Always enjoy your videos, but do wish you’d lay off Octavius who has little to do with the content and doesn’t deserve your ire. They produce their own scripts and content, unlike their erstwhile partner.
No, I’m serious. NN and to a lesser extent Ashens, fair game. But Barcadia isn’t Octavius’ rodeo, other than being friends with those involved. Constantly referring to him reeks of bullying, intended or not.
I think your being very disingenuous or you wouldn’t be hiding behind a online persona white knighting for Octy.
But back to your original post.. shes being included with the rest of the group because shes using MH to grift cash from people like her simps or to excuse her not writing that book that people paid for and that’s before we get into the whole louis thing. It’s not bullying at all and you need to open your eyes to the facts or maybe you’re just trying to stir the pot for whatever reason.
him? come on, if that’s a man I’m able bodied. You can’t claim to be male then post naked pictures of yourself online as a woman for attention (sans glans). It’s all well and good ringing “that” bell but if you’re not going to go through with ANY of the steps required to proceed, you’re full of shit. People like that actually cause more harm than good to the trans community and I have some friends who are transexual and they’ve got zero time for her, they view her as a blight. On that topic, Octavius is a manipulative, attention seeking liar. Notice her “friends” are now distancing themselves from her because she’s narrative shifted a lot lately and has said a lot of things that go against “how things happened” (according to her) in the past. Some people pay attention to what she says (not I, right enough) but they’ve been telling me about things she’s getting up to and it’s not good. I would say that, far from being “innocent”, she’s one of the worst offenders from the circle jerk and she’s now teetering on the edge of obscurity whilst refusing to do anything of any worth (I have heard her music = LOL) and fiddling while rome (her youtube career) burns isn’t going to pay the bills forever. If she didn’t have an army of simps like yourself around her telling her she’s talented and amazing, she might just cut and run and make something of her life. As it is, she’s making a mess – and it’s deliberate. It’s the same with the “mental health” card that she’s constantly playing. Her “issues” go on and off like a lightbulb. If she was doing anything to help herself she’d not be boozing and living off online validation and the kindness of morons.
“referring to him reeks of bullying” it doesn’t really, does it? I think you misunderstand what bullying entails. Simply referring to someone who’s well know to be a part of this ever shrinking circle is NOT bullying. In point of fact, considering what I’ve heard recently, I’m going very lightly with regards to that particular individual.
and nothing on this site is “bullying”, it’s all actually intended mostly as comedic gibberish, the likes of which is now outlawed on most mainstream platforms because having a contrarian opinion and including swearing is now viewed as “bullying”. It’s all subjective. Also, Octavius DID send her legions to hassle me on multiple occasions, knowingly. No-one here is going and bothering her, as far as I know. We don’t behave like that, because it’s pathetic. I just make potty mouthed news pieces about the skulduggery in the scene, and if they resonate then perhaps it’s because they are truthful. No-one would be getting so asshurt if it was just made-up rubbish. If people don’t want focused on, then maybe they should try not being arseholes 24/7?
The issue with this Peter Leigh after he doxed his real name, location and history to open barcadia is simple. His parents lived in Cromer Norfolk which is an old rich person’s town where he grew up. When you’ve got prominent property there which his phenotype is that of a spoilt only child. He moved to a dodgy area outside of Norwich I know as I delivered to him not realising who he was. He was building his mancave to avoid his wife/partner and kid. The pub he bought was dodgy put at least had punters on match days (Norwich City FC) but they avoid his poncy bar as do proper nightclubbers who used to down cheap double vodka and redbull prior to Chavvy nights out. Everytime I walk past he’s empty with only one straggler drinking a beer and no doormen on Saturday night as no customers.
this news about his background doesn’t surprise me. an insufferable, entitled apple can often be found languishing on the ground at the base of the tree of privilege. His bar has been an incredibly tone-deaf idea for that area of town. I imagine it’s very hard to succeed in the UK with such a venture at the best of times, but when you DELIBERATELY cut you clientele down by having stupid, whimsical ideas not based in reality and imposing your will on all who enter? pft. Soon the doors will close. He can’t keep funding this and clearly he’s not making money or the ongoing property auctions would not be a thing.
A formerly prominent cocktail bar around the corner is also shutting and that WAS popular with the dwindling suit and tie clientelle crowd. So we (he) can’t rely on 2nd home Londoners anymore. Those whom didn’t return to the capital. Or vacated Castle Mall’s equally failed, closed down by veganism food court with their own loaded vegan fries.
You can have a good upbringing and not be an arsehole though. The problem is he’s clearly a bit ADHD or something. Being a vegan won’t exactly make you a cheery happy person either.
he’s not ADHD, he’s a boring bastard. I have ADHD (apparently) and I would say it just gives me an inquiring mind. If he had that, then he might actually know SOMETHING about what he’s talking about. He’s a charlatan and a fibber. He’s got no idea about the words coming out of his mouth. He even lets that fake wreck write them for him. That’s not ADHD, that’s fucking laziness, complacency and a deep dislike of his audience.
I just remember reading symptoms and seeing some of it in how I am sometimes. I don’t always stick at things for long.
P. Ness
1 year ago
Maybe someone with some local knowledge can enlighten me – is it difficult to get a job in a supermarket or similar in Norwich?
Locally it’s not. Young people who used to fill those jobs all live out of their parent’s pockets these days.
I know his ego would probably prevent him from considering such a thing, but what else could prevent him from gaining such employment for some extra cash? Criminal history? Uncontrolled faecal incontinence?
How long will it be until NN is so desperate for money that he starts an OnlyFans? I can see plenty of simps lining up on the off chance they’ll get to see Louis and his baps.
Plus would you be able to focus with the sound of rats chewing away on their cage in the background? It’s always disturbing to me to see amateur videos where their dogs and cats are walking around.
That’s too expensive, I can’t see him doing that. Also, the pity party would have to end if he did so. Plus, he’d not be able to have that lump floating around as I get the impression he has to placate it so that he can keep his “bobbins” content flowing.
This Peter Leigh not Ben James Smith whom is wanted by interpol over his dodgy incomplete conversions in Dubai. He’s the one whom told Norwich City Council he’d turn Mercy Nightclub into 50 back in 2019 yet in 2024 there is scaffolding and a derelict eyesore. I guess Peter Leigh doesn’t understand Prince of Wales Road is all just strip clubs, rap nightclubs and gay bars now.
*50 apartments and a shop as “a gateway to Norwich” to turn Norwich into an attractive satellite town of London. With the equally broken promise of London to Norwich in 90 minutes by train to be greeted by cycle paths, singing birds. But that ideal promise fell flat on its face and its more sleazy than Blackpool on a Saturday night.
I think that’s quite a stretch for him. I believe a one year work from home type visa would require a minimum income of around £50k/pa, proof of contract and bank statements. At the end of the year you have to leave and reapply. You’ll need to buy medical insurance etc too. No idea about costs but would imagine it’ll be rather dear for that part of the world. A tourist visa is limited to only 30 days?
Well colour me shocked!
Can anyone say they didn’t see this coming?
Anyone else get the feeling he ups and leaves when he gets told to get a job to pay for things?
He’s just an irresponsible, deluded dickhead who genuinely seems to think he’s a personality. Of course, the irony here is that in order to BE one you actually have to HAVE one. He’s a manipulative ghost of a man, that’s it.
Unbound will not care, I don’t think. Probably much like Kickstarter. Abuse of their platform doesn’t seem to be an issue as long as they get their cut.
Bloody hell – absolute pond life and anyone who finds these crabs in any way interesting (or would want to throw their coffers at them), really makes me worry for the human race. As always George – nicely reflected and passionately put! Shame I now have visions of the inside of Peter’s shitty shed that I can’t get out of my mind! 🤮🤣
I think the mask has slipped now and a lot of his “fans” are starting to realise he’s basically been taking the piss out of them whilst helping himself to the contents of their wallets over the years. the man’s a grifting, self-important arsehole and I’m surprised it’s taken this long for the tables to turn. I pity the fools who enjoy that kind of “content”. It’s top of the trash tier. Absolutely pointless to watch it.
Always enjoy your videos, but do wish you’d lay off Octavius who has little to do with the content and doesn’t deserve your ire. They produce their own scripts and content, unlike their erstwhile partner.
Are you really that clueless or just one of her simps being dishonest ?
No, I’m serious. NN and to a lesser extent Ashens, fair game. But Barcadia isn’t Octavius’ rodeo, other than being friends with those involved. Constantly referring to him reeks of bullying, intended or not.
I think your being very disingenuous or you wouldn’t be hiding behind a online persona white knighting for Octy.
But back to your original post.. shes being included with the rest of the group because shes using MH to grift cash from people like her simps or to excuse her not writing that book that people paid for and that’s before we get into the whole louis thing. It’s not bullying at all and you need to open your eyes to the facts or maybe you’re just trying to stir the pot for whatever reason.
Down voting means fuck all here but down voting without commenting says a lot about the person. Grow some bollocks.
indeed lol. “downvoting on the funkyspectrum site” = loooool
Downvoting here = must be correct or touched a nerve.
him? come on, if that’s a man I’m able bodied. You can’t claim to be male then post naked pictures of yourself online as a woman for attention (sans glans). It’s all well and good ringing “that” bell but if you’re not going to go through with ANY of the steps required to proceed, you’re full of shit. People like that actually cause more harm than good to the trans community and I have some friends who are transexual and they’ve got zero time for her, they view her as a blight. On that topic, Octavius is a manipulative, attention seeking liar. Notice her “friends” are now distancing themselves from her because she’s narrative shifted a lot lately and has said a lot of things that go against “how things happened” (according to her) in the past. Some people pay attention to what she says (not I, right enough) but they’ve been telling me about things she’s getting up to and it’s not good. I would say that, far from being “innocent”, she’s one of the worst offenders from the circle jerk and she’s now teetering on the edge of obscurity whilst refusing to do anything of any worth (I have heard her music = LOL) and fiddling while rome (her youtube career) burns isn’t going to pay the bills forever. If she didn’t have an army of simps like yourself around her telling her she’s talented and amazing, she might just cut and run and make something of her life. As it is, she’s making a mess – and it’s deliberate. It’s the same with the “mental health” card that she’s constantly playing. Her “issues” go on and off like a lightbulb. If she was doing anything to help herself she’d not be boozing and living off online validation and the kindness of morons.
“referring to him reeks of bullying” it doesn’t really, does it? I think you misunderstand what bullying entails. Simply referring to someone who’s well know to be a part of this ever shrinking circle is NOT bullying. In point of fact, considering what I’ve heard recently, I’m going very lightly with regards to that particular individual.
and nothing on this site is “bullying”, it’s all actually intended mostly as comedic gibberish, the likes of which is now outlawed on most mainstream platforms because having a contrarian opinion and including swearing is now viewed as “bullying”. It’s all subjective. Also, Octavius DID send her legions to hassle me on multiple occasions, knowingly. No-one here is going and bothering her, as far as I know. We don’t behave like that, because it’s pathetic. I just make potty mouthed news pieces about the skulduggery in the scene, and if they resonate then perhaps it’s because they are truthful. No-one would be getting so asshurt if it was just made-up rubbish. If people don’t want focused on, then maybe they should try not being arseholes 24/7?
True. It’s not bullying as reading this site is completely optional.
Octavius writes all of nerds content of late. So they’ve everything to do with the content.
The issue with this Peter Leigh after he doxed his real name, location and history to open barcadia is simple. His parents lived in Cromer Norfolk which is an old rich person’s town where he grew up. When you’ve got prominent property there which his phenotype is that of a spoilt only child. He moved to a dodgy area outside of Norwich I know as I delivered to him not realising who he was. He was building his mancave to avoid his wife/partner and kid. The pub he bought was dodgy put at least had punters on match days (Norwich City FC) but they avoid his poncy bar as do proper nightclubbers who used to down cheap double vodka and redbull prior to Chavvy nights out. Everytime I walk past he’s empty with only one straggler drinking a beer and no doormen on Saturday night as no customers.
this news about his background doesn’t surprise me. an insufferable, entitled apple can often be found languishing on the ground at the base of the tree of privilege. His bar has been an incredibly tone-deaf idea for that area of town. I imagine it’s very hard to succeed in the UK with such a venture at the best of times, but when you DELIBERATELY cut you clientele down by having stupid, whimsical ideas not based in reality and imposing your will on all who enter? pft. Soon the doors will close. He can’t keep funding this and clearly he’s not making money or the ongoing property auctions would not be a thing.
A formerly prominent cocktail bar around the corner is also shutting and that WAS popular with the dwindling suit and tie clientelle crowd. So we (he) can’t rely on 2nd home Londoners anymore. Those whom didn’t return to the capital. Or vacated Castle Mall’s equally failed, closed down by veganism food court with their own loaded vegan fries.
You can have a good upbringing and not be an arsehole though. The problem is he’s clearly a bit ADHD or something. Being a vegan won’t exactly make you a cheery happy person either.
he’s not ADHD, he’s a boring bastard. I have ADHD (apparently) and I would say it just gives me an inquiring mind. If he had that, then he might actually know SOMETHING about what he’s talking about. He’s a charlatan and a fibber. He’s got no idea about the words coming out of his mouth. He even lets that fake wreck write them for him. That’s not ADHD, that’s fucking laziness, complacency and a deep dislike of his audience.
I just remember reading symptoms and seeing some of it in how I am sometimes. I don’t always stick at things for long.
Maybe someone with some local knowledge can enlighten me – is it difficult to get a job in a supermarket or similar in Norwich?
Locally it’s not. Young people who used to fill those jobs all live out of their parent’s pockets these days.
I know his ego would probably prevent him from considering such a thing, but what else could prevent him from gaining such employment for some extra cash? Criminal history? Uncontrolled faecal incontinence?
Being a self-important prick would probably be a preclusion to working in a supermarket, I would have thought.
That actually makes him suitable for management.
He could earn £25k every year, before any grifting.
after a year or two he’ll be able to pay back ashens and (maybe) dazz’s investments in the business. More on that situation shortly!
How long will it be until NN is so desperate for money that he starts an OnlyFans? I can see plenty of simps lining up on the off chance they’ll get to see Louis and his baps.
They’re well past their prime.
Plus would you be able to focus with the sound of rats chewing away on their cage in the background? It’s always disturbing to me to see amateur videos where their dogs and cats are walking around.
Maybe the fetish stuff is more lucrative?
I give it 3 months before he ups and leaves to live in Dubai. Lots of wankers out there.
That’s too expensive, I can’t see him doing that. Also, the pity party would have to end if he did so. Plus, he’d not be able to have that lump floating around as I get the impression he has to placate it so that he can keep his “bobbins” content flowing.
This Peter Leigh not Ben James Smith whom is wanted by interpol over his dodgy incomplete conversions in Dubai. He’s the one whom told Norwich City Council he’d turn Mercy Nightclub into 50 back in 2019 yet in 2024 there is scaffolding and a derelict eyesore. I guess Peter Leigh doesn’t understand Prince of Wales Road is all just strip clubs, rap nightclubs and gay bars now.
*50 apartments and a shop as “a gateway to Norwich” to turn Norwich into an attractive satellite town of London. With the equally broken promise of London to Norwich in 90 minutes by train to be greeted by cycle paths, singing birds. But that ideal promise fell flat on its face and its more sleazy than Blackpool on a Saturday night.
I think that’s quite a stretch for him. I believe a one year work from home type visa would require a minimum income of around £50k/pa, proof of contract and bank statements. At the end of the year you have to leave and reapply. You’ll need to buy medical insurance etc too. No idea about costs but would imagine it’ll be rather dear for that part of the world. A tourist visa is limited to only 30 days?
Well colour me shocked!
Can anyone say they didn’t see this coming?
Anyone else get the feeling he ups and leaves when he gets told to get a job to pay for things?
He’s just an irresponsible, deluded dickhead who genuinely seems to think he’s a personality. Of course, the irony here is that in order to BE one you actually have to HAVE one. He’s a manipulative ghost of a man, that’s it.
I wonder if he will “write” a book about the Barcadia experience or even better a board game? You could play it at Slice and Dice!
Cant unbound do anything about the book? Least its not that ghostbusters book that the other person was doing thats still not out……
Unbound will not care, I don’t think. Probably much like Kickstarter. Abuse of their platform doesn’t seem to be an issue as long as they get their cut.
Bloody hell – absolute pond life and anyone who finds these crabs in any way interesting (or would want to throw their coffers at them), really makes me worry for the human race. As always George – nicely reflected and passionately put! Shame I now have visions of the inside of Peter’s shitty shed that I can’t get out of my mind! 🤮🤣
I think the mask has slipped now and a lot of his “fans” are starting to realise he’s basically been taking the piss out of them whilst helping himself to the contents of their wallets over the years. the man’s a grifting, self-important arsehole and I’m surprised it’s taken this long for the tables to turn. I pity the fools who enjoy that kind of “content”. It’s top of the trash tier. Absolutely pointless to watch it.
Is it bad that I was just waiting for this inevitable update, which surely almost everyone saw coming!? 😆