TRANSFORMERS – Human Alliance arcade playthrough

FUNKYSPECTRUM metal logo effect used in the intro is by Vectonauta on Freepik
Download the game ROM for Teknoparrot emulator from here: (I do not recommend most titles from here, BUT this version of transformers works, unlike the one from the “cleaner” dumps page on archive which crashes towards the end of level 3)
You will also need to apply the 4G fix patch from the following link to the “TF_Gun_R_Ring_dumped.exe” file of the game:
Hi George, some of your older videos won’t play anymore, such as all the Wotsit ones. The player seems to be knackered.
it’s fine mate, it’s just that the £70 a month video hosting isn’t being paid any more. We’re going to be slowly migrating content over to Rumble it just will take time and it’s on a list of things to do that are at the moment headed by “get the book printed and the delivery logistics sorted before everything else!”. The videos ARE all available to Patreon Bumflix tier backers, though. That’s the best we can do until I have time to upload and annotate 700 or so videos!
I’m officially a BumFlixer!
brill! good stuff mate, thanks for levelling up! chase hq2 exclusive review today, too!
Not heard anything about the Wotsit for ages.
since he scuttled atarirule on twitter he’s gone to ground, and he stopped that account pretty much the same day he got put in charge of that disastrous luton comic con, so clearly didn’t want his “antics” catching up with him. Some people I know keep tabs on him, and if it’s any consolation he’s still being a spastic bastard he’s just doing so out of the line of sight of most people and peppering random bullshit and lies over various facebook groups.