The Wotsit – Interview about his god awful books
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GeorgeThe Wotsit – Interview about his god awful books|

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That was waaay to factually accurate to be the Laird!!
One can only assume he’s done yet another algorithm-meeting YT video, tearing apart a book from a far more established author, belittling said book, for everything the community constantly finds wanting, in his own works.
Bit hard on the 2600 there, sure it’s not a system i would play today, far too primitive.
But back in the day, stuff like:
Jungle Hunt
River Raid
Ms Pac-Man
Were not only technically superb for such lowly hardware, but bloody great fun to play.
It was technically way too ambitious stuff like:
Double Dragon
Ghostbusters 2
Kung Fu Master
You’d want to avoid and play on far more powerful hardware.
Mind you, never really been a decent home version of Double Dragon, Ghostbusters 2 stank on the ST and A8 Rampage was bloody dire as well.
You can’t really be too hard on the 2600 given the hardware was released in 1977 and made to play two games. There’s no video memory or framebuffer as such, so you spend most of the CPU time just drawing stuff with precise timing on the screen. Then in the vertical blank you have a bit of CPU time to do some game logic. Oh and there’s hardly any RAM either and the initial ROM sizes were small because Atari wanted to use a specific connector they knew was affordable and because of the lack of address lines they also had a cut down 6502. Of course later ROM banking was worked out and that helped prolong the consoles life.
Really looking forward to his new stuff, when get gets Chat GPT to do all the work for him so he does not even need to copy and paste
there will be a marked improvement in the quality when that kicks in. it might even get some “facts” correct.
Chinny tried to use AI to generate a ChinnyVision episode and it was utter rubbish. All about the most mainstream retro stuff you could imagine.
i will never use AI to generate text of any kind mate it’s empty hearted cuntery of the highest order !
We’re supposed to think, write and understand. AI will make people lazy and their minds will struggle. I always remember when my mum stopped going out socialising etc and watched TV all the time, wasn’t long after she got diagnosed with dementia. Can’t be sure it was her change of lifestyle that did it or if the condition caused her to change, but either way she got it quite early and just watching TV all the time can’t have helped.
Just to clarify, it was an experiment he did in a video and he wasn’t actually doing it to proper episode of course.
Great work George! If only Kieren would give such a genuinely honest appraisal of his own books lol – and having the temerity to review the work of others knowing the bile he himself puts out is astonishing . He must have the brains if a crab 😂🙈
the way he reviews his own work, too, is absolutely sickening. i mean in fairness no-one else is gong to give it anything but an atrocious review but the hubris of it all. what an absolute cunt !
“You fanta faced fuck”
Added that one to the list of favourite quotes!
He was tangoed from birth. Probably one of those people who went orange drinking too much Sunny Delight.
That is fucking brilliant! I really must code a UK Youtubers sound board for the site for ultra-fun.
Should do a conversation between Arnie and the Wotsit, like those old prank calls that used Arnie samples.
I’ve been under the weather today so it was good to see another Wotsit video.