Octavius is just a KAREN

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Firstly apologies for the rant and posting on an older bum video but this one’s more relevant to what I’m about to rant about; I was looking for the video where she gives tips on self-harm (to report it, if I’m honest, as that sort of shit shouldn’t be viewable on any platform that younger, or, well, anyone uses – I have nephews/nieces that watch twitch and twitch should fucking well moderate shit like that. If it hasn’t been pulled I’m genuinely amazed and disappointed). I only managed to sit through part of a 40 second clip of pete making fart sounds at a rat and then the start of another rat video and just before my will broke, this prompt popped up on chat :
“Keeping so many rats to such a high standard of living and enrichment does take a lot of effort, time and money. Please feel free to subscribe, gift sub, cheer or tip to help”
As I’ve already said I’m not a rat fan but for fucks’ sake if you can’t look after a pet don’t get one. If you don’t think you can afford to look after a pet don’t get one. If you doubt you’ll be able to buy it food at some point don’t get one. If your income will struggle with vet bills should they arise don’t get a pet. Just don’t. Otherwise it’s all about you and not the animal. This goes out to everyone. Please.
So fucking angry right now. Absolute selfishness.
High standard of living seems to mean spilling chocolate mousse on the floor and accidentally stepping on them.
there’s a recent comment by dreamkatcha on the “healing the internet with self harm” video where he confirms he found/saw it. I’ve no idea which video it is, I don’t watch her stuff and only watched that one because someone drew my attention to it. She makes me really angry, as you yourself have discovered, too. She’s an absolutely selfish, fat cow who farms for sympathy (simpathy?) via the death of rats and her “struggles” (of which there have been none, save for those she’s apparently invented?). Anyway, Dreamkatcha found that video so maybe ask him on the thread on that video and I’m sure he can point you to it, if he’s not already made/making a video about it.
Personally, I reported it, as did multiple others. As per fucking usual with Twitch, they did nothing about it. “Does not violate our policies”. Let’s be honest, most of this stuff is checked by people in Calcutta with only a sheet of “problematic” buzzwords/behaviours to work on and I doubt they’d even be able to understand Sarah’s insufferable drawl for enough time to realise what she’s actually talking about. Unless you’ve got your fanny out and/or are stabbing yourself in the eyes it seems that Twitch is very much on a “you do you” tip.
I’m struggling to find it again now so possibly the video has since been removed from Twitch. It’s the one that begins with Sarah ‘accidentally’ revealing the blood on her bandage under a long sleeve shirt. She reassures us that everything is under control and tells us not to worry!
Later on Peter joins us and there’s this drawn out, contrived conversation about changing the bandage for sanitary reasons and what a hero he is for coming over and comforting Sarah in her hour of need. This leads into the discussion of self-harm where she shares her ‘top tips’. If it helps, I know the stream was exactly 2 hours and 38 seconds long.
I was in two minds about hacking it up for YouTube because there’s a danger of drawing more attention to the specific details. I’m sure anyone who self-harms or is considering it could easily find the same information elsewhere, but it still felt wrong. Maybe if censored it would demonstrate the point without exacerbating the problem. I don’t know.
I concur, mate, it IS a difficult clip to deploy without it potentially being problematic. She’s a complete bitch and a selfish, narcissistic mess. There’s zero excuse for her behaviour and she is an appalling example of whatever it is she’s pretending to be today.
It’s this post:
“I see which video you were referring to now, not that I doubted your judgement for a second. I’d previously watched the lead-in to the relevant segment, yet switched off early because it was making me feel sick. Verbally it’s excessively graphic (oxymoron alert!), and as you say, does come across as a repulsive how-to guide, even specifically citing the kind of knife to use in order to self-harm and get away with it!”
i love how well you see through the bullshit, george. like a beacon of shining truth illuminating a horrible, dark pile of shit, so we can all see the mounds of turds and avoid stepping on them (unlike one of her rats) at all costs
“If you are interested in my rats…”? I think she’ll find her simps are more interested in her rat.
opportunity wasted if her of name isn’t get-yer-rat-out
what i really can’t stand about this entire story is that the picture of the rat eating chocolate mousse? that’s the rat the emergency stream was for. it died a couple of weeks later. i feel so bad for those rats, they don’t deserve this.
Taken from the RSPCA’s website (https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/rodents/rats/diet):
Avoid harmful foods such as onion, citrus fruits, walnuts, rhubarb, grapes, raisins and chocolate.
Avoid sugars and high-fat foods such as dairy. Rats like sweet and fatty food, but it can cause health problems if they eat too much of it, so only use these as treats and rewards during training.
Pretty certain chocolate mousse contains sugar, chocolate and dairy – a full trifecta of things you’re not meant to let them eat. It’s animal abuse.
indeed, mate. Last time I checked, chocolate mousse DID contain all those things. Not good, is it? Calls herself a rat mum or dad or whatever the fuck it is today (seems malleable depending on who she wants money from) YET clearly can’t even look up what’s fatal for them, or going to cause them trouble. It’s a bit like a mother feeding her child smashed glass – “It’s only burnt sand, really, what could go wrong?”
Chocolate is bad for many animals. Someone should report her.
Unless you have rats yourself, you are not qualified to talk about them. Thank you.
Don’t need to own rats to know they shouldn’t be fed chocolate mousse.
same, mate, it’s absolutely ridiculous. she’s either retarded and unable to use the internet (doubtful as she’s allegedly a SEO EXPERT) OR this is deliberate and she’s engineering these situations purely to get herself more money. It’s disgusting and also pathetic that her simps encourage this behaviour by donating heavily to her whenever anything “happens” to one of the rats 🙁
Righteous anger George is the best George – brilliant video, mate. “Palm pilots” had me cracking up! Such a perfect description… “ooh what’s that, a shape?” 😂 As for her whining about jobhunting… it’s a TOUGH job market out there at the moment, and that’s if you’re genuinely skilled and have relevant, recent job experience. For someone like her – out of work for 5 years and with a skillset that was dying on its arse even when she *was* still working – it’s no surprise at all that she’s not getting any callbacks for her applications. What is she even applying for, you have to wonder – does she think that equipped with her MA “me-this” (top word, George!) and her “portfolio” of YouTube dialling-it-in scripts she’s somehow eligible to work as a full time writer for a serious publication? One quick google and you’d see she can’t write for toffee and that she’s been paid to write a book that never got written – what kind of publication, magazine or online business would want that writing for them? At this point I can’t even tell if it’s genuine self-delusion or if it’s actually just an act carefully cultivated to maximise the simp-dollars. Could well be both…
I think it’s both. She’s basically a child who cannot accept the mantle of adulthood, and refuses to take any responsibility/blame for her current situation. If this is her “doing her best” then it’s far from good enough.
What a nightmare she is.
BTW George when is the video coming commentating on her latest live gig?
Not sure mate, I will do one at some point, though. It requires me to work up to it as it does take a long time to sit through that crap! Plus, I might do a “highlights” reel this time, which means I’d actually have to edit the video instead of just playing it and pausing it frequently. I/we have almost certainly heard a lot of the songs before, so I’d like to cover ones I didn’t talk about last time and any other antics taking place (like PeePee playing arhythmic tambourine)
I can’t wait to see PeePee bashing his tambourine (ooh err!)
i was curious about that tambourine when she mentioned it at the barcadia gig. will peepee be going to the free fringe (hope that’s how much they charge to see her) to accompany her on the tambourine or does octy secretly actually have eight arms? might explain the girth… 🤔
I’d guess she’s not eligible for government payments for depression simply due to her earnings from patreon etc – they check these things when you apply (and it seems she earns more than I do and I work full time.. ironically stacking shelves (I don’t stack shelves ironically I should add, I mean it’s ironic that it was one job you.. ah, never mind)).
If her fans want to give their money to her for whatever it is she does then more the fool them, I see no harm in that, however, though I’m not a fan of rats, the exploitation of the ones she has is pretty effing disgusting, but again, if people are gullible enough to think they’re actually helping those animals, what can you do? (the animal abuse bit riled me up if I’m honest, so I’m quite proud of myself for not cunting well swearing about it). As you say though, that may soon dry up.
Thanks for recommending ‘Yip Jump’ btw! – I’d never heard of it but your enthusiasm for it lead me to have a look for it and I’m listening to it now
That is some fucking quality non-swearing.
She ought to do Onlyfans to top up her feelings of self-worth.
I’s inarguable that men have more respect for women who show their flabby boobs and sagging arses off to the public.
If you’ll excuse me, I must return to my portfolio of pics showing Kerry Katona sticking her tongue into Daniella Westbrook’s septum-free nostril.
There’s been people who have literally abused their animals so they were ill and they could ask for money for vet bills. Not saying that’s the case, but I expect she gets more than enough to cover the bills, with her pocketing the extra.
she certainly does, mate. And, as usual with these grifters, she never returns any of the money above and beyond what she needed. It’s HER money! She’s ENTITLED to it! She’s even said on multiple occasions “going to stream for cash tonight”. She’s a complete arsehole and does nothing unless it’s got pound signs on it.
Munchausen by proxy but with animals, some people are just sick.
Is there a market for manipulative obese fourtish year-old clearly hitting the wall selling access on onlyfans?
Allegedly £3-4k/pm from simps and shiteknights is a bloody good return for putting on crocodile tears, plus “I’ll stream for more cash…” How can she expect tax payer handouts for ${reasons} when you’re pulling in almost £40,000pa. Is that not being declared to HMRC? Where is it being spent? (okay, it’s looking like alcohol and food)
As for the music career excuses, many DAWs are free or very cheap. There are thousands of free VSTs and FX plug-ins. The only problem with mixing on laptops or in home studios is when using deep base; you need to large studio’s monitors or access to large subs to ensure you aren’t blowing the bass – even the odd commercial album gets this wrong. But let’s be honest, her stuff will never be played in a club, or a decent setup, or even listened to by the enabling army.
George, what’s an office-albatross? I’m assuming not the office-bike. BTW if you want strings, PM your guitar and preferred types and I’ll ship some to you.
The albatross thing was a reference to the term of something being “an albatross” which comes from the rhyme of the ancient mariner.
“Albatross: something that greatly hinders accomplishment : encumbrance. something that causes persistent deep concern or anxiety.”
Keep up, mate, for fucks sakes ;p
Thanks. The only time I’ve heard anything like is was in Bottom with Eddie Hitler drunkenly claiming to be a love-albatross when the pair were going to cure two lesbians in the pub.
So, she’s sent 50 applications off (bullshit), the ones that did get through the first sifting…
“This one looks good, she runs a social media channel, let’s look her up on google”
“Oh dear”
In the bin it goes
Also, only fans, let’s cut to the chase, only fans is all about tits. As she / he/ it wants to be known as a bloke (when convenient) won’t this conflict? I dunno, cleavage shots would bring in more money….
Of course, a quick look on google will give scratch that itch if so inclined for free.
They’ve not been looked after, so are all over the place just like her head.
She will never do any kind of porn, apart from all the naked photos she has all over the internet, like on websites like Bitchesgirls.
You hit the nail on the head with the “And scared.” comment. She knows when she writes that, she’ll probably get another few hundred quid from stupid deluded simps that think they are her knight in shining armour coming to save her. They need to wake up to the fact they are basically an ATM that spits out money for her and Peepee.
Whenever they are mentioned – the first thought that always enters my mind is
imagine the smell
….rats are not exactly the cleanest of creatures at the best of times, I guess it really would make your eyes water.Also, part of me would love to see them in the theatre singing as it’ll take me back to the early 80s, watching Tommy Cooper on stage as he died on his arse too.
As worn in her recent Barcadia appearance (but like superman, she wore underwear OVER her clothes).
Very manly stuff. Just the sort of thing one would expect a man to wear.
“Punk Leather Body Chain Harness Belt Sexy Waist Chain For Women Festival Rave Outfit Fashion Accessories”
What’s that old saying?
You can take the profile off the fetish site but you can never stop showing your fetish in public. Or something
Just imagine being the person who spawned this walking bag of embarrassment, I’d change my name and join a monastery.
oh btw, hi everyone 1st time posting here.
indeed, mate. her dad seems to have taken a lot of petulant shit from her over the years, I’m surprised he still wants anything to do with her. I mean, of course, kids are kids but this is a grown woman. The way she treats people she’s supposedly close with is an absolute piss take. welcome, btw!
Thanks for the welcome.
….and straight after posting last night I shut my PC down and went to bed, this morning it was dead, no lights, no fans, nothing, I think it died of shame, or embarrassment or something…
so here I am on my clunky old coal powered laptop waiting for a new motherboard from Amazon, crossing my fingers and hoping that I diagnosed the issue correctly.
Octavius is the absolute kiss of death it would seem, especially if you are a rat or a sensitive piece of electronic equipment.
Could be the power supply too. I spend a decent amount and overspec my PSUs. This PC has a 1000 watt jobbie in it, but then I have a 4090 and a high spec AMD CPU in it.
I’m pretty sure it’s not the PSU I tested it in another rig that I now use as part of a virtual pinball table and it was fine, I also tried the PSU from that machine with the same result, I always use Corsair PSU’s btw, they seem to be pretty reliable.
I’ve also swapped out the RAM and tried different GPU’s with no joy.
The only thing that niggles me is that I know voltage is getting to at least some parts of the motherboard as I’m getting 5v reading on the power switch pins, so the only other option I guess is that the CPU might have died, but I have no way to test this.
I guessed it was probably my mobo because in my experience at least I have never had a CPU die on me but I have had a couple of motherboards give up the ghost in the past.
The CPU is a Ryzen 5 2600 and the motherboard is a Gigabyte B450 Aorus Elite.
Sounds like the power regulation type stuff on the motherboard then.
Corsair do a range of PSUs from the cheap nasty will fail eventually range to the decent ones. I gave my friend a PC with the cheap nasty will fail eventually PSU in it and it did fail, taking the motherboard with it.
yeah the one I have is a CX 600, I know it’s at the budget end of the corsair range and also it’s quite close to the limit in terms of wattage, according the power supply calculators I consulted my system requires something around 500w – 550w .
I’m thinking it imight be wise to upgrade it before rebuilding my rig, it’s going to be a bit of a stretch financially but it would be better to spend a bit extra now in order to avoid any more issues like this in the future.
Is there a PSU that you’d reccommend ?
Edit : I can probably afford to spend somewhere in the region of £100 on one, I’ve been looking at the Corsair HX750 on amazon.
ps. appologies for going so far off topic here.
Just look for the gold, bronze, silver rated ones. My PSU is a Asus TUF Gaming 1000W 80 Plus Gold.
If you join the discord, if you’re not already a member, there’s a space in there to talk about this kind of stuff. If it happens again in here, I’ll arrange for someone to come round and brand the surface of your eye ;p
appologies for my noobish faux pas….
I don’t generally dabble with things like discord but maybe I’ll give it a look.
sorry to hear that, mate. hopefully you get things resolved!
The human cannon ball 😂
albeit for a massively oversized cannon!
Saddam’s supergun.
That was a hell of a thing, mate.
Is it just me or is this not loading?
there was a problem with it, only 1/2 the video had rendered. it’s BACK now in the full and correct form!