The Last voyage of the Demeter – Why did it fail?
31 August 202331 August 2023|
GeorgeThe Last voyage of the Demeter – Why did it fail?|

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Sounds like a fair assessment George – I’ve yet to see the movie but will do soon. I agree it does sadly look like this sort of film is falling out of favour with modern audiences, and I don’t think many have the attention span nowadays for anything remotely chilling or thinkable – horror films now do tend to be shallow slashers or about quick shocks with predicable camera angles and all the other established tropes.
Some very interesting points about period horror there, Mr C. I watched Last Voyage of the Demeter last night and agree with your view – a pretty solid, if unremarkable, movie.
Perhaps it would’ve been more successful if, as it’s 2023, the year of trans women…if they’d have played up the whole trans…sylvania opportunity and had the Dracula played by Grayson Perry or Dylan Mulvaney, mincing round the deck and going ‘oooh, shut that cabin door’, etc…that would’ve been very entertaining.
You’ll notice, following my punctuation anal-ripping on the Scuba Dive video, I have now remembered to include the tilde above the ‘n’ in Señor, you pedantic bastard!
that’s the one mate :p