She needs to get a job any job that pays a half decent wage like shelf stacking at Aldi or any other supermarket, serving tables at a cafe or restaurant it will help dig her out of the hole shes dug herself into and do wonders for her mind. The writing, fringe show and Barcadia shows are not going to be the big pay off she thinks they are and the people blowing smoke up her arse are doing more damage than good they should be ashamed gas-lighting her because its only going to hurt her more when she comes crashing down.


Last edited 10 months ago by u4ria
10 months ago

1. How the hell does she know anything if the book hasn’t even been released yet? She’s basically seen some of the artwork that’s been released publicly and made a half arsed stupid assumption that the whole book is AI. Very smart.

2. The sheer audacity to sneeringly say “it takes longer than 6 months” when her supposed book is about 2 years in the making, and still no sign of it! What the fuck is she writing, War & Peace Pt 2?

3. Maybe she should use AI to finish the dross that’s she’s writing? At least then her hoodwinked backers would get something in their hands finally.

What an absolute embarrassment.

10 months ago
Reply to  Stevieboy74

4 years in the making, wasn’t it 2020?

10 months ago
Reply to  George

Gannon has a pinned tweet about his with a date of Nov 2020. Unbound seems to have updated their site to show less info than it used to.

Wayback Machine shows Video Games was 29% funded in June 2020.

The “motivational” poster featuring rats, shows rats that are long dead.

10 months ago
Reply to  George

Indeed, it’s very telling that since the fringe thing has happened all mentions of the book have disappeared.

10 months ago
Reply to  Eartoot

You may well be right! Seems like I was being generous when I said 2 years. If it is 4 then that’s an absolute disgrace.

10 months ago
Reply to  George

If life is a video game, it’s the best one you will ever play.

Louis King

P. Ness
P. Ness
10 months ago
Reply to  George

She could just write a book about those pathetic arseholes. Every page could be tastefully illustrated with one of the many dick pics I’m sure they send her under various pseudonyms.

Frisky Dingo
10 months ago
Reply to  Stevieboy74

I just caught the replay of the stream in question. For a start, she takes ten minutes to even start. And when she does, she immediately harps on about her laptop screen being broken. Wastes absolutely no time in begging.