seems to be a recurring theme of disinterest, half-arsed efforts and general crapness around the place. How strange that a bar owned by someone who has a history of failed business and nincompoop ideas would be a mess. WHO KNEW?
I seem to recall in earlier videos that he ripped off LGR by going around Norwich tat shops with his kids. Is any idea safe from him plagerising it?
Btw I think I found Barcadia’s decor if anyone fancies replicating it. God knows why you would though.
So I did a little digging into the inconsistencies of Peter Leigh’s recent social media posts. It appears he is using older photos from BARCADIA featuring younger biologically assigned at birth real women to entice male gamers. One such female’s hair style, face, body, make-up is entirely different on her up to date personal 2024 instagram, to the one Peter Leigh claims is a new post for 2024. Also a certain twitch streamer threw shade at Leigh indirectly “never open a Pub that just has arcade machines in it “. or reading but refusing to answer a question about what he thinks of BARCADIA prior to December Christmas 2023. Leigh uses this streamers launch party photo from April 2023 as a post Christmas 2023/24 post. Also I discovered Peter Leighs “new business venture in St Benedicts Street” is him just using the former location of Slice and Dice (86 St Benedicts street Norwich) to store his Ebay items. Yep that I’m Sorry video is former Slice and Dice and now a room for him to hoarde his not so impressive Panasonic 3DO machines collection.
Before S&D moved to the larger but cheaper 10-12 St Benedicts store which has the former Platform 13 customers drinking tea and eating cake. I don’t think either Games Table, let alone Athena games Norwich has lost any fatty doo-doo mobility scooter riding magic the gathering card players or trans customers that loiter outside the anime/warhammer/card capture social joint. So why Leigh feels Slice and Dice oversaturated but in demand market segment was worth separating over or was it a case of 25k going to Slice and Dice and the whole break up was drama to decieve the bank lenders? Similar dodgy business practices and ponzi schemes have happened before in Norwich. But I’ve got a nose for it.
yes that’s his office that he shares with ashens and dazz automatic. it’s a fucking scandal that these wankers have a “base” of sorts. Then again, at least they’re all in one place and not inflicting themselves on multiple locations.
yes they all share parts of the same space as far as I know. I suppose it makes it cheaper for them and they can pool/share resources. Not sure why Dazz is there, unless Peter and Stuart need Joss Sticks and info on how to tell people to “fuck off” on twitter.
Dodgy businessmen use mobile phones, have postal addresses or rent out postboxes. YouTuber grifters do this often. Online scammers use the address of former failed businesses to avoid legal letters. Peter Leigh being one of them.
I think you’re giving him too much credit. He’s not that smart.
Take a look at his last failed business, which was sadly dissolved by compulsory strike-off. If only he’d taken a “business course”.
Point is – the guy thinks he’s an entrepreneur and shouldn’t need to work for anyone else. Reality is he’s a deluded idiot without the intelligence required to create sustainable self-employment for himself. He’s had a few stupid ideas, all of which have left him broke thus far. Barcadia is just the latest instalment.
If he wanted to be self-employed, he should’ve learned a trade. As it stands, he’s 40 and has no marketable skills whatsoever. I actually feel sorry for him.
He didn’t file accounts for 2015, so that may be the reason.
The original founding director (possibly an ex-partner considering the gender and age) resigned in March 2015, although that form was not submitted until November 2015, around the time the accounts should have been filed.
However… Frivolity aside, from the few snippets I’ve read, I would strongly suggest he at least do a business course & learn the basic fundamentals of how commercial entities operate.
If not, then maybe get a job? I hear Tesco is pretty good for unskilled workers.
Tesco? I’m not having that c*nt anywhere near my trolley! You’d put the quid in, the wheels would fall off, the opening hours would be under half of any other supermarket and you’d never get your quid back.
maybe it was struck off for him being an unrepentant, snivelling little arsehole with a massively over inflated opinion of himself? That would also be a completely legitimate reason.
Just looked at that Online Capital website. Interesting that one of the company values was “Frown upon greed”. Guess he’s turned that frown upside down?
indeed. the whole thing is absolute shite. it’s also full of the standard, empty headed doublespeak bollocks that one would expect from a cunt of this magnitude. He writes a lot but says NOTHING. It’s just another “this sounds like it could be easy, it’s bound to bring the money rolling in!” kind of a scam business. The thing is, people who actually do this kind of work for a living would NEVER write such an advert for their hopelessness. He’s completely out of his depth, which seems to be a recurring trend in his endeavours.
i’ve seen that, too. everything i know about this guy makes the picture worse. he’s never done anything remotely good. it’s contrived, base level bollocks at all times. he’s never had a fucking original thought in his life, the horrid little creep!
I’ve been watching videos where a few experts review videos of, er, people with some traits of psychopathy (and beyond) etc are lying when they speak, and one thing that stood out there was when people are lying they look to their left (or 9’o’clock) when doing so.. For some reason that just stuck in my mind when re-watching the first couple of minutes of his ‘sorry’ video. Why I don’t know.
indeed, mate. he actually thinks he’s a cut above the rest of us but, in reality, a basic grounding in human behavioural understanding would enable anyone to decode his BS. And that is what it is, it’s BS. He’s a manipulative liar and it’s no wonder he’s languishing in the gutter of human interaction with the rest of the pondscum. People like Octavius are the only kind of twit who’d actually listen to anything he says and take it seriously. He’s all about himself and is utterly transparent.
I love the idiot who comes on here and down votes every comment and reply posted on these videos, so hilarious! What a moron, like it actually means anything 😂
Hey Thumbs Down person. Hope you see this message. George’s video was calm and fair. If you disagree with him, that’s perfectly ok. Instead of voting everyone you disagree with down, why don’t you post a response to counter George?
Hi Thumbs Down Person, me again. This might surprise you, but I am actually a viewer from the YouTube community that NN, Ashens etc are a part of. Whilst I don’t always agree with George or his commenters, they do raise valid concerns of the way some crowdfunded projects are being handled in the YT UK Retro Gaming scene and other adjacent YT communities. I have my own personal concerns on one I have funded too, and it seems to be mirroring similar issues being raised here. I don’t “have a side” I am on. What I do have are concerns that I see being deflected and ignored, and it does not look good. If what George is saying is all a lie, you could easily shut him down with the truth, backed with evidence. The easiest way to silence your critics is with transparency and honesty. Sure there are always going to be people who don’t like you or what you do – but when people are raising concerns with your business that was backed with crowdfunded money, I think it is reasonable those concerns are addressed.
it’s always the case, mate. whatever i pick to tackle, I’ve been doxxed (sort of), personally attacked on every level, had reams of arseholes sent to my youtube channel to cause trouble, people message me with threats on facebook etc but I will keep covering the truth! the thing is, you can’t hide from the truth – because the truth is all there is!
because there is no response. The only thing they have left is ad hominem bs such as “they’re jealous” or “they’re a troll”. In reality, they are the jealous ones. Jealous of people with successful YouTube careers who put out valuable videos that people watch and enjoy. Nerd and his UK brethren have pissed in the barrel too much and while they’re still drinking out of it and using it to wash their faces, no-one else is interested. Plus, they now stink of piss so everyone is staying away! If there was an answer, “get in touch with yourself and learn to love the world” etc etc wouldn’t have been deployed by catweasel on twitter. it’s one of the most pathetic multi-posts I’ve EVER seen on there, and that’s saying something. He’s such a dimwit! All he needs to do is come clean about what he’s been up to and admit that he’s gone about things in a very objectionable way, but he’s too much of a narcissist. I can’t fathom it. Imagine being so obviously woeful YET thinking you have the higher ground, lol. Then again, he IS on a pedestal ;p
Wow, thats just sad. They are so worried about a video and a few comments. Like people have been saying your are right on the money with them George and they know it
All they have to do is actually get a job or put some effort into their video work. Too many of these youtubers take their audience for granted. Now the advert revenue is drying up they’re all jumping back to making videos and plugging their patreon.
I see the thumbs down people are out in force again. George I think your ranting videos are good, but this type is even better. You make clear and well thought about points. You are not a troll your are shining a much needed light on these so called YouTube celebrities and the massive damage they have done to a hobby I love
I have to agree. It’s much harder for the casual onlooker to brush you off as a crank without a cause when you just be yourself and address the issues. We can see beyond the caricature, but mindless sheep or those who aren’t already invested likely wouldn’t bother making that effort, which would be a shame because your expertise in cutting through shady veneers to spotlight the truth is enough alone to deliver the message/warning.
cheers mate. Yes, I think you (and others) are correct on this one and this is probably how I will do such videos going forward. It’s much more effective to outsiders as opposed to me just turning the air blue and having faux meltdowns. Plus, utter wankers like Peter will be unable to frame it as someone “jealous” (lol) who’s frothing into the void if I’m presented things in a calm and reasoned manner. I’m not remotely jealous of him. I don’t think anyone is, to be honest. I can quite comfortably say that I would hate to him, especially right now!
Flawless response once again George, to what was basically utter drivel. He’s been backed into a corner and thought to himself ‘I know, I’ll respond in a lovey lovey touchy feely way, showing how nice and caring I am, and hopefully it’ll get people back on my side’. It’s basically tantamount to playing the sympathy card. It’s a smokescreen to hide his narcissism behind, and it’s laughably transparent. In his arrogance he believes everyone is stupid and will buy it, but of course he’s sorely mistaken. Unless he starts giving the answers that people are quite rightly looking for then he’ll tarnish his reputation to a point of no return. It’s up to him basically. Lets see if he’s smart enough not to cause his own self destruction.
Code Tapper
1 year ago
This coward Peter (along with all the others like Top Twat, Lady Decadence etc) would never give you an interview, because they know damn well when they can’t control the narrative, they would be absolutely destroyed in a live setting. You are in a different league when regards to thinking on the spot and asking the hard questions, and they would be shown up as slow-witted morons that don’t actually know much about anything. I’d love to see an interview one day between you and any of the circle jerk, but sadly it won’t happen due to their cowardice.
1 year ago
Did anyone else find NN’s response really quite patronising? He sounded like he was talking down to his critics in that “I pretend to care but really don’t” sort of a way. It’s like shit HR speak. Also, what was that about Barry Lewis’ Kickstarter being “accidentally” made public? Is that true?
I guess some people don’t like being held to account.
Ace Grace
1 year ago
Well said George. DCExtreme said it perfectly. NN owes the people that funded him an explanation. The fact that he continually hides or posts passive aggressive posts tells you everything you need to know.
More bad Barcadia reviews:
seems to be a recurring theme of disinterest, half-arsed efforts and general crapness around the place. How strange that a bar owned by someone who has a history of failed business and nincompoop ideas would be a mess. WHO KNEW?
Anyone want to pass this on to the Barcadia team?
Alienating both sets of people at the same time.
BARACADIA doesn’t serve food anymore and hasn’t done so for months. Edible or unedible.
I seem to recall in earlier videos that he ripped off LGR by going around Norwich tat shops with his kids. Is any idea safe from him plagerising it?
Btw I think I found Barcadia’s decor if anyone fancies replicating it. God knows why you would though.
I haven’t done a business course so my calculations might be a bit out, but I think with £25,000 you could buy 25,000 of those.
Those actually look a bit more realistic and three dimensional than the Barcadia ones. But then they were probably stapled to the wall or glued.
So I did a little digging into the inconsistencies of Peter Leigh’s recent social media posts. It appears he is using older photos from BARCADIA featuring younger biologically assigned at birth real women to entice male gamers. One such female’s hair style, face, body, make-up is entirely different on her up to date personal 2024 instagram, to the one Peter Leigh claims is a new post for 2024. Also a certain twitch streamer threw shade at Leigh indirectly “never open a Pub that just has arcade machines in it “. or reading but refusing to answer a question about what he thinks of BARCADIA prior to December Christmas 2023. Leigh uses this streamers launch party photo from April 2023 as a post Christmas 2023/24 post. Also I discovered Peter Leighs “new business venture in St Benedicts Street” is him just using the former location of Slice and Dice (86 St Benedicts street Norwich) to store his Ebay items. Yep that I’m Sorry video is former Slice and Dice and now a room for him to hoarde his not so impressive Panasonic 3DO machines collection.
Before S&D moved to the larger but cheaper 10-12 St Benedicts store which has the former Platform 13 customers drinking tea and eating cake. I don’t think either Games Table, let alone Athena games Norwich has lost any fatty doo-doo mobility scooter riding magic the gathering card players or trans customers that loiter outside the anime/warhammer/card capture social joint. So why Leigh feels Slice and Dice oversaturated but in demand market segment was worth separating over or was it a case of 25k going to Slice and Dice and the whole break up was drama to decieve the bank lenders? Similar dodgy business practices and ponzi schemes have happened before in Norwich. But I’ve got a nose for it.
*Platform Twelve St Benedicts Norwich I meant, not 13.
I did wonder why his address was listed as that place. I imagine he doesn’t want people to know his real address. Unless he is sleeping there.
yes that’s his office that he shares with ashens and dazz automatic. it’s a fucking scandal that these wankers have a “base” of sorts. Then again, at least they’re all in one place and not inflicting themselves on multiple locations.
Is that where’s it based? I’ve seen Ashens show the office and get Don’t we know gaming involved in testing crap coffee.
yes they all share parts of the same space as far as I know. I suppose it makes it cheaper for them and they can pool/share resources. Not sure why Dazz is there, unless Peter and Stuart need Joss Sticks and info on how to tell people to “fuck off” on twitter.
Dodgy businessmen use mobile phones, have postal addresses or rent out postboxes. YouTuber grifters do this often. Online scammers use the address of former failed businesses to avoid legal letters. Peter Leigh being one of them.
Makes you wonder if his name really is Peter Leigh.
I think you’re giving him too much credit. He’s not that smart.
Take a look at his last failed business, which was sadly dissolved by compulsory strike-off. If only he’d taken a “business course”.
Point is – the guy thinks he’s an entrepreneur and shouldn’t need to work for anyone else. Reality is he’s a deluded idiot without the intelligence required to create sustainable self-employment for himself. He’s had a few stupid ideas, all of which have left him broke thus far. Barcadia is just the latest instalment.
If he wanted to be self-employed, he should’ve learned a trade. As it stands, he’s 40 and has no marketable skills whatsoever. I actually feel sorry for him.
Was it struck off for failing to submit tax returns? that seems to be a common reason.
He didn’t file accounts for 2015, so that may be the reason.
The original founding director (possibly an ex-partner considering the gender and age) resigned in March 2015, although that form was not submitted until November 2015, around the time the accounts should have been filed.
However… Frivolity aside, from the few snippets I’ve read, I would strongly suggest he at least do a business course & learn the basic fundamentals of how commercial entities operate.
If not, then maybe get a job? I hear Tesco is pretty good for unskilled workers.
Tesco? I’m not having that c*nt anywhere near my trolley! You’d put the quid in, the wheels would fall off, the opening hours would be under half of any other supermarket and you’d never get your quid back.
And they’d be no food.
I think we’re safe, he could only ever work for a vegan supermarket.
maybe it was struck off for him being an unrepentant, snivelling little arsehole with a massively over inflated opinion of himself? That would also be a completely legitimate reason.
Interestingly, from his 30 June 2022 accounts it shows a £10,334 debt falling due within one year for “Taxation and social security costs”.
Seems a big debt for such a small business.
So he didn’t pay corporation tax or the NI contributions required by law?
And this is the guy you are supposed to let you advise you on life and business.
Just looked at that Online Capital website. Interesting that one of the company values was “Frown upon greed”. Guess he’s turned that frown upside down?
indeed. the whole thing is absolute shite. it’s also full of the standard, empty headed doublespeak bollocks that one would expect from a cunt of this magnitude. He writes a lot but says NOTHING. It’s just another “this sounds like it could be easy, it’s bound to bring the money rolling in!” kind of a scam business. The thing is, people who actually do this kind of work for a living would NEVER write such an advert for their hopelessness. He’s completely out of his depth, which seems to be a recurring trend in his endeavours.
If you enjoyed that, you’ll love his old Mindful Entrepreneur blog.
i’ve seen that, too. everything i know about this guy makes the picture worse. he’s never done anything remotely good. it’s contrived, base level bollocks at all times. he’s never had a fucking original thought in his life, the horrid little creep!
He’ll set himself up as a life coach next.
he’s already tried that :-/
I’ve been watching videos where a few experts review videos of, er, people with some traits of psychopathy (and beyond) etc are lying when they speak, and one thing that stood out there was when people are lying they look to their left (or 9’o’clock) when doing so.. For some reason that just stuck in my mind when re-watching the first couple of minutes of his ‘sorry’ video. Why I don’t know.
indeed, mate. he actually thinks he’s a cut above the rest of us but, in reality, a basic grounding in human behavioural understanding would enable anyone to decode his BS. And that is what it is, it’s BS. He’s a manipulative liar and it’s no wonder he’s languishing in the gutter of human interaction with the rest of the pondscum. People like Octavius are the only kind of twit who’d actually listen to anything he says and take it seriously. He’s all about himself and is utterly transparent.
Vegans seem to have this sort of superiority complex.
What’s the name of the twitch streamer? Never use twitch as it’s too much of a faff to get working on the tv!
Typical YouTube “apology” video.
I love the idiot who comes on here and down votes every comment and reply posted on these videos, so hilarious! What a moron, like it actually means anything 😂
Hey Thumbs Down person. Hope you see this message. George’s video was calm and fair. If you disagree with him, that’s perfectly ok. Instead of voting everyone you disagree with down, why don’t you post a response to counter George?
Hi Thumbs Down Person, me again. This might surprise you, but I am actually a viewer from the YouTube community that NN, Ashens etc are a part of. Whilst I don’t always agree with George or his commenters, they do raise valid concerns of the way some crowdfunded projects are being handled in the YT UK Retro Gaming scene and other adjacent YT communities. I have my own personal concerns on one I have funded too, and it seems to be mirroring similar issues being raised here. I don’t “have a side” I am on. What I do have are concerns that I see being deflected and ignored, and it does not look good. If what George is saying is all a lie, you could easily shut him down with the truth, backed with evidence. The easiest way to silence your critics is with transparency and honesty. Sure there are always going to be people who don’t like you or what you do – but when people are raising concerns with your business that was backed with crowdfunded money, I think it is reasonable those concerns are addressed.
it’s always the case, mate. whatever i pick to tackle, I’ve been doxxed (sort of), personally attacked on every level, had reams of arseholes sent to my youtube channel to cause trouble, people message me with threats on facebook etc but I will keep covering the truth! the thing is, you can’t hide from the truth – because the truth is all there is!
because there is no response. The only thing they have left is ad hominem bs such as “they’re jealous” or “they’re a troll”. In reality, they are the jealous ones. Jealous of people with successful YouTube careers who put out valuable videos that people watch and enjoy. Nerd and his UK brethren have pissed in the barrel too much and while they’re still drinking out of it and using it to wash their faces, no-one else is interested. Plus, they now stink of piss so everyone is staying away! If there was an answer, “get in touch with yourself and learn to love the world” etc etc wouldn’t have been deployed by catweasel on twitter. it’s one of the most pathetic multi-posts I’ve EVER seen on there, and that’s saying something. He’s such a dimwit! All he needs to do is come clean about what he’s been up to and admit that he’s gone about things in a very objectionable way, but he’s too much of a narcissist. I can’t fathom it. Imagine being so obviously woeful YET thinking you have the higher ground, lol. Then again, he IS on a pedestal ;p
indeed, it just shows that the message is getting out there! :p
Thumbs are serious business.
especially when they come solely from norwich and london! (CONFIRMED)
Wow, thats just sad. They are so worried about a video and a few comments. Like people have been saying your are right on the money with them George and they know it
All they have to do is actually get a job or put some effort into their video work. Too many of these youtubers take their audience for granted. Now the advert revenue is drying up they’re all jumping back to making videos and plugging their patreon.
I see the thumbs down people are out in force again. George I think your ranting videos are good, but this type is even better. You make clear and well thought about points. You are not a troll your are shining a much needed light on these so called YouTube celebrities and the massive damage they have done to a hobby I love
I have to agree. It’s much harder for the casual onlooker to brush you off as a crank without a cause when you just be yourself and address the issues. We can see beyond the caricature, but mindless sheep or those who aren’t already invested likely wouldn’t bother making that effort, which would be a shame because your expertise in cutting through shady veneers to spotlight the truth is enough alone to deliver the message/warning.
cheers mate. Yes, I think you (and others) are correct on this one and this is probably how I will do such videos going forward. It’s much more effective to outsiders as opposed to me just turning the air blue and having faux meltdowns. Plus, utter wankers like Peter will be unable to frame it as someone “jealous” (lol) who’s frothing into the void if I’m presented things in a calm and reasoned manner. I’m not remotely jealous of him. I don’t think anyone is, to be honest. I can quite comfortably say that I would hate to him, especially right now!
Catweasel was seen outside a bar (not Barcadia) in Norwich.
This footage was taken outside Retro Replay Arcade in Norwich.
Wow, Jack Reacher had better watch out with that beast roaming the streets.
Flawless response once again George, to what was basically utter drivel. He’s been backed into a corner and thought to himself ‘I know, I’ll respond in a lovey lovey touchy feely way, showing how nice and caring I am, and hopefully it’ll get people back on my side’. It’s basically tantamount to playing the sympathy card. It’s a smokescreen to hide his narcissism behind, and it’s laughably transparent. In his arrogance he believes everyone is stupid and will buy it, but of course he’s sorely mistaken. Unless he starts giving the answers that people are quite rightly looking for then he’ll tarnish his reputation to a point of no return. It’s up to him basically. Lets see if he’s smart enough not to cause his own self destruction.
This coward Peter (along with all the others like Top Twat, Lady Decadence etc) would never give you an interview, because they know damn well when they can’t control the narrative, they would be absolutely destroyed in a live setting. You are in a different league when regards to thinking on the spot and asking the hard questions, and they would be shown up as slow-witted morons that don’t actually know much about anything. I’d love to see an interview one day between you and any of the circle jerk, but sadly it won’t happen due to their cowardice.
Did anyone else find NN’s response really quite patronising? He sounded like he was talking down to his critics in that “I pretend to care but really don’t” sort of a way. It’s like shit HR speak. Also, what was that about Barry Lewis’ Kickstarter being “accidentally” made public? Is that true?
He’s acting like the leader of a cult.
Nicely delivered George.
I guess some people don’t like being held to account.
Well said George. DCExtreme said it perfectly. NN owes the people that funded him an explanation. The fact that he continually hides or posts passive aggressive posts tells you everything you need to know.