Vendors refuse to attend LCC (and some pixeljunk)
24 July 202324 July 2023|
GeorgeVendors refuse to attend LCC (and some pixeljunk)|

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Sorry, but anyone threatening physical violence towards the individual if they see him at any event, is rather feeble-minded.
Yes, he’s done the community great harm, so don’t buy his books, become a Patreon supporter of his channel, watch and like his videos, that’s your perogative, let him wither on the vine if you wish, show your support for more deserving, fledgling channels and writers in thier infancy.
But making threats to smash people’s faces in?
Come on, the community is better than that, is it not?
Do people really want police time wasted yet again thanks to 1 individual in the community?
Anyone making such threats, is simply playing into his hands and doing the community itself an injustice.
well mate i agree on that BUT he’s not said some of the things he’s said about others to me. some of the stuff he’s said (calling women whores and saying their vajayjays are open all hours to all, pardon the parlance, comers, for example, or spreading rumours that people beat their wives and children) is pretty much unforgiveable, and i do have a degree of sympathy for those affected by such words for wanting to have more than words with him in return.
He either needs to go see a shrink or he needs to do something so bad that it gets so much coverage that everyone will know who he is. There can’t be too many avenues for him to get gigs in the retro world these days.
there are none. for the wotsit, THE WAY IS SHUT ! this is presumably why he’s popped up at this “con” as no-one involved knows his history.
OK, so who exactly has been asked to exhibit and declined because of the individual in question?
It’d give a greater understanding over what the actual event is trying to be, to know who they’ve invited.
i wanted to say in the video mate and ran it past the folks but they said they didn’t want to be directly named as they’d rather not face the backlash or basically have to take any public stance on it, saying their non appearance was sufficient. maybe they’ll come around, but until that point it’s not fair for me to say BUT they’re video game people who usually have tables at all the big uk meetups, if that’s any help. So, yes, video game folks NOT comic folks. kieren knows FUCK ALL about comics, not really sure why he’s involved in this at all to be honest. aren’t comic cons usually about comics ?
Of the ones i have been too in the past..
The Twin Peaks one, was just sooo random, but even then, had no Retro or Modern Gaming section
The big, London Comic Con events had seperate gaming arena’s, mostly modern stuff, but a Retro Section tucked away, but these areas weren’t the main focus, just places you visited, whilst waiting for your photo session with the TV and Movie celbs, later in the day.
You’d spent the morning queuing to get stuff signed, then found yourself with a lot of downtime and if listening to Q+A sessions weren’t your thing, you wandered down to the gaming section to kill some time.
With these Luton thing, given the small size of the venue?
It’s in real danger of falling between the proverbial stools.
Is it a venue to promote (local??) Comic artists and folks to try their hand at Cosplay?
If so, why annouce a niche YT channel host as your first headliner??
because kieren is behind it and wants to be the main attraction, as per fucking usual. he’s billy bighead !
There’s an element of crossover between gaming and cosplay, but not so much retro-gaming.
Every book he writes is a comic, well comical.
This con is turning into a massive dumpster fire. Currently the main attraction is a you-tuber with under 10k subs who writes are self publishes poorly received books that have fake reviews online. Wow sounds amazing. At this rate it will be an empty hall with him and his stand of books
At this point his books are probably self-printed and stapled together.
it’s not going to put Luton so much as “on the map” as “in the crap”
Yet despite it all, the Wotsit will still have the temerity to turn up to Luton and peddle his awful books etc being fully aware of the contempt he breeds. The ginger mutant really doesn’t give a shit!
in his mind, everyone wants to see him there. he’s “the main draw”. he’s a fucking bastard !
I have a Brother scan n cut machine, can make up a few t-shirts for those turning up. “The Atari Jaguar is crap” would certainly trigger him.
are you going mate ? if so you should definitely make yourself a t-shirt and go to his stall, maybe print out the front page of “that” atari age thread and ask him to sign it too. “it’d be great to have the signature of one of the biggest wankers in the community, if not THE biggest, could you oblige, or do you need help to write your own name ?”
Too far away for me. I’m going to the Zzap live thing though.
Going to be one of the few events where the stall holders get paid to be there.
i think even in that case most of those who have heard of THE WOTSIT will NOT be wanting to attend, not for any reason, due to potential reputation damage by association. he really is a disgusting, horrible, lying creep !
It’s a shame for the people who he duped.