Turbo Outrun: Reimagined

Get the game from here: https://sk1ds.itch.io/outrun-clone
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Get the game from here: https://sk1ds.itch.io/outrun-clone
Hope haven’t nagged about this before, but have you tried Horizon Chase Turbo (I or II), George? Absolutely love the first game, gotta buy the second one as soon as I get my hands on a new computer(Steam hates old Windows users).
This looks great and actually markedly different from the arcade version – much more of a reimagining as you say. I much prefer the first game aswell. What did you make of the arcade Outrunners George? I quite liked it because unlike turbo it was more in the spirit of the original. Sadly there’s never been any home ports other than a disappointing megadrive version
It wasn’t as bad as Turbo, but I still wasn’t massive on it. I think Outrun is, in many ways, arcade racing perfection. At least, it was for its era.
Yep – it’s hard to think of a better racer than the original outrun at the time and it still stands up today. I love the 3ds version with the 3D slider up full!
Yes, the 3ds version is amazing. So is the 3ds Galaxy Force II. Brill!
It’s not really a racing game as such. You have to clearly get to the checkpoint in time, but the idea was to drive through the various paths and see all of the scenery.