Octavius. Healing the internet with self harm.

I’d had enough of this a long time ago. Now I’ve had enough…. AGAIN!
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I see which video you were referring to now, not that I doubted your judgement for a second. I’d previously watched the lead-in to the relevant segment, yet switched off early because it was making me feel sick. Verbally it’s excessively graphic (oxymoron alert!), and as you say, does come across as a repulsive how-to guide, even specifically citing the kind of knife to use in order to self-harm and get away with it!
Something else that occurred to me; Sarah refers to craving endorphin release and becoming addicted to self-harm as a means to trigger this natural drug-high. You know what else releases endorphins without involving knives or scars? Exercise! I know, I know, that involves a modicum of effort. Back to the drawing board then.
She could put the rats on a lead and take them for a walk 😀
I’ve noticed you can buy harnesses and leads for this purpose so I’m surprised I haven’t seen that bandwagon jumped on in a stream, even if just for a two minute gimmick. She really must be adverse to moving.
A guy in the next road walks his cat about on a lead. He seems a bit sheepish when doing it as if he knows he’s doing something unusual.
Japanese people do that, too. Then again, I’ve also seen videos of them walking hamsters. Lol.
There’s a chap called Lucian asking about what video it is on the “Octavius is a KAREN” video. If you could match him up with it, if you can remember which it is, I’m sure he’d, erm, “appreciate” it? (possibly the wrong turn of phrase)
Funny how a few home truths about some YouTubers can get your channel shut down, but running a stream where you’re effectively a Pied Piper figure for social rejects and freely suggesting self-harm as a coping mechanism to them is no problem!
The hypocrisy hasn’t escaped me, mate!
Perhaps we should run a book on when she’ll have a mega wine-fuelled online breakdown and blame everything on you George?
She’ll mobilise her army of commander kevin keen simps and come after you and murder you with down votes. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll think twice about ruining her book, poisoning her rats and calling out her disingenuous practices in future.
Well, the other members of the circle jerk did similar when, without asking me, they believed I was trolling them (it was Kieren Hawken) in their comments and on their social media. This resulted in them sending their minions to attack my channel when it was on YouTube and, effectively, casting me as persona non-grata in the greater gaming community. After admitting they were wrong, and seeing the carnage that Kieren had wrought all across the internet (when I took it upon myself to unmask him) NONE of them published apologies on YouTube. I think the most I got was a couple of DM’s apologising profusely, but the damage was done – and none of them subsquently agreed to admit to their gross errors in judgement in a YouTube video. You know, where most, if not all, of their audience would have seen it?
So, really, I’d expect nothing less from this silly, talentless cow.
Bloody hell. What a bunch of cunts.
Even the shit rag Sun apologies via the same medium they make their wild unfounded claims.
Yes, mate, a bunch of absolute cunts. They’re all horrible, and fundamentally broken, people. Shitbirds dedicated to filling their nest with other people’s shiny baubles. Not nice. A bad example for anyone and everyone.
This is going to sound callous of me, and in some ways it is, however I am getting really fed up about hearing how miserable the circle jerk are and all the woe is me is making me depressed, let alone anyone else.
Now, I fully believe that it does help to talk about such matters, however just talking about such things is not for me, clear the air, but please start wheeling it in for FFS.
Everyone on this planet has things which have occurred to them in their life which could bring people to tears BUT fixating on them and allowing them to become the cornerstone of your existence all the time cannot be a good thing or am I thinking this wrong?
The biggest pisser for me lately is hearing about oh I have no money and no work, there is work to be found just NOT that very specific role you want to do, sometimes you just need to grow up and face the reality that you need to go out there, do something and keep the wolves from the door.
Constantly moaning about it is not going to do that, you need to knuckle down as nobody owes you a living.
But then at 51, maybe I am just getting very, very jaded with them as we have heard it all before and in some ways it feels like a good many are treating Depression as nothing more than top trumps – my depression is more important than yours because of x y z – enough with the pity party.
/rant over 🙂
Absolute spot on, mate. The thing is that Sarah actually has nothing else going for her. She’s a boring, untalented person. She’s figured out that pretending to be a broken individual makes her money, so she’s going to mine that hole relentlessly. Over the next short while (starting, and possibly finishing, today) I’m going to upload the Dreamkatcha edits that show just how ridiculous her behaviour is. It’s reprehensible. And, yes, no one actually cares about these people being depressed. No one. Plus, is that why people watch a, er, GAMING CHANNEL? In a word, NO. The whole “I’m depressed” bullshit is born of being a low tier YouTuber who thinks they’re entitled to better. That’s it. Same with the work situation you mentioned. These folks, particularly Sarah, aren’t where THEY believe they should be in life, therefore they’re angry at the world for “Putting them in this predicament” when, in reality, it’s they who have done this. I’m not surprised that Sarah hasn’t managed to secure any of the highfalutin jobs she’s applied for, as a cursory google search in her name probably produces a load of absolute car crash garbage that’s now out there, permanently, online and for all to see. This is a case of someone who, in all ways, SERIOUSLY needs to manage their expectations. She’s not going to be a star, she’s not going to be ‘famous’, she’s just a stupid vampire with an axe to grind with anyone and everyone because the world isn’t letting her be who she believes she is. She’s a stupid, petulant brat who really needs to grow up!
George for PM
I know Sarah advocates not being ashamed of self-harm behaviour/scars, but actually advising on ‘safe’ ways to go about it that supposedly don’t cause lasting damage is an entirely different proposition. Anything other than exploring ways to stop doing it is utterly insane and irresponsible!
When I studied psychology a million years ago, this area was known as the ‘abnormal’ branch. No doubt that term has since been retired to accommodate woke issues while deranged social media influencers expect us to believe it’s trendy to embrace destructive traits so as to be seen as inclusive and non-judgemental.
I have some clips of Sarah’s ‘accidental’ arm-scar-revealing wardrobe malfunctions. Cringey doesn’t begin to cover it!
I will be putting some of your videos up here over the next day or so mate, if that’s still okay with you?
Yeah, no problem at all. Anything that helps to expose these charletans. She’s got away with this scam for too long protected by mental health and pseudo trans armour.
In one stream Sarah comments on stringing clips together without context to show her in a bad light. That’s hilarious. If you have a thousand examples of someone hinting at destitution and an inability to earn money to fix that, the context becomes completely irrelevant. The same applies to feeding rats unhealthy junk. I’m not sure how context would excuse that. Maybe they were AI generated too.
LOL if the clips don’t exist then how could they be put together “to show her in a bad light”. She is in a bad light, always. She’s utterly transparent and it’s clearly obvious what she’s doing. She’s a frumpy idiot.
How she treats the rats, though, and how much her small gaggle of incel protectors praise her for being “the best rat dad” is fucking disgusting. Your video on the subject is excellent, mate.
I’ll start uploading the videos today. Well, I say “I”, but we all know I mean “A I”
Cheers, glad you like ’em. I consider these montages my minor cathartic contribution to relieving the pressure in our temples. 😀
I’ve caught up with the stream featuring Sarah’s AI allegation now. Unbelievable that she managed to keep a straight face when trotting out that limp justification for her own incompetence. It’s as if to say “my book is so much more worthy so naturally takes longer to write”. It should really be the other way round given the whole thing is focused on her. Writing about yourself should be the easiest thing in the world if you’re just relaying the truth. It’s an extended version of that stock question you get asked at job interviews; who are you in a nutshell?
Fiction on the other hand is tough because you’re weaving a narrative out of thin air. This demands creativity, talent, an understanding of structure, character development, pacing and all that jazz. Maybe that explains the delay.
She goes on to moan about Unbound failing to post her updates to the site as though that’s the critical issue. This is another head-scratcher. Say they immediately published her periodic excuses, will that miraculously bring the book to fruition? As you say where Peter is concerned, everyone is to blame except her.
I’ve noticed she deflects responsibility to ‘ADHD symptoms’, not ADHD. That suggests to me she’s associating herself with this group in the absence of an official diagnosis. Even some of the pets are ‘ADHD rats’. The other day one was “a bit down”.
Neuro-divergence is another convenient catch-all she’s fond of employing to sidestep criticism without having to substantiate anything. Self-diagnosis will do. Certificate rubber-stamped by Google.
Hmm, this is a tough subject this.
I mean, I wouldn’t say not taking your meds and drinking is the sign of you not being arsed. After all, you may just find your meds come with too many side effects and the alcohol could be a form of self-medicating.
At the same time, there is a limit where you say, that a line has been crossed.
You could refuse to take your meds, but also refuse to speak to a therapist to look at other medication.
You could be an Alcoholic but refuse to admit you are one. Which again is tough one because I’m sure admittance is hard for some folk. Still, there is a line crossed when you drink and drive or harm others. If you know your prone to doing things like that, then give someone your keys.
I guess I can’t write anything in stone until we see this video. But again, with mental health, it’s hard to define if you do something because you are desperate or if you’re doing something because you’re not trying. But there has to be some kind of limit with some of these behaviours.
With regards to mental health, the best thing I can suggest, is to start off with a cup of tea, reflect and ponder on your behaviour, and see if you can work towards doing one thing better then you did before.
If you can do one thing today better then yesterday, you’re moving forward. If you don’t stop, think and observe, then you have nothing to work on and your never going to progress.
mate, she’s basically glorified self harm on streams before. I also know someone who is a psychologist and they’ve said that she’s blatantly not been for treatment, or has paid zero attention. They also speculated that she doesn’t HAVE any meds and her claiming to be “off” them is just another rung on the sympathy ladder. there is NO excuse for how she behaves, she’s giving completely the wrong example to anyone watching. a horrible excuse for a creature.
Self harm is never safe and should never never be encouraged. Please if anyone feels the need to self harm please call the samaritans or your local alternative please
what she did by effectively advocating it is a complete disgrace, mate. anyone who has feelings of self harm or suicidal ideation should contact a mental health professional and/or call a helpline immediately. it’s not a lifestyle choice and there are people that can help.
Unfortunately we all know by now that she will never ever change all the while she has this extremely unhealthy support network around her…the ambulance chasers as you call them, George. The PPP’s, Pity Pound Providers. Why bother when you can just open the floodgates as necessary, make another woe is me post and sit back and watch the cash rolling in?
It’s an absolutely awful way to live your life, and it’s quite clear that she doesn’t actually want to heal or improve her situation, or she would have done it by now. It’s far far easier not to.
I have all the time in the world for people who are genuinely depressed, and I’ve known a few. Pretty much all of them did everything in their power to improve their situation, and their recoveries were admirable. I have zero time for someone like Octavius who skips taking meds and just sponges off others. If you’re not prepared to help yourself then people get bored very quickly.