The Complex: Found footage (full walkthrough)

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1 year ago

I believe the Backrooms is an extension of the SCP universe. The whole ‘weirdness’ concept is brilliant. I’ve lost so many hours into SCP’s, the Backrooms, Hauntings and ARG’s it’s been way more entertaining than mainstream media.

1 year ago
Reply to  DocBanzai

Go on, give us a clue with the TLAs.

1 year ago

Influenced by Marble Hornets?

Also, watch the carpet in The Shining where the boy is sitting in a hall on the floor playing.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

There’s a scene where the lad is playing on the floor with cars and a ball. The pattern on the carpet is quite distinctive and the arrow theme through the matter has a section where it is pointing straight at him dead centre. I believe he rolls the ball away, it returns, the boy is now sitting on a shape whethere the arrow line is behind him. Could be a minor continuity cockup, but the this is Kubrick.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I think you mentioned the film in the video. Unless the meds are making me nuts.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Right, I’m not going nuts. Jump to “Wednesday” around 57 mins in. Note the carpet design and how the darker lines lead into a hex shape but not out again. The boy is sitting exactly inside one of these hexamajigs which aligns with the centre of the hall.

Now a ball rolls along a dark line in the carpet, going between his carefully placed toys and stops just before the lad. He looks up, the camera jumps behind the boy to show where the ball came from except the carpet pattern doesn’t flip and the boy+toy configuration has been moved to the closed end of the hex shape.

The change is 57:33 to 57:34 on mine. A large flowpot also appears near him which should have been in-shot before the flip. He gets up and walks to the now open room 237.

1 year ago

Very unsettling! Reminds me of the lab in portal but with a more sinister feel. Chilling indeed

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Thanks George – will check it out! 😊👍