Splendid stuff, George.
Imagine how many bruises Chow Yun-Fat accumulates during the game with all that painful-looking diving on his chest every few seconds?
Perhaps I should consider doing that this afternoon when I plan to play Code Veronica X. Perhaps there a mod to make Claire Redfield leap about like a methed-up jack-in-the-box?
yes, it is a bit strange. just in general in games that’s something we’re supposed to ignore/discount. the amount of times he gets shot, too, but you just take energy from the TEQUILA METER and it’s all miraculously okay :p
Never heard of this game nor the involvement with John Woo Director and his favourite actor Chow Yun Fat in making the game. Hard Boiled is more known as it was advertised heavily in mags way back. God of Gamblers is a sweet Hong Kong film also, Fat as actor but different Director. Gameplay The Matrix Path of Neo (2005 PS2, XBOX and PC) already did this bullet time and even had the Hard Boiled restaurant shoot-up level training section as a homage.
Max Payne already did bullet time before The Matrix game (which I thought was terrible). Max Payne is a great game, but I prefer Stronghold for the setting/story, even though some of the levels are badly designed (particularly the second level). There was going to be a sequel to Stranglehold, then that was scrapped and John Woo was talking about making a film but not really based on the game. It was to star a much younger (recast) detective Tequila but, sadly, it never materialised.
Ah yes the old predicament of film inspires a game which inspires a game based on the film based on the game. I thought the audience would be too young and us too old to be digging up Max Payne which ripped off bullet time, which the Matrix ripped off from an advertisement company ripping off video editing artists before high frame rate camera photography from 1997. Of which you can now get on any consumer grade camera phone or high end camera shop if you’re feeling saucy.
yes, I think the 360 shots on the matrix were unique to the matrix, from what I remember the directors saying at the time and it was done with a 360 camera array all taking an individual shot at the same time. or something. Not sure what I’d call that. For me, I always just think of bullet time as being like max payne or something like that, where you see those weird bullet trails in slow motion.
Yeah Max Payne is/was a bullet-time videogame juggernaut with 4 million sales per release on average worldwide per title sequel. Stranglehold only cleared 1 million but it outgrossed path of neo which is hovering around 1 million world wide. Enter the Matrix grossed 4 million units and despite the reception I still herald it as a decent, if incomplete, game in terms of development despite missing textures and level design.
1 year ago
Loved this era of Chow Yun Fat/John Woo films. The Killer, City on Fire & A Better Tomorrow are all superb pieces of Asian cinema. I think The Killer is a masterpiece, personally.
I think The Killer, despite it’s flaws, is his best film. Hard Boiled gets too over the top and silly towards the end. It’s a bit like The Raid. I liked that film BUT by the end of it I was just totally bored of all the fighting. It’s incredibly impressive but when it’s constant it just loses the wow factor. Hard Boiled, I feel, was like that, it’s just too over the top, despite containing some of Woo’s best shot action scenes.
Love the Golden Princess intro mate. Reminds me a bit of the Tarantino “Feature Presentation / Shaw Bros Shaw Scope” intro that he used before the Kill Bill films. Interesting looking game too. Have to admit I knew nothing about it and it’s the first time I’ve seen footage of it. Not in combat, but visually and stylistically it reminds me a little of the Shenmue / Yakuza games.
Yes, mate, not many people know/talk about this game. Some of the level design is a bit shit (particularly level 2, which is a bit of a mess) but the game is solid and the mechanics and violence are top notch! “visually and stylistically it reminds me a little of the Shenmue / Yakuza games” – it’s Asian ;p
Splendid stuff, George.
Imagine how many bruises Chow Yun-Fat accumulates during the game with all that painful-looking diving on his chest every few seconds?
Perhaps I should consider doing that this afternoon when I plan to play Code Veronica X. Perhaps there a mod to make Claire Redfield leap about like a methed-up jack-in-the-box?
yes, it is a bit strange. just in general in games that’s something we’re supposed to ignore/discount. the amount of times he gets shot, too, but you just take energy from the TEQUILA METER and it’s all miraculously okay :p
Never heard of this game nor the involvement with John Woo Director and his favourite actor Chow Yun Fat in making the game. Hard Boiled is more known as it was advertised heavily in mags way back. God of Gamblers is a sweet Hong Kong film also, Fat as actor but different Director. Gameplay The Matrix Path of Neo (2005 PS2, XBOX and PC) already did this bullet time and even had the Hard Boiled restaurant shoot-up level training section as a homage.
Max Payne already did bullet time before The Matrix game (which I thought was terrible). Max Payne is a great game, but I prefer Stronghold for the setting/story, even though some of the levels are badly designed (particularly the second level). There was going to be a sequel to Stranglehold, then that was scrapped and John Woo was talking about making a film but not really based on the game. It was to star a much younger (recast) detective Tequila but, sadly, it never materialised.
Ah yes the old predicament of film inspires a game which inspires a game based on the film based on the game. I thought the audience would be too young and us too old to be digging up Max Payne which ripped off bullet time, which the Matrix ripped off from an advertisement company ripping off video editing artists before high frame rate camera photography from 1997. Of which you can now get on any consumer grade camera phone or high end camera shop if you’re feeling saucy.
Bullet time was more than just slow motion, it used many cameras setup around the actors too so they could move around them as well.
yes, I think the 360 shots on the matrix were unique to the matrix, from what I remember the directors saying at the time and it was done with a 360 camera array all taking an individual shot at the same time. or something. Not sure what I’d call that. For me, I always just think of bullet time as being like max payne or something like that, where you see those weird bullet trails in slow motion.
Without plagerising.
Firstly old metal dinosaur band Accept did the effect for Midnight Mover and I’m sure there were some tv ads too. But yeah The Matrix popularised it.
Yeah Max Payne is/was a bullet-time videogame juggernaut with 4 million sales per release on average worldwide per title sequel. Stranglehold only cleared 1 million but it outgrossed path of neo which is hovering around 1 million world wide. Enter the Matrix grossed 4 million units and despite the reception I still herald it as a decent, if incomplete, game in terms of development despite missing textures and level design.
Loved this era of Chow Yun Fat/John Woo films. The Killer, City on Fire & A Better Tomorrow are all superb pieces of Asian cinema. I think The Killer is a masterpiece, personally.
I think The Killer, despite it’s flaws, is his best film. Hard Boiled gets too over the top and silly towards the end. It’s a bit like The Raid. I liked that film BUT by the end of it I was just totally bored of all the fighting. It’s incredibly impressive but when it’s constant it just loses the wow factor. Hard Boiled, I feel, was like that, it’s just too over the top, despite containing some of Woo’s best shot action scenes.
Love the Golden Princess intro mate. Reminds me a bit of the Tarantino “Feature Presentation / Shaw Bros Shaw Scope” intro that he used before the Kill Bill films. Interesting looking game too. Have to admit I knew nothing about it and it’s the first time I’ve seen footage of it. Not in combat, but visually and stylistically it reminds me a little of the Shenmue / Yakuza games.
Yes, mate, not many people know/talk about this game. Some of the level design is a bit shit (particularly level 2, which is a bit of a mess) but the game is solid and the mechanics and violence are top notch! “visually and stylistically it reminds me a little of the Shenmue / Yakuza games” – it’s Asian ;p
“Golden Princess” sounds rather rude…
I would definitely investigate an establishment with that name!
It’s Asian 😂😂