Perifractic: “Fund our baby, we can’t be arsed”
11 August 202311 August 2023|
GeorgePerifractic: “Fund our baby, we can’t be arsed”|

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Who in the wide wide world of sports is Perrifractic? Sounds like a type of broken bone that’s one 3/4 broke.
Well his claim to fame is being an extra in probably the worst Star Wars film (Episode 1) until the Sequel trilogy.
Other than that, he took on being the editor of the mini Zzap 64 mags.
he’s an absolute twat mate. he seems to only have actual, erm, “support” from 7 year olds. everyone who’s older, certainly anyone past puberty, sees right through him for the human piss monument that he is !
that’s what i thought mate i didn’t really know anything about him until people on the discord started saying what a fucking bastard he is and that i should take a look. i did and i wasn’t impressed ! i don’t really watch gaming stuff on youtube because i don’t want games spoiled that i’ve not played and if i’ve played a game i don’t want to see some twit in front of a wall of games yelling at me about it. this guy is a block headed, uber-grifting cunt.
I knew there was something off about that bloke. Other than being a smarmy cunt, of course.
Can you imagine Peri and Dan Wood on a podcast together, would be a nightmare.
i can imagine them trapped in a burning building, but that’s more like a dream than a nightmare 🙂
These 2 make my skin crawl, and their little channel is too cringe to watch.
You can see they have money, yet they try to grift off the viewers.
Perri used to go to a store for his project supplies and feature this girl who worked there, that’s when his wife put a stop to it, and she was featured instead. We all know who wears the trousers in that house.
i don’t really know much about them. people were saying he tries to basically be some kind of wannabe cult leader and attempts to ingratiate himself with people by giving them pet names ending in FRACTIC so i suppose it’s a possessive, culty kind of thing. actually i just misspelled CUNTY.
Is that the one where he went to Walmart and tried sleazing onto one of the staff there? Yeah, that’s when I noped out of Perifractic’s channel.
It was pre-arranged, she appeared many times. What the point of it was I dunno.
That makes it even more cringeworthy.
is it possible that this can even get more cringeworthy ? an awful pair of vile cunts !
probably some weird cult nonsense wherein he hoped to welcome her as an acolyte but his mrs put her star trek stuntwoman foot down about it. he seems absolutely to be the one who doesn’t wear the trousers in that house. he would not even repair his own tv and insisted his wife do it for him because he was scared of it. what an absolute nut !
Well, he did call her a Fractic. Ashley Fractic if I remember right.
i believe that’s right from what i’ve heard mate. definitely trying to assume control over people with that bullshit. such a block headed slimeball of a man. a really transparent monument to urine !
Dreamcatcha has done some great videos on this topic, and another which challenges their claim that it’s a ‘family’ channel.
Great video, showing all their toys and spending. They can’t buy their kid todays because they won’t give up spending money on their own toys.
“Buy their kids todays” argh. Should be “buy their kids toys”. My fingers have a mind of their own.
sadly most of that stuff has been sent to these cunts for FREE. that’s the irony of it, they spend very little on such baubles, preferring instead to keep the money they WOULD have spent on them to buy outrageous things like 30k kit(t) cars etc. spastic cunts.
The kids name will probably Pee Cee Beway.
loooool good one mate yes i can imagine that. like having a car with a coca cola ad on it like loads of restaurant owners in bracknell had !
they missed the R out of the word GRIFT
Not sure why my original post didn’t show so I’ll add it here – Dreamkatcha’s take on it
it’s because you have a link in the post mate it needs to be approved before it gets seen. sorry, these go straight to the spam folder as people can post hijacks/redirects hence approval required. same goes for anything clickable, really.
Had never heard of this pair until your video, George. Did they hear about Top Bits and Lady Saturday and think they were a template to follow? What next, a livestream of the birth for top tier patrons? Christ.
to be honest i knew next to fuck all about them until i was put onto them recently. it’s a horrendous setup, with a slew of wreckage in its wake both online and off.
Is the wonder computer Commander X16 not bringing in the cash then? 😀
I might have to cancel the mini Zzap 64 mags knowing he’s involved in it.
I bailed on his channel a year or so ago as it was beginning to piss me off with all the expensive machines he was getting donated to him.
I’m surprised he’s not making the sprog a cradle out of lego or something.
Two things he has that I don’t, a swimming pool and a Tesla, I expect many of his “fans” don’t either.
it doesn’t matter how much cash anything is bringing in, mate. not his inventions, nor his property portfolio, nor his voice acting, nor his youtubing etc etc the list goes on THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT. what IS important is that he’s got something coming up that’s going to cost him money and he EARNED his money so why should he have to give it away ? what a SICK CUNT !
There’s two groups of people I know who have amazon wishlists. Animal rescue charities and pornstars. Never though “bloke making videos about old computers” would require a wishlist.
oh but they do mate ! especially if they own a tesla. be realistic, a seat for a tesla is going to be more expensive than a seat for the type of car mere mortals drive. come off it, bert, you are smarter than this ? this stuff costs serious money, it doesn’t matter if he has it or not ! he earned it and shouldn’t have to spend it !
Knowing how cars are these days (not just EVs) they probably require a special rental service for you to be able to install the baby seat. They already rent the heated seats feature on some BMWs.
probably mate. if it’s tesla it’ll no doubt be expensive ! doesn’t matter though if other people are going to foot the bill :-/
The penny has only just dropped for me (it’s been a long week).. they don’t want any standard baby seat like a normal person, they want one that matches the car?
Unless this is a wind up they’re clearly fucking brain damaged.
yes mate it has to be the official one that matches. what are you, some kind of fucking savage ? and yes like most people living in ivory towers of their own creation on youtube, they’re brain damaged, self important husks.
Bloody hell.
Usually, as the baby grows, you have to change the car seat after 12-18 months.
This isn’t going to end is it?
“Baby fractic is getting married next year and wants to hire Buckingham palace…. Level 1 patreons can buy an invite”
In California, a Tesla Model 3 has about as much snob value as a Ford Mondeo. Though why he can’t just buy a normal aftermarker child seat from a reputable manufacturer is beyond me.
because it doesn’t fit with his image of having everything he wants. there’s a special fire burning in hell for this level of bastard !
Didn’t Perifractic split from the Commander X16 project over “creative differences”? I’d love to know what The 8-Bit Guy *really* thinks of him…
No idea, but hopefully he told Mr Murray to stop being an idiot and use FPGA or at least currently manufactured parts so as to not use up all the vintage chips needed to repair arcade machines and vintage computers.
tbh those two deserve each other. Though I find David’s autism and penchant for semi-automatic weapons less offensive than ‘Fractic Clan whoring their growing family out for e-clout even before Mrs. Fractic has dropped her first one.
there’s not much that’s more objectionable than this talentless, showboating bastard. he’s an insufferable cunt and she’s just as bad !
This one video will make anyone realise how much of an arrogant plonker he is, it’s pure comedy gold:
So he spends 30k on a toy knowing he has a baby on the way. He is in for a massive shock just how much kids cost in terms of time and money. Even if he had people contacting him asking where to send gifts/donations., all he had to say was give to a local charity instead
he’s the charity mate. he’s the hero in all this. never forget that. it’s perifractic or nothing.
Just when you think you have seen it all, a whole new level of ebegging gets revealed.
I would not have the gall.
unreal mate. 30k or whatever on a knight rider car replica then “please fund our baby”. these two are sick cunts !
This makes the MetalJesus leaky wall beg seem like nothing.
indeed mate. at least in some way that wasn’t his fault. i mean, sure, the cuntery was, but i don’t think he was solely responsible for the leak, it just sort of happened. with this, a penis went into a vagina, ejaculated inside of it, someone made the choice not to take the morning after pill, someone made the choice not to use protection at the time etc etc the list of “WHO’S FAULT IS THIS ?” is endless. but, no, they shouldn’t have to pay for it. we should. there’s kids in india being mutilated by gang bosses so they can earn 5p a day on the streets for the rest of their short lives and we have to witness this CUNT demanding money for a fucking TESLA BABY SEAT ? i’m genuinely afraid of what comes after this. if this isn’t the pinnacle of cuntery i don’t want to know what is !
House having fault and preventing videos being made is totally different to “We want a baby and you can help us fund it”.
it’s “we’re HAVING a baby and plz u can fund it ?”
i think what makes this most ridiculous is they require a baby seat for a TESLA. if that doesn’t tell you there’s something seriously lopsided and fucking preposterous about this situation i don’t know what does. the cynicism of this cunt is off the charts. i’ve seen very few of his videos, but what i have seen is enough to give me the unshakeable notion that he’s a cynical, entitled scumbag. another of these people that plays on the “we view our fans as FAMILY” notion, too. what kind of mong falls for that ? hey, perifractic, love ur content bro, i’ve given you some money towards the tesla baby chair, can i come to urs on holiday and use ur pool and car ? “NO, FUCK OFF”
‘fractic fanny mafe me spit my tea over my phone, lol.
Another top video George.
Truth be told, he got off lightly.
He spent a good few of his recent videos showing off the KITT from Knight Rider car he bought in the UK and had shipped to L. A., and how much work he had done to it, yet, literally moments later up goes an Amazon wish list of items he wants people to buy him.
Just a wild idea here – punt the fking car you have just spent circa $30,000 on?!
indeed mate. i just wanted to put this out there as it is completely deplorable behaviour and just flies in the face of common decency. people are struggling to make ends meet and this cube headed cunt and his simpering numbskull baby carrier are just seeking to monetise and scam everything and anything they can. what a way to bring a child into the world. awful husks !
Never heard of these until now – which is perhaps fortunate! What a pair of disgusting human beings – these two boils should have tea and biscuits with the Top twat and his goblin of a wife. The mind boggles how people can show such contempt for their viewers – the grift really is everything to these pricks. Absolutely deplorable
yes mate they all get to a certain place then feel like they have the right to demand of others when, in reality, if you turned up on their doorstep shivering and hungry they’d not even offer to tip a flagon of piss over your head to warm you up a bit. cunts of the highest order ! self important bastards !