BARCADIA – Nostalgia Nerd Strikes Back (again)

Nostalgia Nerd hits back at naysayers with the most pathetic excuse on the block, “Trolls did it”. Yes, indeed, folks, trolls control both his wallet and the postal system in Norwich, apparently!?
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Barcadia Ltd confirmation statement overdue.
Past Productions Ltd accounts long overdue, confirmation statement overdue.
Quick Time Events Ltd confirmation statement overdue.
That’s a lot of late filing penalties.
I was at the Norwich Games Festival on Saturday. Everyone in the scene locally was there, except Peter. Even his mates were there, Ashens and the other guy.
I was given a voucher to use at Slice and Dice!
I was also talking to David Pleasance (Commodore) and bought a t-shirt from him. I had ordered a t-shirt over a year ago and it still hasn’t turned up so I thought I would treat myself. Maybe I’ll write Barcadia on the back of it?
Not to be outdone, Barcadia is hosting a craft market today!
NGF didn’t even want to put a poster on Barcadia.
You will find the City Trail posters at these locations:
1. The Shoebox Experiences NR1 3DH (0.2 miles from The Forum)
2. Deichmann – Chantry Place NR1 3SH (0.2 miles from The Forum)
3. Slice + Dice Cafe NR2 4AG (0.2 miles from The Forum)
4. Retro Replay NR1 3DD (0.3 miles from The Forum)
5. Albion Games Café NR2 4PF (0.3 miles from The Forum)
6. Last Level Games NR2 4AR (0.3 miles from The Forum)
7. Norwich University of the Arts NR3 1BA (0.4 miles from The Forum)
I would imagine they probably realise they might well get tarnished by association. Sadly for peepee, the only thing that Barcadia has done is torpedo his media “career” and showcase what a gormless, selfish prat he is to the greater public. Not a good performance, at all. Also, all of his post launch behaviour has shown him to be arrogant, contemptuous and dismissive of anyone and everyone who might actually have some worthwhile wisdom to impart. As usual, he’s an “expert” on everything, just like in his videos where he’s an “expert” at collecting facts from wikipedia, or having a self-harming, lying mong make them for him.
Christ almighty. Will it never end!?
As much as I admired David years ago. His recent ideas have been utter nonsense which seemed to be all about giving him some money and keeping him busy.
Yes, he’s on the scam. It’s pathetic, really. Clearly spunked his pension so he has to make a fool of himself. Sad.
I contacted the paper, I was pissed off with him using the Eastern Daily Press as free advertising. I wanted them to know who they were promoting.
They called me the following day for an interview over the phone. I was pleasantly surprised how concerned they were. They obviously wanted to protect their reputation.
I was actually in Norwich today, guess where I didn’t go!
ah, okay. well, good job on that, mate! it’s a disgraceful and somewhat typical state of affairs where this individual is concerned, sadly.
Good work. Many thanks for the entertainment.
They need to run a few articles of this nature to balance out their previous advertorials.
What an entrepreneur this guy is. Textbook public relations.
It truly is.
“Why haven’t you sent out backer rewards, when the backers paid for said rewards AND the postage costs to facilitate you sending them*”
Is surely the work of trolls, right? Trolls keeping him from his money, stopping him from putting his own books in a mailer and going to the post office. Mobs of trolls EVERYWHERE. Trolls sitting on his chest as he sleeps so he can’t get out of bed etc etc. Fucking nonsense and a PATHETIC attempt at exonerating himself from the mire of his own making.
*Recently I’ve had people mailing out my book in the UK. Nerd’s book is tiny. My book is an A4 hardback that weighs just under 2 kilos. Aside from the massive amount of import customs I paid on the shipment to get it to the UK (Which I paid myself), the books are costing £5.80 to mail out to customers. Someone said, I believe, that they’d paid £5.95 for their postage of the reward including the book. So, ultimately, Peter is talking shit. Again. What a surprise.
Yep. The pledge can have shipping added to it. So there’s no additional cost to the creator other than their time, which clearly is the issue here.
Well, that and the fact that he’s used the money for something else. I mean, Royal Mail DID put their postage costs up on, I believe, the 1st of April (I know this as my bill from the fulfilment house increased over their initial estimate). It’s possible he might have had to stump up maybe 50p more to get the books out to each backer. Oh, the humanity.
I’ve no idea about shipping costs right now. RM can sometimes be cheapest, but then there’s always Evri if you want cheap and slow delivery.
Bear in mind he also has a history of not sending out Patreon backer rewards. It’s how he operates.
At some point this all has to be called out as fraud and the authorities involved.
Wishful thinking, but it’s happened to others…
I received my rewards and have been very happy with the communication. You are not even a backer so your opinion means nothing.
what rewards did you receive, exactly? 25k of other people’s money?
That’s great! Please contact the Eastern Daily Press. They need to run a story about you and the fantastic rewards Peter Leigh has showered you with. Their previous article was obviously fabricated.
That almost makes it worse that he is selectively sending out rewards. I live 30 miles away so a potential regular customer. I have been twice. Not gone again partly because of lack of rewards, but also it’s not very good.
On a cold Sunday in January I don’t want a pint of beer or a cocktail (I usually drive to Norwich anyway), and don’t want to pay £3 for a small glass of cola. A tea or coffee would be nice.
The minimum spend is £5 on tokens. Would only want to play a few games (the wife would get annoyed if I took too long), just like we did in the 80s when you only had 30p.
Thing is, would you drink a tea or coffee with oat milk?
Would you take a teabag from Peter?
Anyway, my point is if you are a coffee or tea connoisseur then you simply wouldn’t go for oak milk or some alternative to your usual brew. You go out and drink somewhere as a treat, just like you go to a fast food place for a treat.
Were you offered the opportunity to collect your rewards whilst at Barcadia, as Peter claims is possible?
I’m assuming he hasn’t even had the bespoke items produced. You’d think photos would have surfaced of these rare, collectable items somewhere by now.
Eventually he offered the opportunity to collect the books from Barcadia as one backer kept politely asking about the rewards. There was no mention of t-shirts or badges, I don’t think they exist.
By this time it felt like begging, I didn’t entertain going there, especially as I had paid for delivery. Why wasn’t collection offered at the time of the donation? I suppose many £5.95s add up to quite a bit.
Ps, apparently my rewards were sent out last week. Guess what?
Any sign yet, mate? One would imagine that, because of the “fuss” you’ve kicked up, that he’d endeavour to get yours to you asap. Then again, that simply shows how much of a transparent, snivelling cunt he is because you basically had to get an article into the local press before he’d action anything. Nothing like bringing hate and irritation into the equation when it comes to dealing with people who’ve been good enough to support you, eh? Fucking unbelievable. Also, I wouldn’t get too excited, his book is beyond bollocks. It contains the threadbare ramblings of a wanker who’s simply showcasing his ability to use wikipedia. Disgusting. Peter can hardly speak, so how he thought he’d be able to write a book is anyone’s guess. Still, doesn’t matter if it’s a load of old shite, eh? He got the money for it. Job done. As it says on some social media platform of his (can’t remember which)
“Retro gaming? Wrote the book on it mate”
Delete yourself.
Email dated 22 May 2024; (just after the paper contacted him).
Hi Mark,
Your reward pack should be going out this week. Apologies for the delay.
He said should be, but isn’t, and didn’t.
Weasel word from a ferret.
It all raises the question (again) of where the backers money went?
It really looks like fraud now. Keep the pressure on.
As per usual, it’s not “fraud” in their minds, it’s “money I’m entitled to because I’m a smarmy cunt and am amazing” etc etc. Pretty sickening, really. The entitlement mixed with a complete and absolute lack of anything being given in return. Pricks.
To call anything from Barcadia “rare” and “collectible” is akin to applying the same terms to what comes out of all of our arses on a daily basis. Preposterous.
They’re rare and collectable for as long as there’s no evidence they exist!
RatNerd could have helped with that, but he’s presumably been too busy running his bar for the few days it’s open.
I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the debacle, but this is EXACTLY how RCL behaved, who were the company who took just shy of a million quid to make a handheld spectrum then produced fuck all. They sent some 3d printed units to a very select group of backers and none of them worked properly. They only did this so that they could claim to Sky tv (who own the Sinclair brand) that they had “done enough” not to get the license taken away.
I’ve completed a forensic investigation. There is no “RatNerd” on the Barcadia A4 printout of shame.
Mark is listed.
Who are we going to believe?
It’s a curious philosophical angle Pete is reaching for here. If a crime is committed and no one notices, is it really a crime? If they do, does the fault lie with the observer for actualising it?
If a tree falls in a jungle on the other side of the world and no one notices it, is nostalgia nerd still a snivelling, self-serving little wanker?
How is this bar even still open, most pubs struggle and they are open almost every hour they are allowed to sell drink. He is open 2/3 days a week its crazy. Its nothing to do with trolls mate, people talking on the internet don’t cause businesses to fold poor management causes businesses to fold. I see he is having nothing todo with the up coming Norwich gaming festival which is strange considering the type of businesses he runs.
Peppercorn/free lease for a year, most likely, and the rest propped up by donations from gullible fools. This is his last bite at the cherry, though, and will not happen again. And, yes, you’re right, people talking on the internet have no real bearing on a business being a success or not. If you do a good job, the internet is just going to look even more silly if it rails against you. However, he’s doing a shit job, but all that the internet (and the local press) are doing is confirming this. The internet can’t make it happen. He’s chosen to have a completely cavalier attitude to the place and its customers, or lack thereof, so the fault is all with him.
The Norwich gaming festival, if they’re smart, will have nothing to do with him. Peter isn’t community minded, he’s just about himself for the most part – and anyone who can potentially shine more light on him. Bolstering another organisations attempts is not something he’d consider, even if it would pay dividends in both the short and long term.
I think he should do what all bad pubs do when they’re on heir way out…
Install a load of punching machines (Sonic Blastman) and encourage the local nutters to come back and do coke in the toilets.
I was wondering if you were going to cover this. Seems PeePee just wanted some free advertising since he’s splashed some cash on a gross wholesale alcohol contract with one of the UKs leading national drinks suppliers. Also Bun eXchange has jumped on the vegan bandwagon after ditching the Butcher Bouy, which certainly wasn’t vegan friendly,to do PeePees Vegan menu. Also the opening hours are 4 days per week again. All these changes but PeePee can’t visit a t-shirt press of which there are 3 within walking distance of Prince of Wales Road as too is a major post office hub literally half a mile from BARCADIA.
Everything he does, just points to the fact that he is, as you say, a grifter.
If you intend on doing something, and you come across a few hiccups along the way, people may end up being pissed off, but a bit of reassurance goes a long way.
Problem is, you can’t reassure someone if you’ve got nothing to reassure them with. That means he really is at rock bottom, he can’t give anyone, anything.
Problem? Follow it up with a solution.
You might not have the answers over what that solution is, but you can at least set a date for when you’re going to discuss any possible solutions. You know, plan a few meetings, brainstorm some ideas, explore those ideas further, then decide to pick the best idea overall.
His problem at the moment, is that he has done the very bare minimum, and I mean the very bare minimum at what is expected.
The place has been cleared out, the machines have been put in, a sign has been put up and some “light” decorations have been scattered about.
The bar still needs decorating, the opening times seem to be “if anyone is free and can be bothered to open up” and I imagine the food arrangements, due to the former, are envisioned alike a kids tea party from the 90’s with a Vegan twist.
So… pop down to Barcadia (if it’s open) check out our Arcade machines (which still need cleaning) and admire our food and drink selection of Kwenchy Kups (using no insect-based colourings) and Fairy Cakes (Soya based).
Enticing? Is it not?
Would you trust Petey to run a stand at a Car Boot sale? He’s end up fucking that somehow.
The thing is, there’s a good chance that this project will end up fucked, and he’ll be calculating his next grift and end up fooling more people.
“You fhuking bahstudd!”
I’m not a PR consultant but I’m going to give the business guru/weasel some tips.
Pete mate, blaming a vague external force like ‘trolls’ makes you look like you are not in control. Also the threat is so vague it’s not really believable.
The postage excuse makes it look like you didn’t cost things up properly. Anything else you didn’t cost up correctly? You are supposed to be running a business. Did you check costs? Did you factor in some contingency?
I would have suggested releasing the following statement to the Norwich Bugle:
“Launching Barcadia has been a huge challenge during this unprecedented economic crisis. We’ve been working flat out to ensure our business is a success and that we can meet the expectations of our customers and backers. As a result some aspects of our crowdfunding rewards have been inadvertently overlooked. We will rectify this as soon as possible and wish to apologise to our backers.
Barcadia is open 11am until 11pm every day and has an extensive range of vegan food and drink as well as a selection of classic arcade games from the last 45 years. We’d be delighted to see you here.”
Not hard is it? But no.
[puts on weasel voice]
“It was trolls”
11am until 11pm every day? “lol” as if!
the thing with “inadvertently overlooked” is that people have been talking about it in the kickstarter comments for months, and elsewhere as stated.
he’s not overlooked it, he’s ignored it. there’s a massive difference. his behaviour is reprehensible.
I wasn’t saying he should put the truth, just some PR bollocks that makes him look more reasonable in the local paper than the actual bollocks he wrote about trolls.
The opening hours was just satire as was as was the fact he had food (which he didn’t the last I heard).
he’s got some burger popup in there in the next few days. pathetic.
Outsourcing the work. Can’t get staff and presumably can’t cook.
How hard could it be to cook up his signature fries drizzled with his own jus de merde?
Impossible, as it’d require effort. Pete doesn’t “do” effort.
You know nothing about Barcadia Marcus so I would appreciate it if you kept your mouth shut. Thank you.
Freedom of speech. What right do you have to silence someone? try taking him to court for libel if you’re so confident of them telling “lies”.
When someone is making up lies just to destroy a business I will stick up for it.
All the lies are coming from the proprietor.
If you want to help the business, counter the claims made here with evidence.
Or continue trolling. It’s all entertainment.
indeed, everyone is welcome, it all adds to the general air of nonsense surrounding your, sorry, SOMEONE’S bar.
You’re doing a pretty good job of it yourself.
I helped with the business by backing £82.
I also offered the services of my then band; 80s Replay – Synth Pop Band. I got no reply.
It was the perfect live band for his venue, we were quite new then so he would of got us for £300, or maybe less because it would of been great advertising for both of us.
He eventually took my advice and got some music acts in, just totally inappropriate ones. Maybe the last band (video game music) was good but too little too late.
PeePee will never reply to anyone unless it’s an offer for money or something that directly, and massively, benefits him WITHOUT him having to do any actual work. That’s his modus operandi. He’s a snivelling little shit. Also, there’s no chance he’d be PAYING for a band, Mark, it’d be YOU who should be paying HIM… “Oh, don’t you know? Pay to play has been a thing for some time now” or words to that effect, spoken like the husk of a BASTARD that he is! He’s an arrogant nitwit and was/is genuinely working from the playbook of “If you build it, they will come”. However, in this case, “building it” seems to amount to creating an empty space with zero atmosphere within which he will try to rip punters off at every opportunity. NOT the sort of place sane people would visit twice, and that’s the death knell for a bar business.
Octavius is NEVER inappropriate – she’s stunning and brave AND she’ll bring in around 5 simps who’ll sit there, dewey eyed, listening to her sub Victoria Wood style “comedy” songs whilst drinking water. Everyone wins. Oh, hang on….
Thank you for the comprehensive rebuttal, RatNerd. We look forward to hearing more from the Barcadia team.
Every crowd funding campaign I’ve backed has a form you fill out once the pledge is about to be shipped. Postage is usually an extra amount added onto the pledge amount. So the postage cost should have been charged.
weirdly enough, I thought this, too, BUT when I did my book the postage was collected by Kickstarter as a part of the pledge. Quite strange, I’m not sure if they’ve changed that or I didn’t tick some box or other, but it’s not the way I’ve usually experienced crowdfunded stuff, either.
No surprise that one of the biggest trolls around Marcus Durham (who hides behind his Chinnyvision name) would pipe up with this. You should look at your own business before you criticise a bar that you know nothing about running and the number of obstacles faced.
No, he just has a channel name. Is your name Nostalgia Nerd? nope. You have a channel name. It’s not hiding, it’s having a brand.
Aren’t you hiding behind a screen name right now?
There’s nothing wrong with that, Craig!
Never said there was, Pete.
So what were these obstacles, RatNerd? Please help us understand.
Publicly, all we see is a self-styled “entrepreneur” who takes money from people in exchange for lies and broken promises. That’s the definition of a scammer, in case you weren’t aware.
We can also now add the doxxing of critics to the list of sins.
Does this all seem eerily familiar?
Good luck with your investment, RatNerd.
An awful lot of people know Marcus from the BBC so its common knowledge and you can search it on Companies House so it’s hardly doxxing is it? This is nothing more than a friendly reminder to Chinnyvision that if he continues to stir the pot with lies that he will face the consequences.
What consequences? Please do elaborate.
I didn’t know his name but I do now you’ve blabbed it out.
Can you tell us what these lies are and prove otherwise? should be pretty easy.
Sounds like a threat there.
Ah yes. Similar logic to claiming it’s okay to publish stolen intellectual property on your website as the property owners haven’t complained.
who’s been doxxed? 😮
Do we know if RatNerd is from Norwich? Or is it Dazz’s American friend again?
he seems to be (perhaps predictably) using a VPN, so who knows 😮
I think the next time I am late into work, I shall use the troll defence as it appears to be universally one of the greatest excuses ever.
Washing not done – Trolls!
Kids late for school – Trolls!
Parcels not being taken to the post office – Trolls!
In summary – TROLLS!
I just sang along in my head to your list of troll excuses there. I genuinely think George could make a trolls song in that style!
Company accounts not done – it was TROLLS TROLLS TROLLS
Gonna blame Bumfun – yes they’re TROLLS TROLLS TROLLS
Gonna swerve sending perks – it was TROLLS TROLLS TROLLS
Bunch of grifting lying shirks – no it’s TROLLS TROLLS TROLLS
Was it ‘trolls’ who caused him to file his accounts over 3 months late? Did they crowd around his computer and stop him filing his return?
When the inevitable happens it will no doubt be ‘trolls’ because he is not capable of accepting responsibility for his own actions. “It’s everyone else’s fault apart from mine”
I wonder where the press got hold of the info on the concern for the accounts not being done? or did they actually do a proper job and investigate themselves?
His confirmation statement is due tomorrow and with that being sunday followed by a bank holiday he’s gonna be late filing that too.
I would imagine a disgruntled kickstarter backer probably put them onto it. Probably the same guy they interviewed who’s annoyed about not getting his book.
Accounts were filed earlier but Companies House delayed the listing Mr Durham. Once again I ask you to stop posting about things you know nothing about. Look at your own subscribers to your Chinnyvision channel compared to Nostalgia Nerd’s before you dare talk about failures.
Are you old enough to be on the internet RatNerdDaz? You seem a little
Yes thank you, and you don’t know the high level of trolling that took place since before Barcadia even opened. While the pledges were flowing in there was a large group of trolls trying to push all the positive comments of the page with irrelevant postings about tokens and opening times. This really hurt the campaign no end.
How would you know? Oh, right…
If by “high level trolling” you mean ‘backers had lots of legitimate questions” then yes, not being able to answer them didn’t help the campaign.
Personally, I think opening times are pretty important for a pub. And I also think knowing how to play the arcade machines in an arcade-themed-pub is important.
I think you’re the troll here.
The accounts that were due in Feb 2024 were for the period up to May 2023. You had 9 months to file them.
That’s not how it works, RatNerd. Maybe you should consider taking a business course?
YouTube subscriber counts have no relevance in this discussion.You’re just trolling. That’s a little hypocritical.
Funny how popularity comes into play when it suits them. More people eat McDonalds globally than are vegan, so that means McDonalds is best right? nope.
“Confirmation statement overdue”
Trolls at it again.
disgusting, mate. they even work at companies house 🙁 when will they stop bullying this poor, vegan prick :'(
How could someone possibly know that when they filed a confirmation statement in May 2023 that the same thing would happen again in May 2024. More notice needed obviously.
If you had ever created something from scratch yourself you would know there are a million things to do and not enough time in the day. Barcadia overcame everything and opened despite a team of trolls out to destroy the business.
lol “a team of trolls”. Get over yourself, you twit!
What like fit a kitchen, bathroom to my house. Compose music and create music videos. Currently converting a van into a campervan. I create all the time.
Didn’t Barcadia only meet its “all-or-nothing” Kickstarter goal thanks to a highly dubious “bespoke” donation at the 11th hour?
A kickstarter which wasn’t needed as the place was going to open regardless.
There were one or two exceptions, but the majority of the “trolls” were questioning the business plan before investing. That’s how things work in the real world. An experienced entrepreneur should know this.
Peter could have answered simple questions about the cost of tokens and opening hours. Instead he became dismissive and hostile, sowing the seeds for the criticism he has faced since.
Go team!
Not to mention people wanted to know if Pete was in a relationship with Sam. A perfectly valid question in the scope of asking for investment money. As it turns out we had good reason to question that relationship as it clearly soured and the removal of food from the menu may affect profitability (way more margin on food than drink).
Of course.
it’s always the same with these folks. The thing is, if the prices were reasonable then they’d be screaming them from the rooftops. Let’s face it, at the price they’re charging for drinks, the machines SHOULD be freeplay. That would, perhaps, encourage people to stick around. Personally, I really don’t like to feel like I’m being fleeced at every turn and, yes, they DO have full size arcade machines and there’s something to be said for that experience BUT it’s not a proper arcade (no planet and lightning bolt carpet, for example) and the place is clearly aimed at geeks and gimps. Those people know full well, in 99% of cases, that all of these games can be played at home via emulation. So, realistically, he’s trying to overcharge people for drinks AND to play the machines, so he didn’t want to shout about this until people were basically shanghai’d into paying through the nose after choosing to visit. The problem here is that, in most cases, people are only going to visit once as a result – because no one likes to feel they’ve been ripped off. To get in customers, Barcadia should have been competitively priced and, as stated, had all the machines on freeplay for drinking customers. Buying a drink grants access to machines, simple as that, or you get, say, 20 tokens with 1 drink (which means a lot of games and also that stragglers can’t wander in and just start playing.
It’s not rocket science, but Peter clearly thinks it’s ok (and that it’s even possible) to charge, charge and charge again for everything in the place. When there’s a free play arcade (pay entry fee then all games are free play) around the corner that has a much larger selection of machines and a gaming cafe nearby that (as far as I know) charges by the hour, and is priced very reasonably for both game time and food, he’s in trouble.
One drink at Barcadia would pay for a Revival ticket and there’s 20 or more arcades and pinball machines there, plus you get to meet and hear talks from industry legends.
Ahhh and there we have it, he’s played the old “trolls” card. The stock phrase that gets wheeled out by these liars and grifters every time they’re challenged about their responsibilities and obligations. How very RCL’esque. Utterly pathetic.
Trolls aka the public quite rightly holding these liars and con merchants to account for their unacceptable conduct. It’s never their fault is it?! The old Shaggy brigade – “It wasn’t me”
I’d genuinely love to know how the trolls prevented him from getting the perks sent out to the backers who were owed them? You have to love the narrative shaping in these sort or articles. Maybe the local post office was overrun by actual gremlin like trolls holding everyone hostage with mini flick knives, to the point where he was physically attacked trying to get through the door to post all the backers packages. I mean it must have been something like that, surely?
I believe there are quite a few bridges in Norwich, and perhaps olde Petey has to cross one or two of them to get to the Post Office, hence having to contend with bridge trolls.
To be fair, in my home town post office there used to be a lady with a moustache. But the glass was bullet proof so I’m not sure she could get at me.
You should be thankful a dump like Romsey has a post office at all.
Yknow, but we all see your feeble attempt at intimidation with your “I know your name, I know where you live” comments to Chinny. Such a strange, weird, and dare I say creepy thing to do, just because someone is criticising how a business is being run.
Yep. Nobody would ever say running a pub or bar is easy work. But they’ve chosen to do it. It beats working in a foundry or climbing under machines all day.
Countless other pubs can operate without the setbacks that beset Barcadia. And if they do have issues, they don’t blame them on a perceived “team of trolls”. Besides, I can’t understand how mean comments on a website can stop a pub landlord from doing his job, or filing his financial reports.
True. I guess we’re distracting them from doing their work by writing stuff about them on here.
I don’t know what the full merchandise “perks” are but let’s just say one of them is a t-shirt.
What are the steps to produce such a thing?
Create a graphic, slap onto a t-shirt, send it out.
3 simple steps, can be done on a variety of budgets and efforts if he likes too.
Getting someone to create a Graphic should not be hard. You can do it yourself, you can find friends to do it for free, you can use friggin AI to do it for you.
Next you need to get the t-shirts and do the printing.
Everyone has heard of Spreadshirt, that’s an easy option, get it set up and send people their merch.
If not, you have printing businesses out there, you could buy the Fruit of the Loom tee’s yourself or the printing business can likely have the option.
The cheapest option with the most work, is to buy the t shirts and transfers yourself.
As these people have already paid for this merchandise, it should not matter what the costs are. If it ends up costing him £25 per person to get a t-shirt made and posted then so be it.
In the spirit of his minimum to low effort, I would expect him to get a few George at Asda tees and to get a felt tip.
Wonder when those Digitiser t-shirts will be sent out as well. The DVD option murkies the water there.
I would doubt it. Besides, even if they ARE at this point it’s just like Octavius and her book. The piss taking and lying has gone on for too long. The damage is done.
You have forgotten the large scale involved. It’s not one T-shirt but boxes and boxes of them, plus storage and there are only so many hours in a day for a small team like Barcadia. I received my merch already and it’s fantastic.
What reality do you live in, RatNerd?
There were 73 backers at the “Merch Pack” tier. Even with Peter’s team of zero, a year is more than enough. Particularly for a man of his astounding abilities.
Even Joe from the Retro Hour managed to ship all their books. Okay they arrived wrapped in tissue paper with no padding in the box, but they did arrive.
pics or it didn’t happen, tbh.