Ashens IS balls deep in the Barcadia catastrophe…
16 January 202416 January 2024|
GeorgeAshens IS balls deep in the Barcadia catastrophe…|

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I thought Ashens was the level headed one of the lot, but if he gave that dimwit that amount of money to piss away on a risky vanity project, he’s an utter moron like the rest of them, and not the intelligent level headed man I assumed him to be. I used to support Ashens for many years, but I’m starting to realize, looking at this with the fan lenses off, I always believe that a birds of a feather flock together so he’s probably just as shady as the lot he associates with, but he’s just smart about keeping his daft bullshit offline. Does he ever keep offline too! His patreon is a fucking joke as he’s never in there creating engagement or extra content for his paying fanbase. He just reuploads youtube videos a few days after he posts them live to youtube, and we all know how little that is as he goes months without posting anything. Yet his patreon is supposed to have all this extra content that he raves happens in there in his intro page. Pathetic! I can’t believe I’m admitting to logical people here that I was giving this donkey dick my monthly hard earned pounds for a few years for youtube videos I could have watched on youtube for free and far earlier than seeing them in patreon. I guess I’m no more a fool with my money than he is for handing over ten thousand pounds to that tofu brained Peter.
Ashens just watches his bottom line VERY carefully and doesn’t engage in things that will affect it. I think he’s probably a nice enough guy, but his friends do broadcast the fact that he should pick his bedfellows more carefully. Having said that, maybe his REAL friends are completely okay. We only see who he associates with online and, if we’re being honest, he seems to keep them at arms length a lot of the time. Rumours abound of bickering taking place between he and PeePee of late, presumably about Barcadia and other related matters. There’s a decent chunk of non-YouTube/Rumble stuff on my Patreon, as well as all the videos in proper HD without ad banners, this IS a better way to watch them as Rumble compress stuff much more heavily than YouTube. I try to produce content for both Rumble AND the Patreon backers, who’re once again due another video or two. I do appreciate that some people just want/need money to push them to make content, even if it’s freely available on YouTube, but classing “content” for Patreon as second hand YouTube videos that come way after the fact is a bit dumb. He could at least engage and/or do something interesting from time to time. Then again, having seen his content, “doing something interesting” is maybe a bit of a tall order these days. He’s like a lot of long term tubers, they get into a rut and never change or try anything else. Fair play, he made some shit films and looks like he’s making another one, but he should probably snap wise to the fact that he was lucky and that some people around the world liked to see him verbally burning Chinese crap on his sofa. That’s what Ashens is known for, that’s always what he’ll be known for.
Ok. Maybe he’s just half the idiot I assume. It’s probably why he never breaths a word of Barcadia only vaguely when someone brings it up to him. I would be embarrassed to be associated with that place and Peter and his kind as well. I’m still done with giving him money. He obviously don’t need my money if he can easily piss away 10k to a fool like Peter and can’t be arsed to produce anything for the money. Thanks George. Good luck with the book mate!
Not sure if it’s a case of Ashens is getting boring or the fact there’s not as much funny junk in poundshops now, but I don’t enjoy the videos anywhere near as much as I used to. As soon as the Patreon appeared it seemed like the quality dipped, perhaps having a Patreon means they start making content to meet a schedule and keep people engaged rather than waiting for something really amusing to appear.
not sure, I just let my patreon pootle along in the background and don’t really think of it as anything but a way for people to support my stuff if they enjoy it. It’s also a good way for people to get access to the back archive of videos, as they’re not currently playable on the site. This is something I will remedy sooner or later but there’s no way to batch uploads to rumble and there are 700 or so videos needing done/annotated/tagged/thumnailed and I just don’t have the time to do it at the moment. There’s no way to turn off rumble ads, so I suppose when people sign up for the Patreon at least they can watch some exclusive stuff and watch or download all the videos without any ads. I don’t think Patreon should really affect the quality or output of what a creator does, it’s solely there to offer people the chance to support you. I do believe in giving people something extra if they subscribe to it, and I do, but I see that most YouTubers don’t actually provide anything above and beyond what is on their channel, it’s purely there as a support thing.
Ashens is independently wealthy from an inheritance he got. His mrs is also (apparently) quite well off. He doesn’t need anyone’s money, and he’s just another one of these people who has a good standard of living YET expects his fans to foot the bill for anything and everything. It seems that the more money these people get, the less effort they actually put in. At this point, anyone who supports him, nerd, octavius etc etc are just throwing their money down the drain, as the content from these people is sporadic (at best) and, when it does come, it’s just like a piss take of what they used to churn out (IF they’re a creator who ever made decent content in the first place). I actually really enjoy creating things, hence why I keep creating things across multiple types of media, but this lot just seem to want to do the minimum effort for maximum returns. Octavius is the worst here, really, as she’s basically got her fans to the point where “Give me money and tell me you’re thinking of me or I’ll GO INTO THE VOID” is a legit way to trawl for income. 4k+ or so per month from whining and doing fuck all. Amazing.
There was a lot of talk at the time that the 25k was going to prop up S&D. I was skeptical at the time about that, and since S&D accounts are now public domain on Companies House, I think I was correct.
Indeed, all nicely in the black now :-/
Where? I can only see the filing for early 2023 which is before the Barcadia crowdfunder.
Blimey, you’re quite right – for some reason I thought the Kickstarter was in 2022 (didn’t take long to go to pot).
Oh well, another year to wait for that to be revealed then.
Yep, we’ve got to wait until April at the earliest and probably months after that given they seemed to have filed their tax return way after April.
Slice and Dice have £95k due >1 year. Who knows what that is, but it could well be a loan within their capacity to repay. Time will tell.
It doesn’t look like a £25k donation would make enough of a difference to concoct such a scam.
£95k is a lot of startup costs. Did they buy a lease or something?
This reminds me of those idiot people who try and open a restaurant. They sink everything they have into it, then re mortgage the house, then get family to invest. In the end it fails owing a ton of money and people lose everything. Because they ignored all the advice, and did not take an hour to do some research. It is hardly ever a case of “if you build it they will come any more”
I would not have given 20p, let alone 20 grand.
This is all YouTube’s fault! The algorithm turned them all into filthy skuzzers.
There was nothing they could have done.
The internet has nothing to do with the failure of a real brick and mortar business or lack of real human customers due to the ill advised 7 basic Ps of Marketing. Nor running a business based on your GSCE you got from Cromer Academy and your parents funding your arcade addiction on Cromer pier in the 1990s.
The 7 Ps? As in Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance?
That’s a new one. Price, Product, Place, Promotion, People and Processes Physical Evidence. Not to name drop but Retro Replay appears to have mastered all 7. Enough to have parents during the holidays bonding over their nostalgia with their cool kids newfound 80s, 90s retro trending. Although the recent closures in The Mall Vegan and an Anime/Sci-Fi store, suggests The Mall is actually charging Units on rent now.
Things are only going to get worse. I watched an update video from the 8-bit Dork where he’s going on about how his revenue from Youtube is 10% of what it was. These people are all going to turn on each other as money from Patreon becomes essential.
Ashens, Daz or is it Persil? And now a bloody Minotaur? Is this a role playing game?
Well at least now we know why he started up the Patreon. You do wonder if they all borrow money off each other.
He sold his “new” megadrive for £600 on Ebay despite it clearly not having the preverbial hymen of the original outer retail cellophane or a price tag sticker from an old retail store intact. His other items were……..he didn’t have any. Plus a cryptic tweet another shareholder went bust meaning he was financially ruined. Slice and Dice or some other grifter?
He’d sold an Atari Falcon recently, but the money from that won’t last long.