BARCADIA – Opening hours cut (AGAIN) and terrible cocktails
19 April 202419 April 2024|
GeorgeBARCADIA – Opening hours cut (AGAIN) and terrible cocktails|

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Just as an update to this. as of 3/10/25 the hours have been reduced by 2 hours a week more. Instead of Thursday and Friday being 5pm-11pm and 5pm-1am, respectively, they’re now open from 6pm.
“Rare we may alter our opening hours”… rarely my arse.
Oh, and they no longer serve food.
yes, mate, I saw this a while back. Didn’t seem to warrant a full video but, indeed, absolutely zero effort going into the place now. It’s not the cash cow he wanted so he’s picked up his ball and gone elsewhere. Probably back to the bank of mum and dad or to grifting on YouTube. I wonder if the backers ever did get their “rewards”?
this was serendipity. the day before you uploaded this, i was on their website and me and olly could not believe the king kong’s banana bit and now you’ve immortalised it forever in your inimitable, hilarious way. god bless you, george, haven’t laughed this much in ages
Bang on the money as always George! The whole barcadia debacle does feel like an early 00’s reality series, where someone who thinks they have a great idea, sinks all their money into a project, only to have it fail miserably. With the final few episodes being the owner closing the doors after his wife has taken the kids to live with her mother and we catch up on him 4 months later working at a supermarket. Only difference being this project actually had funding that didn’t come with a high street interest rate or the need to pay it back.
So all in all, no one connected to the project looses really…… Well except LITERALLY EVERYONE who put their own actual money into the kickstarter……..
I’ve come back to 25:45 a few times now. That voice is absolutely horrifying. Cracks me up every time.
What. The. Fack… Is the deal with that “Void” cocktail? I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to sell people mystery liquids to drink, particularly in a licenced establishment.
Why didn’t they just do regular, standard cocktails that everyone recognises, but call them these insidious names, instead of concocting what I can only imagine are beverages that are as drinkable as antifreeze (particularly that first one)?
And as for the 2 for one cocktails having to be both the same cocktail for some reason… Why? What pub have you ever seen that offers deals, adds such restrictive caveats? Are they just lazy or stupid or both?
Mind you, I doubt that the alcohol is really that much of a draw to the punters anyway, as the photos on twitter and Facebook appear to show that the majority of the introverted, self-diagnosed introverted trans identified and autistic incels who frequent the place, choose soft drinks anyway.
Not that the bar is likely to last much longer anyway, since it is, as you allude to, quite impossible to keep such a lightly-attended pub afloat particularly when it is only open three nights a week. Presumably his YouTube and Patreon revenue is being funneled into the place to buoy it up, but surely even that must be spread pretty thin by now.
To be successful, Barcadia will need to be open every day and for as long as possible, and further more, cast its net wider in terms of appeal. Dubious cocktails, vegan food and delaidated arcade machines are not a universal draw, but instead about as specifically niche as you can get.
I look forward to the eventual downfall of the place, and with any luck, Peter along with it.
The less often it opens, the more it needs to make which means higher prices. The novelty long wore off, so they have quizes and bands to try to find something to bring people in.
Peter is going through the rolodex of shitty, played out pub “concepts”. Sooner or later it’ll run totally dry, but he’s blatantly making zero money out of it. I’d imagine he had a year with limited/no rent. We’ll see what happens soon now that it has to actually start turning a profit.
He should hire the Wotsit as his events manager 😀
“Are they just lazy or stupid or both?” both. PeePee seems to genuinely resent having to do ANY kind of work whatsoever. Remember that video where he was whining like fuck about having to replace a 4×4 inch piece of floor lol (and did it in a completely backwards way). He can’t be fucked, so it’s just to make sure that he can not waste any time he’d normally spend perfecting that fucking stupid, retarded “selfie face” that he does in every fucking picture and which never fails to make him look like a complete fucking moron.
I’m not sure where he’ll be getting his money now, which is why he’s hitched himself back to the Octavius wagon, as she basically gets free money from simp cunts and he’ll have phrased it like “help me keep this albatross afloat, it’ll give you a free gig venue! you can become THE BIG DRAW” etc etc, appealing to her narcissism and stupidity so that she starts to push money his way. She’s clearly already getting more involved, hence “the void” cocktail.
Eventual downfall, I feel, will be some time this year. Peter is a tight fisted, money grubbing little shit so there’s no way he’ll be putting his hand in his own pocket for long, especially not to just keep losing money.
Pretty sure that they’ve hitup Ikea for their glasswear. The Godzilla looks like it’s in a Pokal cheap and cheerful glass.
I’m not going to critic Barcadia for it’s glassware but fucking hell, it just all feels that everything is the bare minimum effort.
Let’s not forget that “jungle” vibe.
No, mate, let’s critique them for it. If you’re paying a premium price, you don’t want some slop served up in Ikea glassware. There’s an aesthetic to the experience, which is part and parcel of getting a cocktail. ALL of these cocktails look fucking shit.
At least Barcadia isn’t using Marmite jars.
Those drinks look so appetizing that I’d rather drink my own piss.
they do look absolutely shit. this is what happens when aesthetics and flavour are left up to someone who probably drinks his own piss on the regular. He’s got ZERO clue about what looks good, or even passable, as a drink. I can just imagine the discussions that arose as a result of having to make all this shit up. He can continue patting himself on the back – all the way to the dole queue.
Speaking of piss, that Void one is clearly just taking the piss out of the customers. Why on earth would anyone buy a drink for over ten quid despite having no idea what’s in it??
because the people who make it are wacky and irreverent. Plus, it’s clearly made for sad bastard Octavius simps, who’d drink anything with any association to that rat blanket hag! Basically, if you buy that cocktail, you’re taking the piss out of yourself.
I feel sorry for the staff who work at this depressing and ill-conceived vanity project. Every time they turn up for work they must be scared of being told they’re out of a job or their hours are being cut back. And I can’t imagine what it’s like to have an arrogant, lazy grifting wereferret as a boss.
There can’t be anyone full time employed there due to the restricted opening hours. At best it must be a few part timers on zero hour contracts or a more casual arrangement. Otherwise the running costs will be through the roof. IIRC staffing is about 20% of the running costs of a place like that. I suspect he’s on an initial rent free period though and once the rent kicks in it will probably be bye bye Barcadia.
Interesting thread here about running a leased pub.
Good point. That thread was quite depressing. Doesn’t bode well for the future of the UK pub 🙁
pubs are dead, imo, unless they can offer functionality above and beyond sitting around drinking at a higher price than in your own home.
Many pubs are sit-down restaurants these days. They expect a booking too.
that’s true, they’ve diversified into other areas, or run big sporting events and stuff like that. Mutate and survive, as they say!
i wouldn’t imagine there’s more than 1 other member of staff at this point, and it’s probably some poor young girl that PeePee talks down to, incessantly, whilst also being sleazy (in an incredibly impotent/cuck manner) around her.
I reckon you’re right, mate – I checked LinkedIn for people saying they work at Barcadia, and it’s just one lass, not long out of uni, and she claims to be the full time bar manager. If she really is full time, that must truly suck. Then again, she’s set her status to “Open To Work” which means she probably isn’t having a great time at Barcadia and wants to find something else, pronto…
Even the staff can see the writing on the wall.
Presumably by “full time” she means “part time” as, unless she works there when it’s closed, it’s in no way a full time job
Watching this has made me realise exactly what Barcadia reminds me of. I couldn’t put my finger on it but it suddenly dawned on me. It’s such a piss poorly, half arsed, cobbled together monstrosity that it reminds me of the Family Fun Day from Phoenix Nights, where Brian Potter and his crew converted a portacabin toilet in to a children’s play area, complete with ball pit and still functional wall mounted hand dryer, which the kiddies could run under and get a blast of air on their heads.
An inflatable twenty foot cock and balls from an adult themed fair was also repurposed, with a couple of cute eyes slapped on to either side of the glans tip, turning it into Sammy the Snake for the kids to bounce around and play on. All Barcadia needs now is a Das Boot fruit machine that yells in aggressive German when you win the jackpot.
From this day forward I shall be renaming Barcadia to The Phoenix Club.
Garlic Bread?
Yeah, that’ll be £6 and come served on a shovel.
The ferret should hire that guy who did the Willy Wonka thing in Scotland.
at least he’d get the place some notoriety, as opposed to “hm, let’s not go there, that’s the place that’s run by that sleazy creep and his fat, warbling girlfriend who looks like she’s been dragged through a hedge backwards”
That’s the problem, it’s not a great place or a comically bad place. It’s the mediocre bit in the middle.
Bloody hell, if these are the drinks that made it, just how bad were the ones that did not?
<clicks fingers> “Barman! Another half-pint of Smurf semen, if you please. Try not to drop the garnish from your Vegan Clown Fries™ in it this time.”
Thanks a bundle George – whilst always thinking this vegan morgue was as unappealing as ever, I now feel even sicker at the thought of Pee Pee’s black tears being served to one (or two at most) unsuspecting punters in this place – that (like the picture of the drink itself) is truly awful 😂 Your description of this shit weasel’s suffering to obtain said tears also reminded me of the binding of Isaac somehow. Maybe that’s what he deserves!
I think being locked in an endless, procedurally generated cellar surrounded by unclaimed shits MIGHT just sort this lot out, mate!
If you listen very carefully, you can hear Lizzo warming up.
“Be nice or leave”. He’s completely given up customer service.
yes, I’m annoyed I didn’t cover that. Might do a 90 minute video on it. It’s pathetic.
Funnily enough, that was one of the things my wife picked up when I showed George’s video.
Followed by the words….
What a twat!
.So you start a business and then you are closed most days. What is he doing with the rest of the time? Doing the accounts (now 2 months overdue)? Making his YouTube efforts? Tending to sick animals?
If I’d opened a business I’d be sweating every waking hour to ensure it was a success. Is it really more profitable to remain closed and then open a couple of days a week. I understand at the moment it can be better for venues to shutter during certain times but this isn’t being closed a couple of days a week. It’s being closed 5 days a week (when I looked yesterday it was closed on Thursdays as well!).
He can’t be fucked. The cash cow didn’t turn up, so he’s no longer interested. With this prick, it’s always got to be minimum effort for maximum reward. He’s got no clue about working at things to make them successful. A glance through both his business AND personal history will attest to this. The unifying factor in a past filled with failure is PEEPEE himself.
That’s a good point, it’s close to when we see the accounts for this place and where the money went.
Chances are they’ll be filed as micro company accounts so we won’t see much. In just under a month the late filing fine will jump from £375 to £750 however. Unenforced costs.
indeed mate, there’ll be nothing to glean from them as such, really
“First accounts made up to 31 May 2023
due by 13 February 2024″
Over two months late. Incompetence or what?
I would expect a degree of obfuscation in the accounts, tbh, if they’re ever even filed
If you don’t file the business effectively gets seized by the state. That’ll be his next moan article.
Wetherspoons open all day and they don’t even have arcade machines.
This is very true, mate, and they do (in some cases) seem to do a reasonable trade, if such a thing is possible in this highly volatile sector any more in the UK.
They’ve kinda failed to keep up with the market somewhat, the days of a cheap microwave pub meal and a beer aren’t so much in vogue now. When I used to do support work away from home in my job I used to have a wetherspoons curry on their curry night as it was acceptable enough and it’s no fun going to a proper restaurant solo.
“kinda” is the understatement of the century :p
Yeah well there’s still people who think Pot Noodles are food.
Taking all that money from his followers to open a business and then purposely running it into the ground. What a cunt.
In a word, YES.
Just to reiterate barcadia was closed Thursday 18th April 2024 as it was lights out and a closed sign on the door 5.30pm and even later that day night. Peepee also actually bothered to get a live google business hours update to say Thursday (and Sunday’s) was/were no longer an option. BUTT (and it’s a big butt) Thursdays are back on for some reason but Sunday BARCADIA is showing Sunday is closed as of 19th April 2024. Maybe a sign on the door “staffing issues” or maybe a group text to his 4 clients was easier. Unless he has some flash google business hours app subscription on his phone while he oversleeps in his Bowthorpe Mansion or in a sleeping bag on Octavius King’s floor.
I’ll have a pint of “The VOID” and some chips with marshmallows and glace cherries on. SAID NO ONE EVER. I fear the band is playing “Nearer, My God, to Thee” as the good ship Barcadia sinks to never be seen again.
I can imagine that shrew faced cunt pissing about with those liquorice spirals and faffing like an absolute bastard to make that drink. It looks absolutely fucking shit. The dried fruit seals it all, though. Both unappetising and bad for taste.
So the death spiral truly begins.
I can hear Europe playing the Final Countdown in the background.
game hungry mittens = ON
death spirals, that’s what those liquorice wheels are
Google (whose opening hours are partly crowdsourced) had Barcadia listed as closed on Thursdays earlier today, probably due to the fact that people showing up on a Thursday are regularly unable to enter. What a mess. Loved your cocktails review, though!
Yes, mate, I heard that although it seems to have now been rectified. Maybe PeePee edited it himself, then thought better of it. “No-one will think this was anything other than a piss take to get 25k from morons if I only work 10 hours a week!”