Octavius – The Barcadia ‘gig’

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Frisky Dingo
11 months ago

Saints preserve us… Another gig on the 20th of April

11 months ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

Can’t be any worse than last time can it?

11 months ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

This is such bullshit. The final deadline for inclusion as an act at the Fringe has already passed, it was 10th April. She’s not on the programme. You can check on the Fringe website, there is no performer listed as Louis King, Octavius King, Octavius Kitten or anything else. She’s not going to be at the Fringe, so in what sense is this a “warm up” for it? Total bollocks. And how is she ever expecting to perform at the Fringe if she can’t even face doing a pub gig in Cambridge “because muh anxiety”? Such a disingenuous, lying disgrace.

11 months ago
Reply to  chithecynic

I can only guess that she hopes to turn up there and busk? Which is not really doing the fringe is it.

11 months ago
Reply to  Bert

Hah! Can you imagine her busking? If playing to a friendly crowd with her boyfriend and father in the audience causes her to have a panic attack, I can’t begin to imagine how she thinks she’ll cope with playing in the open air as drunken passers-by heckle her every few seconds. And yeah, as you say, that’s not “doing the Fringe”, anymore than popping in off the street to use the loo at the Ritz is “staying at the Ritz”.

11 months ago
Reply to  chithecynic

Ordinary members of the public are really going to resonate with songs like the only way to get a house is to marry an octogenarian.

11 months ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

For it to be a gig you surely need to have songs people want to listen to?

1 year ago

Seems Barcadia is so quiet that Peter is now filming videos for his youtube in it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

And his latest grift is being sponsored by a vaping company. Jesus.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

True, it’s Octavius who should be promoting vapours, her book was vapourware for ages.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

Not “Fum” is it? They’re everywhere

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

Yeah, it’s Fum.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

There’s not many youtubers who will turn down a big lump sum from these people. JonTron’s latest video is basically a big advert for Temu who are a scam company.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

All the grifters are doing Fum right now. Apt, given that it’s “flavoured air”, thusly as substantial a product as their talents.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

Well., it’s an oil with scent and flavouring (nicotine optional). Vape oil salesman does rhyme with snake oil salesman.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

I see Slops is pushing Fum as well. I thought it was a vaping thing but it’s pitching itself just as flavoured air.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

Good grief. Just when you think they can’t get any lower. These vape companies are the scum of the earth. And the products themselves are an ecological disaster. The amount of discarded vape pens I find when i’m out picking litter is untrue. And despite what they say, a lot of them are clearly targeted at children, who get all jittery and on edge in the classroom while they await their next fix. Another classy move from the cretinous wereferret.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jambon

These just seem to be nicotine free essential oils. But there’s evidence they cause harm:


1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

He’s got the same windswept hair, coat and cardigan from that EDP article selfie. Then he filmed a spontenous retro video at midnight during a full moon.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Well trade has dropped at least 50% because of the council roadworks. Apparently Barcadia couldn’t survive another quiet weekend. http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/24146776.norwichs-barcadia-furious-prince-wales-rd-roadworks

1 year ago
Reply to  GtB

That’s linked about two posts down mate. But yep, the excuses are being made already for the inevitable demise of this bar. I’m sure he’ll even mention Brexit or something as the cause.

1 year ago
Reply to  GtB

Seems that even the dining class want in on board games and food cafes now. Hate to say it but does Slice and Dice set a trend of sustainable business ideas?

1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95

A work colleague is into board games and goes to a pub to play them. Mixing it with food sounds like might get messy.

1 year ago

With the all the selfies, it looks like he submitted the article to the newspaper

1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95

That’s not a good photo of the ferret.

This is the perfect way for him to wind up the business and blame someone else, as demonstrated by this quote:

“But despite their imminent completion, Mr Leigh said the works have already battered his business and it couldn’t withstand much more. “

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Mr Leigh and the EDP says the roadworks started Feb 5th 2024 they did as I said. But they didn’t affect Pete’s bar until one week AFTER the weekend where octy played 18th Feb. Like I said any excuse in a storm. I guess non existent “roadworks” is why the mothership (slice and dice) broke up with and cut peter loose was it?

1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95

The articles says he relies upon people walking past for business. Which can be the case, but that would also suggest that marketing and advertising is clearly not being done.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

tbf you do get the odd straggler walking past who thinks the pub’s reopened as a pre-nightclub tank up watering hole. Only to find theoverpriced barf inducing flourescent cocktails in colour and taste, before we mention the price. But I’ve seen people walk in and 180 walk out straight away too.
make funny GIFs like this at MakeaGif

Ace Grace
Ace Grace
1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95

There’s so many problems with that article but the whole thing reads like Peter is about to wind it up and blame the power networks.

I bet they did write to him and he ignored it. If 50% of his customer base was affected, was that 2 people?

The photo of the ferret is hilarious though 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Ace Grace

Looking at the businesses on that road most look like they open in the evenings anyway. So can’t really see what footfall he is losing?

Did he not think to produce a big “Open as usual” banner?

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95

The biggest disappointment of that article is that PP didn’t put on a compo face.

1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

He has a thumbs up, seemingly because he approves and the place will close and stop draining his income?

1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95

Notice how there’s 0 comments on the article? nobody cares do they 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

To be fair, there are more important Norwich based news worthy of comment on, for starters some bloke ordered a tikka masala at a restaurant judging from their number 1 story at the moment – The Ferret does not stand a chance against such things.

1 year ago
Reply to  B3tan_Tyronne

Not just any bloke, Sir Beer Korma.

Max Levin
1 year ago

Some people we need to get laid, others we need to get to play DnD.
Also, this is the second time this year(which just started) where I didn’t expect to witness with my own eyes what scum some of these people really are. The other was the whole Eric July comics debacle. The name “Rippaverse” on itself had me U-turning, leaving it for those really interested in his project, but those few people who has exposed how awful these comics REALLY are are heroes, not drama seeking edgelords. And the people who still pat these shitheads on their backs are just as scummy and need to come clean and admit they’ve been promoting dogshit instead of Belgian chocolate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Max Levin

People can mean well but have zero talent or standards. Just look up Neil Breen for example.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago

Taking a leaf out of the octavius playbook is this guy, who, after a brief run at actually making half decent videos, had an explosion of subscribers after openly whinging about his divorce. “how I become a success”, indeed. Monetising your pity is not anything to be proud of.

1 year ago

Peter now blaming roadworks for a lack of customers the following weekend.

It’s a public highway and the Prince of Wales Road works have been going on for weeks Peter. They couldn’t pop in to tell you since you’re closed most days and hours when people are up.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95

Christ Peter. Take a fucking business course. Being on top of these things is part of running a bricks and mortar business.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

I thought people of his ilk were all in favour of this low traffic neighbourhood stuff.

1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95

Those sheets of paper selotaped to stuff will last all of about 5 minutes once it rains.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95

I know walls of cassettes isn’t exactly copyrighted, but Barcadia definitely, ahem, took inspiration from the Cambridge computer museum, which PeePee has often frequented. https://twitter.com/asobitech/status/1758487126037963025?t=qf6Asb9Kk5YEe2-cnrDenA&s=19

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

They’re probably donations that are up for sale.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95

It’s also just a little bit weird to film people passing by from inside the pub, and post it online. https://twitter.com/BarcadiaBar/status/1761799530264039483?t=eRNDldJbWyTg2iTA1IfGKw&s=19

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

Yep, rather weird and probably illegal.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Just to clarify, it’s one thing to record people in a public place as a person and another when it’s a business.

1 year ago

Quite possibly your best video yet, George. You totally skewered her and her ridiculous, attention-seeking pity-wallowing act. Because it is an act, the whole thing is an act. Lots of people have bad relationships but after 10 years you learn to move on. Honestly, I didn’t think it was possible but you made me feel sorry for P. Nerd. He has to watch her jellyfishing about like that, in public, in HIS bar, going on about how terrible her life is and how awful her past relationship was – while apparently being in a relationship with him? How must that feel? And yeah, all that bullying was just awful. Notice how she scolded him for being on his laptop on the stream at the start, then had a go at him again later for *not* being on his laptop in the stream? Classic gaslighting behaviour from the guitar-wielding blancmange. You had me cracking up with that idea of Quang rocking up in the background to play a bit of Centipede while she bawled her eyes out, that would have been incredible! I actually hope she does get a slot at the Fringe, because (assuming anyone showed up to watch) she’d maybe finally get the rude awakening that she sorely needs. Hate to say it, but years ago we’d have called someone like her, jobless in their mid-30s and wallowing in self-pity, a loser. That’s what she is. She has the power to change it, of course – she’s actually got a far better starting position with all that simp money rolling in and a network of creatures propping her up. She could use that to make something of her life if she could be bothered. But why do so when you can just spunk that money on wine, banjos and sawdust then arrange a pity-gig to cry about how terrible everything is and watch the Twitch donations stack up. Awful, awful human being.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

Yep, there’s a lot of people on the dole who can barely string a sentence together. She’s got a youtube channel and people have paid her to write a book. All she has to do is put some effort in, deliver what was promised and make some decent content. But nope, that’s too much work. When you’re working you have no time to think about shitty things. I’ve not done much work since December due to my company being shut down after a takeover and you do have too much time to think about stuff then get depressed.

1 year ago

But back to Sarah’s strangling a cat singing, it’s the perfect storm. She gets turned down (which is likely) depression follows. By some miracle she gets invited the crowd will destroy her – depression follows. Simps rally round, belly rubs and donations spike.

Win win for her

1 year ago
Reply to  retroratbag

Got the trans angle to use now if they get turned down.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

There’s nowt transgender about her. She adopted a boys name but still harps on about the woes of being a woman. It’s all for attention.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

True, which shows why the much needed evaluation by a mental health professional before allowing someone to change gender should remain if they haven’t scrapped that yet.

1 year ago

I really kept expecting Peter to pop up after each song and shout “DO YOU WANT MORE?”
Nah, You’re alright mate.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Peter wanted more, Trista obviously didn’t.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Male feminists are often the worst, they’ve realised it’s a way of getting past the defences of some women.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

This is one of the Master Simps. He, Stuart Kenny (aka Colin Hunt) and a few others hang on every word Sarah says

Code Tapper
Code Tapper
1 year ago

35:10 You had me in stitches George! “I’m a man!”

1 year ago

Fucking HELL PETER! My hair is wet because YOU said I should have a shower! You make me SICK you worthless piece of…. PETER! FUCK! Sort out the chat, fucking HELL! …my shoe lace is undone AGAIN! Peter, PETER!!

1 year ago
Reply to  George

As a vegan and male feminist I’m sure Peter expects to be dumped on.

1 year ago

The Wereferret has created his own private hell.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jambon

Aye, he’s getting too old for that hipster look. Once the grey starts creeping into the beard you start to look a bit more tramp like.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Is that how he got in with her of do all these youtubers pass money around to support each other?

1 year ago

Tonight Matthew, I am going to play the role of a dillusional, drunk, dysfunctional, narcissist, singing self-pity songs about my miserable existence. Honestly, if Octy was singing this crap and busking in the street, you’d walk past very quickly and hope you don’t make eye contact. If she is honestly going to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe, she is going to absolutely savaged without her sychophants followers to support her.

1 year ago

Bloody hell George – the videos now seem to be working on iOS again and I almost wish that wasn’t the case! What an absolute car crash – embarrassing stuff and a new low for Octy I think (if that’s even possible). Mind boggling and as someone who has been to get fringe many times I concur that no one will sit through this, let alone pay to do so!

1 year ago
Reply to  Bigsky

I mean, it surely takes a lot more balls and confidence to perform in front of a audience live than it does to write a book. She somehow expects to become famous and be able to buy a house etc. It’s utterly deluded to think that way. Unfortunately for her the money is in doing all the things she would hate doing, the IT software development, management etc. There’s nowt in music and arts unless you’re a total sell out mainstream artist.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Too right – this video was soul crushing as George says and it was the ‘number’ she did with additional crying that took the biscuit for me. Feeling dead inside after seeing this is right on the money, and the notion that people would want to sit through that self pitying, attention seeking display beggars belief. Makes me worry for the human race and for the barnacles in Octy’s life who sat there in that vegan shithole, and weren’t good enough friends enough to tell her how much of an awful idea this was

1 year ago
Reply to  Bigsky

Maybe she thinks it looks all Sinead o Connor. But then where’s she these days? oh yeah, she went nuts, converted to Islam and then died. Not a great role model.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

You forgot to mention this bit: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sinead_n_941808

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Oh dear. That reminds me of famous feminist and social justice warrior Lily Allen admitted to hiring female escorts.

1 year ago

All you angry middle aged men need to clean out your ears.
Louis has a remarkable vocal range of almost two octaves.
Only a fellow guitarist can truly appreciate the creative use of an unplugged electric guitar along with alternate tunings and exotic diminished chords. The time changes were surprising and truly progressive.
Their lyrics are touching and relatable to anyone entering into adulthood at almost 40.
Louis King is the next Kylie Minogue. Mark my words.

1 year ago
Reply to  horace

As George says her heartbreak songs are probably about a man, or many men, school college teen lads stretching back to her ages 15-32 years old. Then moping about it 20 years later, that’s women for you. Then they present themselves as asexual thirst traps in pvc trousers, like tristabytes. Until a chance to bed a gym trainer or male pornstar producer or book free time in a recording studio. Octy sounds more like a dimestore P J Harvey. Kylie never wrote any of her own music. Norwich’s own Kathy Dennis did that for Kylie especially Can’t Get You Out Of My Head.

1 year ago
Reply to  megadrive95


1 year ago

This is quite LITERALLY one of the cringiest things I’ve ever seen. Her voice is abysmal, just a tuneless mess, and the songs are nothing more than dull, uninspiring pity ballads. If she thinks she’s going to be accepted to perform this sort of garbage at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival then it’s quite simply delusion on a monumental scale.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stevieboy74

They say some of the best work comes from singing about life experiences etc, but she clearly can’t handle her past. So why does everything she does revolve around such experiences? she needs to break out of this cycle.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I’m all for people doing whatever they need to do to help themselves, but what I detest is people who sponge off others and then continue to do nothing but play the ‘woe is me’ pity card. We all have past traumas in our lives, myself included, but you deal with them and get on with your life. You don’t wallow in self pity for the rest of your life expecting handouts. To be honest I think she enjoys things like that, because it means she gets to do nothing while raking in free money. She comes across as a very manipulative person to me, that much is clear and I realised it when the Horace goes skiing debacle happened. Her financial supporters are to blame as well, they’re enabling her behaviour. If that was cutoff she’d be forced to live in the real world like the rest of us. This book nonsense as well, she said in the video “ohh it’s a nightmare”. How exactly? Just get on with it ffs. She happily took the money that was pledged so she should be working on it night and day to get it done and sent out to the backers asap. It’s completely unacceptable but she just thinks she’s entitled to it. She said a couple of months which you know is BS. The backers will be lucky of they see anything in the next 6 months probably! If someone genuinely needs help I’ll always give it to them, but when they prefer to sit on their arse taking handouts while doing nothing to properly address their problems then I have zero time for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stevieboy74

The book was all about the games she played when young to escape being abused as a kid apparently. So yep, that would be a nightmare to bring back such memories, so why do that as a book subject?

1 year ago
Reply to  Stevieboy74

LOL I’d rather listen to cats fucking

T. Rollin
1 year ago

Sarah’s so-called performance is a load of old bobbins.

1 year ago

Hahaha “I don’t have a tambourine.” Liam Gallagher over here.

1 year ago

Wasnt Quang DX not trying his best to try and bed trista bytes? Reason i say that he was kissing her arse in every video i saw them in.

Also i was laughing when he took a hissy fit about his Jetpac cover being sold on Alibaba express or something as he put a lot of hard work into it.

1 year ago
Reply to  chumpyman

wouldn’t surprise me. birds of a feather, and all that. we’ve all seen her nudes anyway lmao. not worth it.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  RUSH

I didn’t know about this… Wow, they were easy to find. Are they all just degenerate whores?

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

Well, sometimes it’s having dodgy parents. Can’t really blame tristabits for having a mother with loose morals. A friend of mine is like that and she ended up doing some porn, which was awkward as I found it by accident.

As for “heywo” kitty, who knows.

1 year ago

I was expecting some awful but…but this is something truly dreadful.
Not only that but watching this made me think that Syd Little had come out of retirement, all you need is Pee Pee doing the sound of famous peoples cars starting up and Little and Large v2 would come into being.

1 year ago

Well i managed it George, I managed to listen to it whilst doing other things because there is no way i could manage to sit and watch whatever the fuck this is without taking a bath with my toaster.

This is just a musical based on all the bullshit shes ever spouted for pity and to pull in the chicken skin gimps that become her simps(oh that rhymed) her retro videos under the octy persona are failing to bring in new Simps so now its off to the Fringe to try her hand at whatever the fuck this is.

If she ever gets off her arse because Anxiety and makes it there shes in for a sharp fucking shock that wont end well for her.

Now please do excuse me i have to go bathe my brain in bleach..

1 year ago

Why does she need a microphone… for 7 people?

1 year ago
Reply to  Dean

Presumably because it was being recorded and streamed?

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Dean

Because the guitar was too loud.

1 year ago

That was literally shite….

1 year ago

“HALLOH” Cuntavious! Go literally finish your book and literally give people what they LITERALLY paid for.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Dean

Anyone who paid money to that mewling quim for a book of her memoirs, deserves whatever congeals out of it in the end.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

Halloh!! First draft will be done sometime this millenium

1 year ago

What the fuck is this? This sort of shit was semi amusing and acceptable in the mid 90s…has the music industry run out of ideas or is she just 30 years too late with this low grade Tim Minchin crap?

I give it a week before someone figures out which popular songs have simply had their lyrics changed.

1 year ago

It made me think of this:

1 year ago

Has there been any recent changes to the site / video player George? I’m finding that the videos no longer have a ‘play’ button on iPhone or iPad (just the thumbnail picture)

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Bigsky

The embedded player on the website seems a bit funky in some browsers. Try using the Rumble app (search for and follow Funkyspectrum). That’s where he’s hosting the videos now.
Apologies in advance for any of the other content you see on Rumble though.

1 year ago

Well that was a mess.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Not the worst I’ve ever heard, but certainly not worthy of a stage performance. Mediocrity across the board really.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  George

All the commenters should be hunted down and locked up. They’re all predators.
I guess it results in more song material though.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago

What’s this now? She fancies herself as some feminist, sexually confused comedy singer songwriter? Edinburgh Fringe is saturated already with that kind already as it is, most of them are trite, clichéd, narcissistic trash, and they can actually play and sing. This is a car crash in slow motion to a detuned acoustic guitar grade 1 recital soundtrack.
A cringe worthy display if ever I’ve seen one. And of course the usual suspects turned out at the club. The ever loyal Quang, who’s too nice for any of those horrid grifters, and, no doubt, Snorkers, who fawns after Sarah/Louis/Octav1us/whoever like a lovesick puppy.
She’s well aware of the stranglehold her injured doe act has on her legion of low-self-esteem fans, and continues to milk it.
This is what Peter threw his lot in with Samantha(?) for, was it? To be cucked by a mental woman child who insists that she’s a boy? Does this make him a gay man now?
Truly, we are seeing the retro circle jerk in its final, rat piss soaked, vegan friendly, death throes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

I’d imagine it was Pete getting the boot not the other way around.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

If it’s a boy then Peter should be reported for serving it alcohol.
Not to mention the allegations of touching.

1 year ago

Every word mate, agree with every single word you said in this. What I love is you point out the obvious narcissistic hypocrisy in the whole performance whilst at the same time making very good points in terms of this person needing genuine help if it was indeed the case. But as we know, this is one massive act and always has been, but I think it’s now reached the level of this person actually believing their own bs. Amazing brilliant Andy totally on the money as usual mate

1 year ago
Reply to  ToploaderVhs

That meant to say ‘and’ not Andy..? Must of been thinking about Andi Peters large biceps wrapping abound me again….

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Scofield fisted a gopher and got away with it.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  George

If memory serves, she recently posted on Threads about buying a banjo with her credit card. So, this whinging about low bank accounts rings rather hollow.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

Found it. She’s flicking piss.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

How does Louis even have a credit card?

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Yep. I was earning about £28k when I bought my house.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

She clearly hangs around with no money dreamers then. I bought a house when I was 35.

1 year ago

The jungle foliage is so dense I couldn’t tell where the voice was coming from. At one point I genuinely felt smoe concern, and that someone should show this to a psychiatrist and get her the aid she clearly needs, then the character switched. It’s a fucking act.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

She is the main character. Everyone else is just supporting cast members doing their bit to embellish the Sarah show. Her lyrics must have the highest count of “me” “I” “I’m” “I’ll” words I’ve ever heard in a song.
Her whole attitude, that nothing is her fault is, is just awful to see in ‘the wild’.
It must be exhausting blaming everyone else all the time.

Frisky Dingo
1 year ago
Reply to  George

I agree George. It is an act, it is all lies. A mere 7 weeks ago she posted on Threads that she was sooo anxious that she couldn’t stay in Barcadia for even half an hour, convinced that everyone there hated her and wanted her out. Cut to this weekend, and she’s sitting there with her guitar singing songs that came right from the pages of an edgy 12 year old’s diary.

Not the first time she’s blatantly lied. She posted a lot about her socal anxiety preventing her from leaving the house, then like magic appeared in Play Expo Margate, happily chatting away to a crowd while on stage. In between these appearances though, she was seen moping around looking like an abandoned child, because she’d obviously remembered she had to keep up her inital pretense.

And yet, nobody calls her out for her duplicity.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  George

Fail. Don’t publish a correction.

Just edit the article on Wikipedia.