Yep, Barcadia and Past Productions, whatever that is. He’s got one called Quicktime Events as well but that’s not due until the end of the month. At least one of those two must be for his Youtube activities?
He’ll be fined for late filing. It’s a criminal offence not to file.
“Not filing your confirmation statements, annual returns or accounts is a criminal offence – and directors or LLP designated members could be personally fined in the criminal courts.
Failing to pay your late filing penalty can result in enforcement proceedings. Any criminal proceedings for not filing confirmation statements, annual returns or accounts is separate from (and in addition to) any late filing penalties issued by Companies House against the company.
There’s no penalty for filing your confirmation statements or annual returns late – but the registrar could take steps to strike off your company.”
A set of micro company accounts shows very little I’m afraid. Just very basic figures. You won’t learn much more than what the assets are worth, money due and how much cash is at the bank. And worse it’ll be figures from over half a year ago. So I’m not sure it’s reluctance at play here.
With the change in the company structure there could be other factors at play. The ex-director may have been doing some of the paperwork for example. Perhaps it’s all a mess? If the split was acrimonious, is access to paperwork a problem? We’ll never know.
All we know is the fines are racking up and in a few days time that’s a serious wedge due.
I would imagine so, HMRC are pretty hot on things and it’s a law being broken.
Pete has 7 days to send his confirmation statement or the proceedings to dissolve the company will start. His old loan company was dissolved too, seems he has a habit of being useless in business.
We can now be pretty certain the fine will be £750 as usually Companies House are pretty quick to update when accounts have been filed (a few hours) and it’s still showing as overdue after 7 days past the 3 month mark.
They ain’t taking anyones shit about late filing either. They specifically say they will not accept ” It was your accountant’s (or anybody else’s) fault”. So whining that it was someone else’s fault ain’t gonna fly. He has to stump up £750. There’s no getting off it either. Companies House returns millions in fines to the exchequer each year.
Is there any way to tell if it’s been actioned? will the company be openly marked for striking off? (I don’t know much about the ins and outs of this stuff)
Not really as if he’d had any sense he’d have read the thread and filed it before the 13th of May when the fine when up. Unless Companies House are slow at updating (which I’m told by an accountant they aren’t).
Looks like it. A few days earlier and he’d have escaped the £750 fine. Sadly the figures are now a full year out of date. £9328 cash in hand. At that stage (a year ago) it looks like a business propped up with crowdfunding money as a cash reserve rather than using the crowdfunding money to kit out the business. Peter’s financial cushion.
Yes, she’s doing it but it’s not onlyfans it’s some other kind of paid content platform. I can’t remember what it’s called but she’s started it up. Hopefully she just fucks off there to get praise for being a fat mess from other fat messes and we don’t hear a single peep from her ever again. Wishful thinking, I’d imagine, as I’d think her twitch will now become basically one long advert for her other “service”. She’s a horrid oaf!
Having read the code of conduct for performers I am certain this is going to be an utter shit show on her part. There’s no way she possesses the integrity or indeed the enthusiasm to participate in this to the extent required of her.
She’ll be thrown out on her arse.
exactly, mate, I agree on this, too. It’s just going to give her more to whine about. “Oh, what a brave boy you are, you really tried, but they clearly are beneath you and don’t respect all that you’ve been through. Not like us, your true fans (findoms). Here, have £100 to remain in this closed loop of fake misery”
This is starting to resemble a slow motion car wreck. Way too many people just pandering to him/her/whatever without any concern for the likely repercussions.
Almost like they care more about the money than the person but that can’t be true now can it…….
sadly it’s a goal shared by a lot of young people these days, although this middle aged wreck doesn’t qualify as young – even if she’s still acting like a petulant, spoilt child who thinks she’s the centre of the universe. What a lump!
Oof, you’ve reminded me of that time Nostalgia Nerd promoted a crypto company in one of his videos. Of course crypto would be right up his street, anything with the vague promise of get-rich-quick without any effort is completely “on brand” for his vapid channel.
Yep he began in the world of get rich quick schemes and other such corporate skullduggery. His YouTube channel only has the subscriber base it has because he got lucky with that time capsule video. It’s obvious that after that he turned his hand to “nerd” content to milk it.
he seems as nasty and mean spirited as octavius in the few videos i’ve seen them in together, sniping at each other like an old married couple when it was illegal to get a divorce so they just pecked at each other until one of them gave up and died
Of course, mate. It’s like leaving a McDonalds burger out for 6 months. There’s still an absolutely lovely, edible burger there BUT it’s also got the smallest spots of mould growing around it. The Free Fringe is mould and it seems to have been entirely coopted by the loony left, if rumours are to be believed. No surprises there, as this is Scotland we’re talking about. It’s strange that, in a few short years, they’ve gone from wolfing down the world’s supply of heroin whilst stabbing everyone in sight to falling over themselves to broadcast how “accepting” they are whilst simultaneously trying to put J.K.Rowling in prison. Bizarre.
That’s not entirely fair. Isn’t entirely unfair either, mind. There’s some good stuff there, though – you just have to be able to tell the difference between the acts who have chosen not to spend thousands of pounds on a loss-making venue and the acts who would never get an offer to spend thousands of pounds on a loss-making venue.
well that’s the thing, isn’t it. the whole notion that everyone can take part when it comes to creativity these days is not a good thing. It just means that things that are actually decent can be buried under the noise created by the likes of Octavius. Platforming garbage is of no benefit to anyone.
But you’ve benefitted enormously from that same ethos, surely? I think you’re a great creator, and I think Octavius is a lousy creator, but you both flourished on YouTube (until they kicked you off because they’re BASTARDS), and you both crowdfunded books (except you actually finished yours). I hear what you’re saying, but in principle it’s still important for anyone to at least have a chance at getting out there.
Sure – I was putting in a word of defence for the “anyone can take part” notion when it comes to creativity. Because YouTube (and other streaming platforms) is, or at least was, the purest form of that freedom. Anyone with a recording device and an internet connection can create and upload something.
And a LOT of those somethings are utter shite. But, with YouTube, with the Free Fringe, I see the shite as a necessary evil, because the same system that gives shite a platform also gives talented unknowns their break, and allows them to develop their act, to get seen, and to try and find an audience.
A fool and his money are easily parted and this world is full of fools, there’s not much you can do about easily manipulated simps, it’s their money and they can do what they want with it.
Sure that money could be better spent on someone more deserving, such is the price of living in a free society I guess, still kinda sucks though but it has always been thus.
This is true, but the point I was making (albeit with a bit too much generalisation) is that Octavius is bigging herself up as a Fringe performer when she’s actually performing at the Free Fringe.
It’s kinda like a footballer trying to pick up girls by saying he plays for a premier league team when he actually plays for the local 5-a-side squad.
you need to have something that someone wants in the creative world, though. people like george because he’s funny and insightful and talented and works hard to bring us things we enjoy and would (and do) pay for. words that could not be used to describe octavius
Aren’t you missing a major difference? George crowdfunded an existing book to get it into a limited run production. Sarah collected 25 grand or whatever 3-4 years ago for something that doesn’t exist. George added additional content and a game while his production funds were being raised, while Sarah has said she’s going to significantly reduce the size of whatever was advertised.
I’m slow and shit, from a dev background, and it takes me roughly one year to create a novel of around 110k words. Most of that time seems to be rewrite/edit/review/edit/edit… swear… edit…
Now George is saying he’s going to lose money as he spazzed up his maths, but he’ll still deliver despite being out of pocket. Sarah has probably long since spent her book money, so one wonders where the funds will come from should she ever get a manuscript ready to go to print, ship etc. Sarah wanted to get paid to write something, took the money, and hasn’t delivered. For someone that claims to be a writer, that’s pretty shocking. It has the Vega+ smell all over it.
No, I didn’t miss that point at all. I’m not saying for a second that George and Octavius are the same. I’m saying the open system that helped Octavius find an audience (yes, an audience of simps) is the same open system that helped George find an audience. If you close the system, it restricts the Octaviuses but it also restricts the Georges.
Women gain followings on socials a lot quicker than men do. Particularly if they look appealing and there’s the suggestion that they might be available.
B16 T1T5 is a registration I’d love to get, if I were to ever be able to drive (which I can’t) and if I ever owned a car (which I wouldn’t, as I can’t drive) and had money (which I never do).
well mate they already closed that system on me, so I’m not sure the point stands. YouTube is a case of “you’re free to say whatever you want, as long as we agree with it”. That was, dissent is quashed and, on many fronts, reasoned discussion and righteous pile-ons are removed/banned. YouTube is becoming a ring-fenced, essentially toxic environment. It’s bizarre. If you toe the line, you’re fine. If not, you’re out on your ear!
Fair enough, B. I misunderstood your point. Sorry.
11 months ago
At first I was angry when I saw she’d been accepted for the Free Fringe, but having seen your video – and in particular those wonderful guidelines – I’m glad she’s going to be there. It is just the reality check she needs. Of course I’m sure she’ll manage to spin it into some tale of woe for more simp-dollars (“I was ejected from the Free Fringe because they couldn’t handle my act. And I’m scared” etc.) but it could well put the kibosh on any further attempts to brand herself as a singer-songwriter.
The level of delusion Sarah has is akin to those people we see during the first few weeks of X-Factor or Pop Idol or whatever. The ‘sideshows’ that exist in their own world surrounded by constant reinforcement and ultimately end up getting absolutely destroyed by the judges.
Did you use another video host for this one, George? The video struggles to play, constantly buffers, and isn’t really watchable at the moment I’m afraid. Watching from the US (if that matters)
no mate maybe the CDN is playing up in the USA. Not had any other complaints from Americans (or anyone else), though, so perhaps it’s a problem with the routing from your ISP? A friend in New Zealand watched it fine. Hopefully it’s sorted itself out now, but it’s the same host as always.
Lol, at least then she’d be successul, albeit in abject failure. I’m sure Tommy Wiseau has a decent bank balance since the room. Or, rather, an even more decent one as his jeans/clothing enterprise prior to making the film was already profitable to the tune of millions for him. He’s not a stupid man. I suppose maybe that’s where he and Octavius differ, though. He’s smart and is prepared to work. She’s thick as pigshit and thinks managing to make yourself a cup of tea is tantamount to a day of hard graft!
Hence the joke that he filmed a roof top scene using a set and green screen when he actually had a real roof top he owned to use. “We do it like Hollywood does it” he said.
11 months ago
The thing that really makes me want to vomit up my own internal organs when I see people like this is that seem to feel like they are entitled to other people’s money despite having no discernable talent, having contributed nothing to the world and just being generally useless parasites.
In the past I have had people offering to throw money at me for things that I have created, but I have always turned them down. Not because I’m well off or anything, quite the reverse infact, but because it felt sorta wrong to take money for something that I created for my own enjoyment. I’m not sure if this makes sense but it kind of felt like I would be selling my soul, I guess that wouldn’t really affect someone like Octy though as it doesn’t seem like she has one ( a soul that is).
I guess I could quite easily jump aboard the pity train if I felt so inclined,but I like to think I still have a little bit of self respect left.
she just has zero clue about how music and art works, and the notion she has that people do it for money is fucking laughable. You’d get more money in even the most basic of jobs, in 99.99999999999% of cases.
I think the fact that many of the greatest artists in history died in abject poverty without receiving the recognition they rightly deserved says it all really,Vincent Van Gogh for instance .
Did I really just mention Van Gogh in a post about a youtube grifter ? I feel dirty now…
True artists don’t create for financial gain they do it because that is what they are driven to do.
Especially these days with Spotify which has made things worse not better for music artists. I remember Gary Numan saying his earnings for one year from Spotify was something really low, might have been less than £1.
You’re better off sticking up a bandcamp page.
Last edited 11 months ago by Bert
11 months ago
Here’s the thing though – Octavius could have had a central venue. Easily. I know plenty of comics whose debut shows were in prime locations. And Octy demonstrably has more of a following than any of them did at the time. So what’s the difference? Easy: They got off their arses and got their applications in on time. She’s trying to get a venue after the free fringes (There are two organisations, I’m not sure which one she’s actually with) have already given out most of their allocation. Of course she’s doing a venue in the arse-end of nowhere as a result. Still, it’ll mean she has her excuse ready to go when no fucker shows up and most of the gigs don’t happen.
“And Octy demonstrably has more of a following than any of them did at the time.” not sure if a dozen middle aged men really can be called a following.
She’s got numbers on her platforms – the fact most of them don’t watch or engage any more is irrelevant when filling in an application for something like this. If you can tell them you’ve got 42k YouTube subscribers, 15k Twitter followers, 7k Twitch followers, you’re automatically a more enticing prospect than someone who’s been playing open mic gigs to 12 people twice a week for six months.
No, I agree with you, Eartoot, most of her audience have fucked off in terms of actually engaging with her content, but that isn’t the point – like I said above, the actual numbers watching her are irrelevant when you’re filling in that form. She can point to the thousands who haven’t bothered to click Unsubscribe as “proof” that she has an audience. That’s almost certainly why they’re accepting her late at all. The Free Fringes are always desperate for “established names” to play them, because that then translates to more visibility/credibility for free shows and more footfall.
i heard it’s actually a nice enough place she’s doing the gig in and apparently only 10-15 minutes walk from the main areas where the bigger shows are taking place. Apparently Edinburgh is really quite a small place, so she’s positioned quite well. I thought it’d be some hellhole old mans pub way on the outskirts, but it’s nothing like that.
Yes and no. In theory, where she is isn’t that far away. But the reality of the Fringe is that 90% of the venues are packed into a relatively small area, and so punters view anything outside of that area – and Octy is outside of that area – as an inconvenience, and are a lot less likely to take a chance on an act they don’t already know there. In Fringe terms, she might as well be in Leith.
Two of Pete’s businesses have accounts overdue now. Is he hoping to go bankrupt or something?
Which ones? I take it the Barcadia business will be one of them?
Yep, Barcadia and Past Productions, whatever that is. He’s got one called Quicktime Events as well but that’s not due until the end of the month. At least one of those two must be for his Youtube activities?
the bank of mummy and daddy will always be there to bail his sorry behind out!
He’ll be fined for late filing. It’s a criminal offence not to file.
“Not filing your confirmation statements, annual returns or accounts is a criminal offence – and directors or LLP designated members could be personally fined in the criminal courts.
Failing to pay your late filing penalty can result in enforcement proceedings. Any criminal proceedings for not filing confirmation statements, annual returns or accounts is separate from (and in addition to) any late filing penalties issued by Companies House against the company.
There’s no penalty for filing your confirmation statements or annual returns late – but the registrar could take steps to strike off your company.”
The fines rise the later you are. Late up to one month is £150 rising to £375 for up to 3 months.
But in a few days he hits 3 months and the fine rises to £750.
Nobody wants to shell out £375 if they don’t have to let alone £750.
I’d be more impressed if they strike off the company.
I can’t work out if he’s incompetent or reluctant to file the accounts as we’ll see what happened to the crowdfund cash.
A set of micro company accounts shows very little I’m afraid. Just very basic figures. You won’t learn much more than what the assets are worth, money due and how much cash is at the bank. And worse it’ll be figures from over half a year ago. So I’m not sure it’s reluctance at play here.
With the change in the company structure there could be other factors at play. The ex-director may have been doing some of the paperwork for example. Perhaps it’s all a mess? If the split was acrimonious, is access to paperwork a problem? We’ll never know.
All we know is the fines are racking up and in a few days time that’s a serious wedge due.
It does kinda show that he’s not adept at running a business. Surely he’s used to filing tax returns from his self-employment from doing Youtube?
do they actually enforce these fines?
I would imagine so, HMRC are pretty hot on things and it’s a law being broken.
Pete has 7 days to send his confirmation statement or the proceedings to dissolve the company will start. His old loan company was dissolved too, seems he has a habit of being useless in business.
good stuff. well, when they do come knocking he can blame them, can’t he.
We can now be pretty certain the fine will be £750 as usually Companies House are pretty quick to update when accounts have been filed (a few hours) and it’s still showing as overdue after 7 days past the 3 month mark.
They ain’t taking anyones shit about late filing either. They specifically say they will not accept ” It was your accountant’s (or anybody else’s) fault”. So whining that it was someone else’s fault ain’t gonna fly. He has to stump up £750. There’s no getting off it either. Companies House returns millions in fines to the exchequer each year.
It’s just further proof he’s a man child and has had mummy and daddy to sort out his problems in the past.
indeed. maybe the bank of mum and dad will cover this, too?
Lets face it, he doesn’t have any more rare donated machines to sell off.
Is there any way to tell if it’s been actioned? will the company be openly marked for striking off? (I don’t know much about the ins and outs of this stuff)
It’ll appear in the company filing history. This was his loans company that was dissolved.
Is this them now filed?
lists as filed today (22nd May) so presumably so?
A lease payment of £27,920 due within a year, ouch. Can’t see that happening.
Since those accounts closed the 31st of May 2023, he’s either now paid that off or its overdue.
£27,920 is pretty close to what he raised via crowdfunding hmmm
Oh wow. Knowing the ferret he probably read this thread and realised. That said, there’s no downvotes, perhaps he was grateful for the reminder?
Anyway, is there any juicy info in the accounts?
Not really as if he’d had any sense he’d have read the thread and filed it before the 13th of May when the fine when up. Unless Companies House are slow at updating (which I’m told by an accountant they aren’t).
I know someone who is qualified in such matters is currently looking at it and deciding if he’s going to do an explainer.
Looks like it. A few days earlier and he’d have escaped the £750 fine. Sadly the figures are now a full year out of date. £9328 cash in hand. At that stage (a year ago) it looks like a business propped up with crowdfunding money as a cash reserve rather than using the crowdfunding money to kit out the business. Peter’s financial cushion.
Mr Chinnyvision himself Marcus Durham knows from experience!
You would know wouldn’t you Marcus? The Media2u accounts show just as much so be careful when you are throwing stones.
Anyone else notice the fact she mentions onlyfans recently? Money from saps must be starting to slowdown.
I think half of the people who signed up would be there just out of morbid curiosity.
ambulance chasers, mate, as always. ambulance chasers and incels.
Yes, she’s doing it but it’s not onlyfans it’s some other kind of paid content platform. I can’t remember what it’s called but she’s started it up. Hopefully she just fucks off there to get praise for being a fat mess from other fat messes and we don’t hear a single peep from her ever again. Wishful thinking, I’d imagine, as I’d think her twitch will now become basically one long advert for her other “service”. She’s a horrid oaf!
She probably thinks it’s called the Free Whinge.
she looks like if uncle fester raided wednesday addams’ wardrobe
Olly told me about this observation, and I do have to concur. It’s very apt and quite chilling when you think about it!
i’m very much the barry cryer for olly, mate 😉
Having read the code of conduct for performers I am certain this is going to be an utter shit show on her part. There’s no way she possesses the integrity or indeed the enthusiasm to participate in this to the extent required of her.
She’ll be thrown out on her arse.
It’ll inspire more “woe is me” content though. “They expected me to do xyz”, even though the rules stated that.
Ugh, you’re probably right.
exactly, mate, I agree on this, too. It’s just going to give her more to whine about. “Oh, what a brave boy you are, you really tried, but they clearly are beneath you and don’t respect all that you’ve been through. Not like us, your true fans (findoms). Here, have £100 to remain in this closed loop of fake misery”
This is starting to resemble a slow motion car wreck. Way too many people just pandering to him/her/whatever without any concern for the likely repercussions.
Almost like they care more about the money than the person but that can’t be true now can it…….
Aspiring to contribute fuck all to society and the human race is a pretty brave life goal.
You go girl!
sadly it’s a goal shared by a lot of young people these days, although this middle aged wreck doesn’t qualify as young – even if she’s still acting like a petulant, spoilt child who thinks she’s the centre of the universe. What a lump!
Yep, many seem to want to become youtube influencers or crypto bros.
Oof, you’ve reminded me of that time Nostalgia Nerd promoted a crypto company in one of his videos. Of course crypto would be right up his street, anything with the vague promise of get-rich-quick without any effort is completely “on brand” for his vapid channel.
He was a search engine optimiser person and also some sort of pay day loans thing too?
Yep he began in the world of get rich quick schemes and other such corporate skullduggery. His YouTube channel only has the subscriber base it has because he got lucky with that time capsule video. It’s obvious that after that he turned his hand to “nerd” content to milk it.
i need a deep dive into the murky waters of the were-ferret, i didn’t know any of this
he’s absolutely abysmal. a real specimen!
he seems as nasty and mean spirited as octavius in the few videos i’ve seen them in together, sniping at each other like an old married couple when it was illegal to get a divorce so they just pecked at each other until one of them gave up and died
The Free Fringe is the TEDx of the Edinburgh Fringe. Full of all the shite that isn’t good enough to be part of the main event.
Of course, mate. It’s like leaving a McDonalds burger out for 6 months. There’s still an absolutely lovely, edible burger there BUT it’s also got the smallest spots of mould growing around it. The Free Fringe is mould and it seems to have been entirely coopted by the loony left, if rumours are to be believed. No surprises there, as this is Scotland we’re talking about. It’s strange that, in a few short years, they’ve gone from wolfing down the world’s supply of heroin whilst stabbing everyone in sight to falling over themselves to broadcast how “accepting” they are whilst simultaneously trying to put J.K.Rowling in prison. Bizarre.
Wales is much the same. The whole devolution thing was a waste of time and money. Both places are in a worse state than before devolution.
That’s not entirely fair. Isn’t entirely unfair either, mind. There’s some good stuff there, though – you just have to be able to tell the difference between the acts who have chosen not to spend thousands of pounds on a loss-making venue and the acts who would never get an offer to spend thousands of pounds on a loss-making venue.
well that’s the thing, isn’t it. the whole notion that everyone can take part when it comes to creativity these days is not a good thing. It just means that things that are actually decent can be buried under the noise created by the likes of Octavius. Platforming garbage is of no benefit to anyone.
But you’ve benefitted enormously from that same ethos, surely? I think you’re a great creator, and I think Octavius is a lousy creator, but you both flourished on YouTube (until they kicked you off because they’re BASTARDS), and you both crowdfunded books (except you actually finished yours). I hear what you’re saying, but in principle it’s still important for anyone to at least have a chance at getting out there.
I’m not sure what you mean, mate, can you elucidate?
Sure – I was putting in a word of defence for the “anyone can take part” notion when it comes to creativity. Because YouTube (and other streaming platforms) is, or at least was, the purest form of that freedom. Anyone with a recording device and an internet connection can create and upload something.
And a LOT of those somethings are utter shite. But, with YouTube, with the Free Fringe, I see the shite as a necessary evil, because the same system that gives shite a platform also gives talented unknowns their break, and allows them to develop their act, to get seen, and to try and find an audience.
A fool and his money are easily parted and this world is full of fools, there’s not much you can do about easily manipulated simps, it’s their money and they can do what they want with it.
Sure that money could be better spent on someone more deserving, such is the price of living in a free society I guess, still kinda sucks though but it has always been thus.
This is true, but the point I was making (albeit with a bit too much generalisation) is that Octavius is bigging herself up as a Fringe performer when she’s actually performing at the Free Fringe.
It’s kinda like a footballer trying to pick up girls by saying he plays for a premier league team when he actually plays for the local 5-a-side squad.
you need to have something that someone wants in the creative world, though. people like george because he’s funny and insightful and talented and works hard to bring us things we enjoy and would (and do) pay for. words that could not be used to describe octavius
Aren’t you missing a major difference? George crowdfunded an existing book to get it into a limited run production. Sarah collected 25 grand or whatever 3-4 years ago for something that doesn’t exist. George added additional content and a game while his production funds were being raised, while Sarah has said she’s going to significantly reduce the size of whatever was advertised.
I’m slow and shit, from a dev background, and it takes me roughly one year to create a novel of around 110k words. Most of that time seems to be rewrite/edit/review/edit/edit… swear… edit…
Now George is saying he’s going to lose money as he spazzed up his maths, but he’ll still deliver despite being out of pocket. Sarah has probably long since spent her book money, so one wonders where the funds will come from should she ever get a manuscript ready to go to print, ship etc. Sarah wanted to get paid to write something, took the money, and hasn’t delivered. For someone that claims to be a writer, that’s pretty shocking. It has the Vega+ smell all over it.
No, I didn’t miss that point at all. I’m not saying for a second that George and Octavius are the same. I’m saying the open system that helped Octavius find an audience (yes, an audience of simps) is the same open system that helped George find an audience. If you close the system, it restricts the Octaviuses but it also restricts the Georges.
Women gain followings on socials a lot quicker than men do. Particularly if they look appealing and there’s the suggestion that they might be available.
100% agreed mate.
Big jugs also help.
big jugs a history of pottery in the 19th century?
love you for that bottom reference. i miss rik mayall all the time
B16 T1T5 is a registration I’d love to get, if I were to ever be able to drive (which I can’t) and if I ever owned a car (which I wouldn’t, as I can’t drive) and had money (which I never do).
There was a bloke in my town who had plates with B00B on them. Even put the screws for the plates in the middle of the zeros.
well mate they already closed that system on me, so I’m not sure the point stands. YouTube is a case of “you’re free to say whatever you want, as long as we agree with it”. That was, dissent is quashed and, on many fronts, reasoned discussion and righteous pile-ons are removed/banned. YouTube is becoming a ring-fenced, essentially toxic environment. It’s bizarre. If you toe the line, you’re fine. If not, you’re out on your ear!
Fair enough, B. I misunderstood your point. Sorry.
At first I was angry when I saw she’d been accepted for the Free Fringe, but having seen your video – and in particular those wonderful guidelines – I’m glad she’s going to be there. It is just the reality check she needs. Of course I’m sure she’ll manage to spin it into some tale of woe for more simp-dollars (“I was ejected from the Free Fringe because they couldn’t handle my act. And I’m scared” etc.) but it could well put the kibosh on any further attempts to brand herself as a singer-songwriter.
It could indeed be, er, “interesting”, I suppose. Some people I know have already said they might go down to have a look, so let’s see.
I love those brilliant ‘to the point’ Fringe entry guidelines. Hopefully that helps to weed out the posers such as Sarah.
It should do; their overall ethos is “no room for leeches” which she is.
The level of delusion Sarah has is akin to those people we see during the first few weeks of X-Factor or Pop Idol or whatever. The ‘sideshows’ that exist in their own world surrounded by constant reinforcement and ultimately end up getting absolutely destroyed by the judges.
As parodied in this film 🙂
Did you use another video host for this one, George? The video struggles to play, constantly buffers, and isn’t really watchable at the moment I’m afraid. Watching from the US (if that matters)
no mate maybe the CDN is playing up in the USA. Not had any other complaints from Americans (or anyone else), though, so perhaps it’s a problem with the routing from your ISP? A friend in New Zealand watched it fine. Hopefully it’s sorted itself out now, but it’s the same host as always.
It’s working good now mate. Probably just an influx of traffic on the server or something. Cheers!
This might be THE show of the Fringe, but for completely the wrong reasons.
If there was any opportunity, I would love to see it, just to see how bad it turns out.
Yes mate, a friend of mine says he might go and film it so let’s see!
It could become the musical equivalent of The Room. “Oh Hi Louis”
Lol, at least then she’d be successul, albeit in abject failure. I’m sure Tommy Wiseau has a decent bank balance since the room. Or, rather, an even more decent one as his jeans/clothing enterprise prior to making the film was already profitable to the tune of millions for him. He’s not a stupid man. I suppose maybe that’s where he and Octavius differ, though. He’s smart and is prepared to work. She’s thick as pigshit and thinks managing to make yourself a cup of tea is tantamount to a day of hard graft!
Yep, he was loaded. I think he bought lots of property in SF and property prices have gone crazy in that place due to Google etc being based there.
yes, that’s true, greg sestero has said that tommy also owned loads of property. he really grafted hard!
Hence the joke that he filmed a roof top scene using a set and green screen when he actually had a real roof top he owned to use. “We do it like Hollywood does it” he said.
The thing that really makes me want to vomit up my own internal organs when I see people like this is that seem to feel like they are entitled to other people’s money despite having no discernable talent, having contributed nothing to the world and just being generally useless parasites.
In the past I have had people offering to throw money at me for things that I have created, but I have always turned them down. Not because I’m well off or anything, quite the reverse infact, but because it felt sorta wrong to take money for something that I created for my own enjoyment. I’m not sure if this makes sense but it kind of felt like I would be selling my soul, I guess that wouldn’t really affect someone like Octy though as it doesn’t seem like she has one ( a soul that is).
I guess I could quite easily jump aboard the pity train if I felt so inclined,but I like to think I still have a little bit of self respect left.
she just has zero clue about how music and art works, and the notion she has that people do it for money is fucking laughable. You’d get more money in even the most basic of jobs, in 99.99999999999% of cases.
I think the fact that many of the greatest artists in history died in abject poverty without receiving the recognition they rightly deserved says it all really,Vincent Van Gogh for instance .
Did I really just mention Van Gogh in a post about a youtube grifter ? I feel dirty now…
True artists don’t create for financial gain they do it because that is what they are driven to do.
Especially these days with Spotify which has made things worse not better for music artists. I remember Gary Numan saying his earnings for one year from Spotify was something really low, might have been less than £1.
You’re better off sticking up a bandcamp page.
Here’s the thing though – Octavius could have had a central venue. Easily. I know plenty of comics whose debut shows were in prime locations. And Octy demonstrably has more of a following than any of them did at the time. So what’s the difference? Easy: They got off their arses and got their applications in on time. She’s trying to get a venue after the free fringes (There are two organisations, I’m not sure which one she’s actually with) have already given out most of their allocation. Of course she’s doing a venue in the arse-end of nowhere as a result. Still, it’ll mean she has her excuse ready to go when no fucker shows up and most of the gigs don’t happen.
“And Octy demonstrably has more of a following than any of them did at the time.” not sure if a dozen middle aged men really can be called a following.
She’s got numbers on her platforms – the fact most of them don’t watch or engage any more is irrelevant when filling in an application for something like this. If you can tell them you’ve got 42k YouTube subscribers, 15k Twitter followers, 7k Twitch followers, you’re automatically a more enticing prospect than someone who’s been playing open mic gigs to 12 people twice a week for six months.
Have you watched her streams? Or seen that her gigs to date have had 7 members, followed by 12?
No, I agree with you, Eartoot, most of her audience have fucked off in terms of actually engaging with her content, but that isn’t the point – like I said above, the actual numbers watching her are irrelevant when you’re filling in that form. She can point to the thousands who haven’t bothered to click Unsubscribe as “proof” that she has an audience. That’s almost certainly why they’re accepting her late at all. The Free Fringes are always desperate for “established names” to play them, because that then translates to more visibility/credibility for free shows and more footfall.
lol as opposed to someone who’s played gigs in her cucks shitbox pub to 7 and 12 people.
i heard it’s actually a nice enough place she’s doing the gig in and apparently only 10-15 minutes walk from the main areas where the bigger shows are taking place. Apparently Edinburgh is really quite a small place, so she’s positioned quite well. I thought it’d be some hellhole old mans pub way on the outskirts, but it’s nothing like that.
Yes and no. In theory, where she is isn’t that far away. But the reality of the Fringe is that 90% of the venues are packed into a relatively small area, and so punters view anything outside of that area – and Octy is outside of that area – as an inconvenience, and are a lot less likely to take a chance on an act they don’t already know there. In Fringe terms, she might as well be in Leith.