Nostalgia Nerd’s “I’m sorry” video

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1 year ago

Good day Jorgé, hope all is well mate, thought I’d check in and see what’s new…. No suprise that after a dodgy fundraiser, funded dodgily, for a dodgy project, ran by a dodgy person, has seemed to hit a brick wall. I’ve not actually seen the apology video so I’m going to watch that now. I wonder what his excuse is for hitting a brick wall? We shall see…

1 year ago
Reply to  marccarran

He expected to be the manager and sit on his backside while everyone else did all the hard work.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

It was a apology video were most of the content was him setting up his new office space.
Could he of not separated the two videos?Could he of not at least given a reason why he hasn’t started any of the work?

I know it may or may of not been personal, but there doesn’t have to be any detail. If you say something like “a family member has passed” or “someone I’m close to has has an unexpected illness” then that would of gone a long way to help people understand.

Now I’m not property developer, but I would of thought that there would have been some sort of plan of action and he could or should have been telling people what has or hasn’t been done.

By now, common sense would of said that he had at least gutted out the place, sanded or replaced any floorboards and stripped and ripped off any wallpaper or paint.

If this is his long term job then he’s doing well to afford office space and to be able to ignore starting any work on the building for this long.

We can’t quite put our finger on what it is, but there is something is very dodgy about this. No urgency, no plan of action, no work. Clint just seems to be a front for all the dodgy stuff going behind the scenes.

Prove me wrong eh?

1 year ago
Reply to  marccarran

Due to his weedy physique due to his veganism he can’t walk up the stairs now.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Mid-life crisis perhaps.

IHug Kittens
IHug Kittens
1 year ago

A, Peter, neither nostalgic nor a nerd, just a trend riding hipster. If you told him anal fisting was the latest internet craze, he’d be out there sporting an ass prolapse larger than his stupid, meticulously maintained hipster head. “You want more?”
George, stop insulting ferrets, the little guys are cute and serve a purpose in nature, this cunt does not.

1 year ago
Reply to  IHug Kittens

Lets hope he doesn’t end up with Octavius putting one of those rats up his bum.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

In case people don’t get the reference, just look up Gerbilling.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago

I watched Nerd’s video on the Konix Multisystem :Octavius reading from ACE magazine, Quotes taken from the Slipstream website, C+VG magazine, RetroGamer magazine.

Video footage from Telegames old What Video Game? VHS tape.

No mention of The Games Machine’s coverage, Hamnetfist review, where they point out the wonder machine’s version has smaller sprites than the Amiga version.

He conducted no new interviews for the video, with anyone involve with the system, just cherry picked from others research.

That’s not creating content.

There’s absolutely zero talent involved, it’s just a case of time required to aquire the work of others, narrate a script.

1 year ago

He’s like a more polished Wotsit. A vegan cheese Wotsit.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago

Stop procrastinating and just get started. Read this guy’s blog:

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

With some Black Hat SEO, Barcadia could be overrun with customers. There used to be this guy who was all over that stuff:

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

Why is his site even indexed?

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

For the same reasons there’s a Wikipedia page about him.
It’s great though – I haven’t had much else to do whilst isolating.
Having now consumed all his enlightening articles, I’m ready to start grifting.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

What’s telling is how all these business ventures came and went. He thought Youtube wasn’t the thing any more, moved onto the bar thing, realised that is hard work and now is trying to get the patreon money going again. He is a ferret, all over the place.

1 year ago

I just watched the vid. What a moaner. Oh and he was rowing with Octavius like an old married couple. But he was right, having rats running about the place chewing stuff in a building they don’t own.

1 year ago

The overwhelming impression I got from that “I’m sorry” video was “so, Barcadia’s gone down the toilet, then”. I mean, why would he be renting yet more ‘office space’ (office? what work is he doing, exactly, that warrants an ‘office’?) if he was also simultaneously meant to be running a fucking bar? Why is he now spending hours and hours cleaning up the space and making it potentially ready to welcome punters in if he was genuinely running a hospitality business? He hasn’t got a bloody clue. Tom Kerridge has a series on BBC at the moment about the hospitality trade, and it’s fucking hard: most businesses fail and that’s the ones that have people slaving night and day to make it work, putting in every last penny of their own money and remortgaging themselves up to the hilt. How has he got spare cash to be renting more office space? It just doesn’t add up. Barcadia has clearly fallen on its arse and so he’s returning to the money pit of his YT channel, seeking to drum up more funds for whatever his next big wheeze is going to be – another book, probably, or a “museum” (ffs). You called it right from the start, George – kudos to you, mate.

Gordon Ramsays left eyebrow
Gordon Ramsays left eyebrow
1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

I think its obvious to a blindfolded man with a balaclava put on back to front that he has now decided that the RMC route is the way to go for his next revenue stream.
RMC is not a particularly nice person under the smiley venear, but, he has put the effort in AND the hours, and has made it work thru hard graft,sweat and tears – something NN has never done or seen in his life.

And, if that fails, he always has all his free donations to sell off on ebay at todays hyper inflated prices…..

1 year ago

Agree there – at least RMC Neil has made his grift work out and the paying punters can sort of see where their coin went. Agree about Neil’s fluffy / harmless persona aswell – I suspect a calculating mind is behind that. I thought nothing of him really until his mates house burned down (the mark fixes guy). Neil was full on in his videos about poor Mark’s situation and was quick to drum up a financial support / donation page. This didn’t sit with me at all – feel sorry for the guy and all that (house fires have unfortunately been suffered by many I imagine), but where did the right come from to ask / beg YouTube viewers to pay out? Surely the guy had house insurance? As George points out with these people – the grift and perceived sense of entitlement is sickening!

1 year ago
Reply to  Bigsky

I sometimes think the house insurers balk at the claims being made to them. But then he has plenty of evidence of his collection in his videos. They wouldn’t believe me if I told them what I had in my house.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Bloody hell George – I knew Mark would quite happily support Neil’s fire grift, but without following these twats regularly I had no idea of what was actually coined in from the punters! Happily taking 35k from your viewers (and even having the audacity to ask for it) is a disgrace – what a pair of fuckpigs. Makes be wonder if the ‘cave dwellers’ paid for Neil’s recent wedding and all. Second only to that twat in your other video who wants everyone to pay for his baby – they all should be flogged!

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago

The ‘retro tech museum’ market is starting to look a bit crowded. He’s too late. What could he possibly offer that others haven’t already? Some condescending banter and a cup of tea with oat milk?

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

His would be a vegan computer museum of course.

T. Rollin
1 year ago

No matter what you think of Neil as a person, you gotta respect the work he’s put into getting to the stage he’s at now. IMHO this puts him head and shoulders above many of the other major players in the British retro scene.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

His CV would tell you what sort of person he is (LinkedIn gives you a clue to that). One of those people who continually jumps on the bandwagon of what is an easy grift.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

His old blog is pretty revealing. He’s clearly had an overdose of self-help books at a young age.

It would be exceptionally depressing to have bought into that crap then wasted half a lifetime pursuing your ‘dreams’ based upon it.

I hope he has a good psychologist.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

People look to successful rich people for advice and coaching, not people who have never had a proper job.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago

Another for my down voting massive..

Maybe the Nerd should do an apology video, to all the people from the video games industry, who he/Octavius couldn’t be bothered to contact, when making videos.

It’s becoming obvious by comments being left in comments sections of his videos, supposedly being factual, documentary style looks at hardware, that the very people from Atari, like Mike Fulton, an individual who’s only ever more than willing to help answer any questions, regarding Atari hardware he was involved with..

It appears they are in absolute shock and disgust at what’s being reported as fact by The Nerd.

They just cannot believe how content creators get so, so much wrong in these videos.

As Mike himself noted, all these videos are, is a collection of press claims from the era.

You talk of your passion for creating content, Nerd..

So where’s your passion for the most fundamental avenues of research?

You spend so much time on social media, basking in fawning comments from absolute morons, praising you for great research on the video, yet the idea of reaching out to industry engineers, marketing people etc, appears alien to you and your circle jerk YT creators.

Your not content creators, your just press clipping collectors, you take the collected press others have archived for you, run it through your narrative machine and spew forth with a video, whining about the hours it took to research, write and produce it.

A collection of press claims, TV adverts and spots, to increase running time, a smattering of speculation..

Hit upload, please support me on Patreon, please fund my new projects, please donate hardware.

Get off your gifting backside, put the hours in, reach out to the few industry folk from the eras still with us and produce credible scripts.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

That’s what narks me about when these people get things wrong, those incorrect facts then get parroted by all their fans.

1 year ago

Which is what I kinda implied with one of my comments on here which people didn’t like. I worded it badly but what I was kinda saying was that personal experience and history is often more valid than what was written down in the press at the time. Of course false memory syndrome and the mandela effect also have to be taken into account.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago

It’s got to a point where they’re all regurgitating each others excrement. They’ve become authoritative sources to each other.

T. Rollin
1 year ago

This reminds me of the time (or times?) The Wotsit tried correcting Leonard Tramiel on events from Atari’s history.

1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

You’d think at that point the Wotsit would realise he’s got a problem. He seems to trust any nonsense written down in an old magazine over the people who were there.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago

Just tried rewatching Nerd’s written and produced by Octavius, YT video (They Lied To Us) on Rise Of The Robots..

Little wonder her bloody book is in dire straits.

The original Street Fighter was apparently inadequately converted to the C64 and ZX Spectrum…

What were US GOLD supposed to do? bundle it with rubber punch pads like the ones found on the coin op?

How in fecks name were the primitive by comparison, 8-bit computers, suppose to replicate what was powering the Arcade version?

CPU : 68000 @ 8 MHz
Sound CPU : 2 x Z80 @ 3.579545 MHz
Sound Chip : YM2151 @ 3.579545 MHz, 2 x MSM5205 @ 384 kHz

And come on, Ashes Of The Empire, was NOT Midwinter 3..

Mike Singleton (RIP) was working on Midwinter III, for PS2 and Dolphin (GameCube) working title was Skyfall Year Zero: Total Midwinter.

Sources include Arcade Mag Timewarp March 1990.

And Chris Wild.

Even Wikipedia makes clear it was a FOLLOW ON, NOT A SEQUEL to Midwinter II.

These pair are as ignorant as THGM and LD when it comes to gaming.

If you can’t research, fact check etc your material, don’t make the claims, don’t state them as fact.

Octavius claiming her boom will be littered with gaming FACTS is an absolute insult.

Nerd is promising more YT content, we don’t need more misinformation pal.

And as for the back stabbing, circle jerk UK YT community, lest we forget Guru Larry (another who’s gaming research is horrendous) who’s been playing both sides and blabbing like the proverbial caged singing bird, about people he claims as friends, for as long as I can remember.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago

#book not boom 😂bloody auto correct Octavius book (and yes, Hi Sarah) won’t even make a whimper unless it’s actually written, never mind a bang or a boom.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Just watching that I’m sorry video made me shake my head. Carrying a rat around in a cat carrying case and letting it free in an office. Someone who seems to give not one solitary shit about anything.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

It’s like she’s had a knock on the head or something. People who have sometimes end up like that, reduced inhibitions so do stupid things.

1 year ago

You should listen to the latest Retro Hour where when discussing the Commodore Plus4 Dan proclaims that it was one of the first computers to be a system on a chip 😀 😀 Despite having a separate processor, RAM, video chip. So system on about 10 chips then.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

He also got the original intention for that project wrong, but I’ll let him off on that because the original vision and what was delivered differed. Was supposed to be a competitor to the Sinclair machines, Jack Tramiel saw what Sinclair did with the Spectrum and wanted a cost reduced machine. He then got fired and marketing turned it into a “business machine”. The C116 did get released which was the original vision for the product. Like a C16 in a smaller case with rubber keys.

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  George

Dan can’t help it. He’s a breakfast radio presenter after all, and commercial radio isn’t known for doing recruitment drives at Mensa meetings.

1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

I think it’s kinda hard to be that chirpy all the time without being a bit simple.

1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

This weeks Retro Hour hilarity was Joe trying to describe how the Vectrex controller clips into the front on the main body. Saying how it’s bolted to the front and like a cassette deck door lol. It’s clear he doesn’t own one. What he was trying to say was you place it in the front of the unit onto some plastic pegs then it pivots and clips into place.

Christian Naumann
1 year ago

Look at some of the photos on google reviews, they can’t even be arsed to clean the cabinets which makes me wonder what goes on behind closed doors in the kitchen.

T. Rollin
1 year ago

Unless they have absolutely no staff at all, how hard is it to run an antibacterial wipe over the controls every hour or so?

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

I wonder how bad the toilet facilities are? Peter’s evidently not going to be cleaning them.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

Lets face it, with all that beany food the khazi is going to look like a pebbledashed wall.

Gordon Ramsays left eyebrow
Gordon Ramsays left eyebrow
1 year ago

Hi Sarah 🙂

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago

I stomached as much of that Ebegging, name dropping, self-promotional video by the Nerd, before leaving a comment on his video.

The entire video was an absolute disgrace.

Plugging Barcadia, again..

Ohhh i’ve been on TV recently he brags…

Who cares with all honesty?

People who cling to these blink and you’ll miss them, TV appearances, really do my head in.

Peter’s “I’m done with YT” Video must be the biggest farce from him in sometime and that’s saying something.

Here the charalton now is, apologiising for a lack of YT content, promising to adress the situation.

Good Grief man.

As for having a bad year, join literally thousands of others Peter..

You don’t feel ready to talk about it?

Funny that, I lost a family member some years ago due to depression based sucide, it came out of nowhere, devasting those left behind, he couldn’t talk about it, nor could family friends who took their own lives..

They didn’t run to social media.

How many times can we repeat the same stuff?

Octavius.. get off social media, write the bloody book, give your backers something for their money.

Peter.. your not an enterprenur, your not an influencer, your not a celeb.

You don’t create, your videos are constantly covering topics everyone else has done before..

They are always so poorly researched, the community has to correct facts, fill in missing content.

Future videos will be no different.

If the community is daft enough to further fund him, they deserve him.

1 year ago

He got the free £25k he was after so his year wasn’t all bad.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  George

He doesn’t. If and when he eventually does reveal what constitutes ‘bad’, I expect it’ll be the same life problems we all have.
I’ve had a terrible year. Mine didn’t involve £25k of free money.

Steven seagull stole my testicle
Reply to  Jambon

Maybe he is saving that money for the divorce.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Jambon

“We all need to make money in this capitalist world”.
Peter Leigh, Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 6:19 PM EST.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

Amazing how he can offer all those services yet can’t seem to start a retro game bar without asking for money from people.

1 year ago

Reminds me of the classic “My name is Peter Leigh. Do you want some more?” ( No we do not. Give everyone their money back and go away.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jambon

Yet in the “Own the web” video he says some will know him as the nostaliga nerd but most of you won’t know who I am. He wasn’t so cocksure back then was he.

1 year ago

£25k for a shag is just fucking mental

1 year ago

As soon as the money dried up and Sam realised how bone idle he is when it comes to running the business she got rid.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I hope so. She may not be perfect but appears to have some kind of work ethic.
Meanwhile, lazy prick Peter groans about having to actually work in his own pub.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

Well, she started the board game cafe thing on her own, didn’t need a youtube channel. I think of course she did get some funding for the move.

1 year ago

Its a bit of a come down from his I am done with YouTube video. He must have thought the money would floe in form hid bar and he could sit back and do nothing. I quick google shows 3 bars up for rent in the same street, clearly the bar is not doing well and the reduced opening hours are an attempt to slow down the losses until the lease is up and the bar will close at which point everything he can will be scrubbed from the internet about it, just like it never existed. He is now renting both an office and the old slice and dice what’s his new plan open an RMC style museum and charge people entry ?

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  JamesP

Probably a jungle-themed retrogaming museum with 3 ZX Spectrums (2 with broken keyboard membranes), an Atari 2600 and a cabinet half-full of Ashens’ Game Child-tier knockoff handhelds.

1 year ago
Reply to  JamesP

He’ll be charging fans £500 to meet him.

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  George

I’m sure some people would pay £500 to leave him IN BITS.

1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

£500 to see him eat a Big Mac.

Mr Poo
Mr Poo
1 year ago

Why have you simultaneously released two videos, one in which Nosty and Sam splitting is said to be conjecture, and the other in which it’s said to be fact based on well-placed sources?

Mr Poo
Mr Poo
1 year ago
Reply to  George

Having sat through both videos, you seem like an expert in talking out of one’s arse. It’s hilarious how much shite you talk with authority.

Mr Poo
Mr Poo
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr Poo

It’s also far from obvious that there was a significant gap between the recording of the videos, given the absolutely minimal level of effort.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr Poo

Okay Sarah… OK…

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr Poo

Yes Peter, George’s videos are rubbish compared to yours.
We’ve been telling him for years to pad them out with music, stock (or stolen) videography and a word salad script sourced entirely from Wikipedia articles.
I also heard he crazily turned down an advertising deal with a manufacturer of men’s tampons. Maybe you should look them up?

The Bear
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr Poo

Hi Sarah, how are the rats? not feeding them salt again are you?

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr Poo

Yet you called yourself ‘Mr Poo’.
Is that Louis’ nickname for you?

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

Louis and Pooey rhyme.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr Poo

Jaysus… I might take a bet on who you are from this comment… George hit the right spot with this video.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

This person is seething, you can feel the malevolence being emitted from the screen. Oof…

Mr Poo
Mr Poo
1 year ago
Reply to  u4ria

I wasn’t originally. Originally I just asked a neutral question about an inconsistency between the videos. George escalated it with his replies, because he’d been caught out. I’m not Sarah, but you won’t believe that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr Poo

OK Sarah.. OK..

The Bear
1 year ago
Reply to  u4ria

It’s easy to work out who you are ‘Mr Poo’ your gramatical style and punctuation gives you away instantly.

Well that and your broadband service providers fixed IP.

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr Poo

Hi Pete!