Just going to point out two things. A month later 17th March 2024 the flyer for this trainwreck is still up in the window. Two a new google review from David Leigh (relative of?!??!). Whom says. “Good drinks selection, currently no food offerings apart from bar snacks but they do allow you to order in takeaways of your choice which is a nice touch.” So can I order in mountains of 12 inch Pepperoni Pizzas from the multitutude of kebab shops in Prince of Wales road since it wouldn’t offend any vegans while playing House of the Dead?
it’s just bizarre. “Come and eat your food in here, we’ve got a roof” seems to be the vibe of this. I mean, it’s no more than a bus shelter at this point.
1 year ago
She’s also guilty of plagiarism (No I’m talking about the Horace stuff) all you have to do is watch her videos and it seems that she tends to plagiarize other popular YouTubers, AVGN in particular. Her review of Action 52 is a blatant ripoff of AVGN’s save for a few “original” words thrown in here and there.
Just reviewing Action 52 is pointless act given most people know the AVGN review. I mean, yet opinions can vary on games in reviews but everyone knows it’s a pile of crap.
Which I bought purely for nostalgia reasons. Didn’t even come with the digital watch.
1 year ago
Shades of Jilted John with a bit of Anti Nowhere League. Change the lyrics to a song about Sausage Rolls and you’d have a Christmas number one with this.
Really hoping we get a part 2 to this! After watching the first 5 minutes of the Barcadia ‘gig’ I was overcome by a dark feeling of hopelessness, came here and listened to this joyous classic and tears of laughter were soon running down my cheeks. The world needs more of this!
Well that was awful. The funny thing is at 9 mins 25 seconds in Octy says “there are 7 people total in here (barcadia) total”. Yet it was established that included, Peter Leigh, her (biological?) Dad and Octy herself. Leaving 4 people including two customers complaining audibly at the start of the stream saying they didn’t want to be on camera! Only 4 customers at 8pm! Before you say Sunday, Sunday is like a second Saturday night and quite vibrant in other joints until late 11pm. 16.45 she pulls a yuck face and say Peter Leigh’s cocktail was horrible with an urgh!
I have found memories of arcade machines and cartoons from the 90s it was my era stoked by YouTubers. Although arcades were, in my opinion, killed off by Street Fighter 2 going home release and cannibalising the arcades. This sentiment was shared by that SF2 documentary “here comes a new challenger”. Then the PsOne with functional ports of the arcade versions of TEKKEN by 1996.
I haven’t spent a penny in either BARCADIA or RetroReplay Norwich. They are just goldfish bowls when I walk past.
Curiosity got better of me and had to check it out. Being as fair as I can (as, if I was to sing, I would sound like someone resisting arrest being tasered many times over). It can’t be easy singing in front of people, however the songs (the little bit I listened to) just sounded like a never ending tirade about how hard life is being so different and misunderstood etc, rinse, repeat. Then again, what more should I expect? But if you want to follow this path and put yourself out there, fair play, but if you think negativity on YouTube is bad, live gigs are a whole new level!
In front of people? She talks to Peter and her Father that’s it. As I said I think two people left the bar as they didn’t want to be on camera. 2.41 in you can hear the protest and her arguing with them. Then there is an unnamed technician. This was a living room performance for friends advertised like it was a gig.
this was not an actual gig, it was ‘performed’ in a completely controlled environment to a tiny group of friends.
1 year ago
Said it before and I’ll say it again, total narcissistic fantasist. That said, pretty much every prediction you made about ‘barcadia’, including this person popping up again, turned out to be bang on the money. 😂 You should stream this song live on twitch mate, maybe around the same time…..😂
mate she’s a horrid person. she’s a manipulative, narcissistic mess who knows exactly the game she’s playing and has effectively monetised her pathetic existence. HOWEVER, there’s a saving grace here for her. She wanted to be an actress, and she’s certainly playing a part when it comes to fleecing the pity party that follows her around. However, that’s as far as her acting goes, as she’s a fucking useless moron who is neither charismatic nor talented. She’s an annoying mess. Then we have the music, which is several shades beyond “completely useless, trite and played out”. she can do her pathetic little show at barcadia, but her recent “The Edinburgh festival are prioritising their friends and people who’ve played before, so I might not get the gig!” revelation just shows that she’s as stupid as we all thought. Clearly the people running the event have actually taken a look at what she does because, let’s be honest, no-one looking to make money and please their punters would even consider employing this tone-deaf, generic wreck. She should consider herself lucky that she’s able to sit on her fat arse and booze at the expense of her patreon backers. This is as far as her “journey” goes, and the sooner she accepts this, the better!
Actually since posting this, had a look at the gig details. A warm up for the Edinburgh Fringe???! I mean seriously?, this is Kardashian levels of removal from actual reality.
Maybe The Edinburgh fringe misread her email as, the famous and esteemed comedian “Louis C.K” wants to rebook a slot to a packed out audience in 2024 like he did in 2008 2016.
yes, just ask the wotsit, who genuinely started bickering with someone recently because they were not aware of his “comedy”. Hm. Idk, I think most people have seen his books at this point!
he deleted his twitter troll account, “atari rule”, at the same time as he was pretty much put in sole charge of (lol) “Luton Comic Con”. He pissed off everyone else involved so he’s now the sole promoter more or less. He’s not been lashing out at people etc since then, presumably warned by his wife that now that he at least has SOMETHING constructive to do that he’d better not fuck it up or she’ll leave him (again) for five minutes and he’ll have to put that black square back as his facebook profile picture! 😛
barcadia is a pretentious, uninviting hipster, trendy hangout for Norwich University of the Arts types. Or said “my singing school music professor said I’m a good singer” alumini whom gets purposefully nabbed out of line by producers to humuliate themselves on X Factor. I spoke to a former worker of Prince of Wales Pub (now barcadia) whom said it was a fallout with Greene King brewer that lead to the demise of the location. The fallout with slice and dice, which is doing “well” via word of mouth with the dining class, will lead to the demise of barcadia. A small clique whose knowledge of the very limited opening hours of barcadia, since Peter scrubbed them off the window, is not a sustainable business venture.
I get the impression it has to stay open long enough to say “See, we told you it was possible” but not long enough to wipe out all the finances of those involved.
pretty much, yes, I’d agree. Keeping a bar open is not cheap, and every day they’re open they’ll be losing money I’d imagine. I’ve never seen a single photo of the place “jumping”, it’s always either absolutely dead or a few listless hipsters moping around.
oh, apparently that’s getting hewn in two – she’s stated that a lot of it was waffle and not required, so she’s 1/2’d the content and sent it for approval/proof reading. Someone leaked a bunch of it lately and, well, to say it’s depressing, narcissistic, delusional drivel is something of an understatement.
I think maybe unbound leaked it, I’m not sure, but it’s doing the rounds and it’s fucking SHIT. It’s actually worse than I thought it’d be. Another narcissistic pity pamphlet.
he’s left his wife and kids and some say that his reason “sell everything to get money” drive is due to unpaid child support, but that’s just what some are saying. Peter IS, however, an incredibly selfish, narcissistic little cunt. Several from the “circle jerk” have told me in the past that he’s attempted to sleaze onto many of the women he’s appeared at conferences with and suchlike. He’s too pathetic to be a proper sociopath, but he’s in that ball park. It’s all about what he can get from people, that’s all he’s about. Once they’ve outlived their usefulness, they’re cast aside. He did the same to Octavius some time back, but she’s so pathetic that obviously she’s let him make an insidious, grovelling return.
I think I saw him babysitting some kids while he tapped on his laptop. They were playing the mini tabletop arcade machines. Also he’s cleaned out his 86 st benedicts street Norwich address so I don’t think he sleeps there. I last heard the unit is under offer so we’ll await what business replaces it and if it relates to barcadia/slice and dice.
I don’t get TristaBytes or TheGebs24 at all. Both no name women are either fast approaching or past the big 4-0. Yet advertise game conventions like they were on some fever dream videogame show from the 90s (pro-tip they weren’t).
i don’t understand them either, mate. i had no idea who trista was until a year or so back when she seemed to be presenting/featuring on a few things. her channel is less popular than mine was when it was on youtube, and that’s saying something 😮 I don’t think many people know it, but Trista tried to get into a soft porn career for a while, and her mother is still (afaik) a “working girl” :/
I tend to find that if videos have poor video/sound, fairly unoriginal content then I’m not going to bother. I’ve clicked one of Gebs24’s videos (most recent one) and the sound quality is naff. And no, I’m not using a laptop. My PC is connected to a NAD amp with B&W speakers.
even if you’re on laptop or phone, you can still tell if something sounds shit. in fact, i think those are a good test, really. if it sounds good on those things then it’ll sound good on anything.
also, I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer but my mate who produces music basically showed me what to do to get decent levels and sound quality on videos. What I’m saying here is that it’s really not hard, and these vapid cunts have usually spent a lot more on recording devices than I ever have, or will
Yep. We always used to do the “car speaker” test. If a music mix worked in a car then it would work anywhere. These days it’s probably the “bluetooth speaker test”.
But there’s loads of free audio and video tools. Davinci Resolve is free and powerful, it will load VST plugins. Simply no excuse for poor video and sound.
oddly enough my mate who produces music does the car speaker test, too! I think it seems to be a general thing to do. No point testing something on some super high fidelity system, better to make sure all the right stuff comes through on the worst, I suppose, then it’ll really shine on anything!
he was with octavius, then split up with her and got together with sam from Slice n’ Dice (the original partner of barcadia). Now she’s kicked him to the kerb because she’s seen through his lying and narcissism, and he’s back circling Octavius. However, she’s still desperately trying to get robbotron or whatever his fucking name is to accept her, so who knows what’s happening. They’re all pathetic, broken people who don’t exist in the real world. Now that their YouTube bubble is bursting, they’re going to get a short, sharp shock when they find out that throwing paddies and being a self important cunt doesn’t get you very far in the real world.
Sam splitting up with Peter was as much of a business decision as a personal one. When the barcadia money ran out, so did she and she took her best vegan chefs back to cater to Slice and Dice 10-12 St Benedicts St, Norwich. They appear to do well on trendy foodies as they do boardgamers. While Peter has dropped his joint’s food menu and stopped advertising his dwindling opening hours to the non-circlejerkery.
It’s a business that just about stays afloat I guess. The premises move can be for various reasons. In my town the Starbucks in town was asked to fund roof repairs by the landlord, they told them to get stuffed and closed up. The landlord then repaired the roof and Starbucks returned.
There’s a huge problem with the big tech giants right now, shedding jobs all over the place. So they definitely aren’t going to be paying out much cash to people on youtube. It’s like the record industry is now, if you’re a big name you make millions, if you aren’t you get nowt. There’s seems to be very little middle ground.
Just going to point out two things. A month later 17th March 2024 the flyer for this trainwreck is still up in the window. Two a new google review from David Leigh (relative of?!??!). Whom says. “Good drinks selection, currently no food offerings apart from bar snacks but they do allow you to order in takeaways of your choice which is a nice touch.” So can I order in mountains of 12 inch Pepperoni Pizzas from the multitutude of kebab shops in Prince of Wales road since it wouldn’t offend any vegans while playing House of the Dead?
Got to find to most fragrant meaty food. Bacon is pretty good for that I think.
I would say so, mate. Or maybe peking duck?
it’s just bizarre. “Come and eat your food in here, we’ve got a roof” seems to be the vibe of this. I mean, it’s no more than a bus shelter at this point.
She’s also guilty of plagiarism (No I’m talking about the Horace stuff) all you have to do is watch her videos and it seems that she tends to plagiarize other popular YouTubers, AVGN in particular. Her review of Action 52 is a blatant ripoff of AVGN’s save for a few “original” words thrown in here and there.
Just reviewing Action 52 is pointless act given most people know the AVGN review. I mean, yet opinions can vary on games in reviews but everyone knows it’s a pile of crap.
Yeah, it’s pretty much like reviewing any version of Cassette 50
Which I bought purely for nostalgia reasons. Didn’t even come with the digital watch.
Shades of Jilted John with a bit of Anti Nowhere League. Change the lyrics to a song about Sausage Rolls and you’d have a Christmas number one with this.
Jilted John was Graham Fellows who has talent, he was 19 when he did that. He of course went onto do John Shuttleworth.
Really hoping we get a part 2 to this! After watching the first 5 minutes of the Barcadia ‘gig’ I was overcome by a dark feeling of hopelessness, came here and listened to this joyous classic and tears of laughter were soon running down my cheeks. The world needs more of this!
Well that was awful. The funny thing is at 9 mins 25 seconds in Octy says “there are 7 people total in here (barcadia) total”. Yet it was established that included, Peter Leigh, her (biological?) Dad and Octy herself. Leaving 4 people including two customers complaining audibly at the start of the stream saying they didn’t want to be on camera! Only 4 customers at 8pm! Before you say Sunday, Sunday is like a second Saturday night and quite vibrant in other joints until late 11pm. 16.45 she pulls a yuck face and say Peter Leigh’s cocktail was horrible with an urgh!
What used to get you going back to the arcades of old? Simple, there were newer and better games over time. I don’t think Barcadia has that.
I have found memories of arcade machines and cartoons from the 90s it was my era stoked by YouTubers. Although arcades were, in my opinion, killed off by Street Fighter 2 going home release and cannibalising the arcades. This sentiment was shared by that SF2 documentary “here comes a new challenger”. Then the PsOne with functional ports of the arcade versions of TEKKEN by 1996.
I haven’t spent a penny in either BARCADIA or RetroReplay Norwich. They are just goldfish bowls when I walk past.
Curiosity got better of me and had to check it out. Being as fair as I can (as, if I was to sing, I would sound like someone resisting arrest being tasered many times over). It can’t be easy singing in front of people, however the songs (the little bit I listened to) just sounded like a never ending tirade about how hard life is being so different and misunderstood etc, rinse, repeat. Then again, what more should I expect? But if you want to follow this path and put yourself out there, fair play, but if you think negativity on YouTube is bad, live gigs are a whole new level!
In front of people? She talks to Peter and her Father that’s it. As I said I think two people left the bar as they didn’t want to be on camera. 2.41 in you can hear the protest and her arguing with them. Then there is an unnamed technician. This was a living room performance for friends advertised like it was a gig.
this was not an actual gig, it was ‘performed’ in a completely controlled environment to a tiny group of friends.
Said it before and I’ll say it again, total narcissistic fantasist. That said, pretty much every prediction you made about ‘barcadia’, including this person popping up again, turned out to be bang on the money. 😂 You should stream this song live on twitch mate, maybe around the same time…..😂
mate she’s a horrid person. she’s a manipulative, narcissistic mess who knows exactly the game she’s playing and has effectively monetised her pathetic existence. HOWEVER, there’s a saving grace here for her. She wanted to be an actress, and she’s certainly playing a part when it comes to fleecing the pity party that follows her around. However, that’s as far as her acting goes, as she’s a fucking useless moron who is neither charismatic nor talented. She’s an annoying mess. Then we have the music, which is several shades beyond “completely useless, trite and played out”. she can do her pathetic little show at barcadia, but her recent “The Edinburgh festival are prioritising their friends and people who’ve played before, so I might not get the gig!” revelation just shows that she’s as stupid as we all thought. Clearly the people running the event have actually taken a look at what she does because, let’s be honest, no-one looking to make money and please their punters would even consider employing this tone-deaf, generic wreck. She should consider herself lucky that she’s able to sit on her fat arse and booze at the expense of her patreon backers. This is as far as her “journey” goes, and the sooner she accepts this, the better!
People used to just self-harm, these days they seem to have their bits altered instead.
Actually since posting this, had a look at the gig details. A warm up for the Edinburgh Fringe???! I mean seriously?, this is Kardashian levels of removal from actual reality.
It could be the reality check they/them need.
Maybe The Edinburgh fringe misread her email as, the famous and esteemed comedian “Louis C.K” wants to rebook a slot to a packed out audience in 2024 like he did in 2008 2016.
Obviously having a retro video game youtube channel is the perfect qualification for doing stand up comedy.
yes, just ask the wotsit, who genuinely started bickering with someone recently because they were not aware of his “comedy”. Hm. Idk, I think most people have seen his books at this point!
Has the Wotsit been quiet of late or did we just get tired of talking about him?
he deleted his twitter troll account, “atari rule”, at the same time as he was pretty much put in sole charge of (lol) “Luton Comic Con”. He pissed off everyone else involved so he’s now the sole promoter more or less. He’s not been lashing out at people etc since then, presumably warned by his wife that now that he at least has SOMETHING constructive to do that he’d better not fuck it up or she’ll leave him (again) for five minutes and he’ll have to put that black square back as his facebook profile picture! 😛
barcadia is a pretentious, uninviting hipster, trendy hangout for Norwich University of the Arts types. Or said “my singing school music professor said I’m a good singer” alumini whom gets purposefully nabbed out of line by producers to humuliate themselves on X Factor. I spoke to a former worker of Prince of Wales Pub (now barcadia) whom said it was a fallout with Greene King brewer that lead to the demise of the location. The fallout with slice and dice, which is doing “well” via word of mouth with the dining class, will lead to the demise of barcadia. A small clique whose knowledge of the very limited opening hours of barcadia, since Peter scrubbed them off the window, is not a sustainable business venture.
I get the impression it has to stay open long enough to say “See, we told you it was possible” but not long enough to wipe out all the finances of those involved.
pretty much, yes, I’d agree. Keeping a bar open is not cheap, and every day they’re open they’ll be losing money I’d imagine. I’ve never seen a single photo of the place “jumping”, it’s always either absolutely dead or a few listless hipsters moping around.
Even £25,000 ain’t gonna last long then.
He’ll have burned through that already, probably spent it all on himself – the cunt!
George for number one I think. I am just waiting for the thumbs down army to arrive
looks like he/she/it is here!
Kunt and the Gang would be proud of this little ditty!
Exactly what i thought!
Great stuff George – surely this year’s banger! Bet Peter won’t buy it though 😆
PeePee will not be able to afford it, he’ll have to sell some more things that people have sent him in good faith!
She’s doing a warm up for the Edinburgh Fringe? my god. She’s got plenty of time for anything, except that book people paid her to write.
oh, apparently that’s getting hewn in two – she’s stated that a lot of it was waffle and not required, so she’s 1/2’d the content and sent it for approval/proof reading. Someone leaked a bunch of it lately and, well, to say it’s depressing, narcissistic, delusional drivel is something of an understatement.
Where was it leaked?
I bet the fringe will be a laugh riot!
I think maybe unbound leaked it, I’m not sure, but it’s doing the rounds and it’s fucking SHIT. It’s actually worse than I thought it’d be. Another narcissistic pity pamphlet.
So it’s more of a pamphlet than an actual book then?
Must be one of the few books where by the end of it, the name of the author had changed.
it’s stunning AND brave!
well here’s me spending all of fifteen minutes to write and record a song and then it turns out AI can do a better job in seconds (with my help on the lyrics lol) https://app.suno.ai/song/8e6c0e54-1d64-4247-b7ce-24e508d3b09c
If ska band MADNESS wrote a song with pop band Black Lace. As for those lyrics, isn’t Peter married with kids? Scandalous.
he’s left his wife and kids and some say that his reason “sell everything to get money” drive is due to unpaid child support, but that’s just what some are saying. Peter IS, however, an incredibly selfish, narcissistic little cunt. Several from the “circle jerk” have told me in the past that he’s attempted to sleaze onto many of the women he’s appeared at conferences with and suchlike. He’s too pathetic to be a proper sociopath, but he’s in that ball park. It’s all about what he can get from people, that’s all he’s about. Once they’ve outlived their usefulness, they’re cast aside. He did the same to Octavius some time back, but she’s so pathetic that obviously she’s let him make an insidious, grovelling return.
I think I saw him babysitting some kids while he tapped on his laptop. They were playing the mini tabletop arcade machines. Also he’s cleaned out his 86 st benedicts street Norwich address so I don’t think he sleeps there. I last heard the unit is under offer so we’ll await what business replaces it and if it relates to barcadia/slice and dice.
interesting, mate. keep your ear to the ground and update us on any future developments!
I imagine he’s had a go on tristabits.
I don’t get TristaBytes or TheGebs24 at all. Both no name women are either fast approaching or past the big 4-0. Yet advertise game conventions like they were on some fever dream videogame show from the 90s (pro-tip they weren’t).
i don’t understand them either, mate. i had no idea who trista was until a year or so back when she seemed to be presenting/featuring on a few things. her channel is less popular than mine was when it was on youtube, and that’s saying something 😮 I don’t think many people know it, but Trista tried to get into a soft porn career for a while, and her mother is still (afaik) a “working girl” :/
I tend to find that if videos have poor video/sound, fairly unoriginal content then I’m not going to bother. I’ve clicked one of Gebs24’s videos (most recent one) and the sound quality is naff. And no, I’m not using a laptop. My PC is connected to a NAD amp with B&W speakers.
even if you’re on laptop or phone, you can still tell if something sounds shit. in fact, i think those are a good test, really. if it sounds good on those things then it’ll sound good on anything.
also, I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer but my mate who produces music basically showed me what to do to get decent levels and sound quality on videos. What I’m saying here is that it’s really not hard, and these vapid cunts have usually spent a lot more on recording devices than I ever have, or will
Yep. We always used to do the “car speaker” test. If a music mix worked in a car then it would work anywhere. These days it’s probably the “bluetooth speaker test”.
But there’s loads of free audio and video tools. Davinci Resolve is free and powerful, it will load VST plugins. Simply no excuse for poor video and sound.
oddly enough my mate who produces music does the car speaker test, too! I think it seems to be a general thing to do. No point testing something on some super high fidelity system, better to make sure all the right stuff comes through on the worst, I suppose, then it’ll really shine on anything!
I’ve seen people who actually had car speakers setup in their studio to simulate that 🙂
i think that’s going a bit far but each to their own!
he was with octavius, then split up with her and got together with sam from Slice n’ Dice (the original partner of barcadia). Now she’s kicked him to the kerb because she’s seen through his lying and narcissism, and he’s back circling Octavius. However, she’s still desperately trying to get robbotron or whatever his fucking name is to accept her, so who knows what’s happening. They’re all pathetic, broken people who don’t exist in the real world. Now that their YouTube bubble is bursting, they’re going to get a short, sharp shock when they find out that throwing paddies and being a self important cunt doesn’t get you very far in the real world.
Sam splitting up with Peter was as much of a business decision as a personal one. When the barcadia money ran out, so did she and she took her best vegan chefs back to cater to Slice and Dice 10-12 St Benedicts St, Norwich. They appear to do well on trendy foodies as they do boardgamers. While Peter has dropped his joint’s food menu and stopped advertising his dwindling opening hours to the non-circlejerkery.
It’s a business that just about stays afloat I guess. The premises move can be for various reasons. In my town the Starbucks in town was asked to fund roof repairs by the landlord, they told them to get stuffed and closed up. The landlord then repaired the roof and Starbucks returned.
There’s a huge problem with the big tech giants right now, shedding jobs all over the place. So they definitely aren’t going to be paying out much cash to people on youtube. It’s like the record industry is now, if you’re a big name you make millions, if you aren’t you get nowt. There’s seems to be very little middle ground.