The Wotsit – Luton con organiser cannot work with him!
18 July 202318 July 2023|
GeorgeThe Wotsit – Luton con organiser cannot work with him!|

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I had a look at the Facebook page for the event. A few posts promoting the Wotsit and talking him up. The one which mentions his involvement with the event has comments locked down and clearly comments have been deleted. Cowardly prick.
myself and several others have already been banned from posting there, some guy jamie something or other seems to be in denial about it all, too. he seems to be mostly in charge of it. i know for a fact that several exhibitors have now refused to take part knowing of the wotsit’s involvement, so they can only keep their heads in the sand for so long.
It just would be nice to the event to be promoting who will be there not self-promotion. Still, the venue seems like something you’d expect a jumble sale to be at so I can understand that people won’t want to get involved as it will he hard to stay away from people you don’t like.
well yes mate there’s that and indeed as with anything the wotsit would stick his oar into it seems to be more about fellating themselves than inviting others to the table who’d potential put them in the shade somewhat. i mean, get anyone who’s achieved ANYTHING and put them next to that duracell prick and he’s immediately eclipsed. i can see why he’s gone all in on self importance on this why and, equally, i can see why more and more people are choosing not to be involved as a result !
Wouldn’t it be funny if every person he’s ever wronged turned up 😀
to paraphrase jaws “we’re gonna need a bigger conference center”
Conference centre? the event is at a community centre.
This page is pretty interesting, if only they applied the rules to one of the organisers:
Is the Wotsit Luton Comic-Con ?
he’s part of it:
Project leader Jamie said: “If there is a single, most-defining moment that would dictate success or failure for this project, this is it, and we have overcome it together. This would not have been possible had it not been for the level of support that was shown by the people of Luton, from when I first pitched the idea back in June of 2022.
“I am only but one cog in this gearbox here, and I would like to say that the majority of the credit for this project should go to Kieren Hawken and Fiona Morton; also, I would like to give a mention to Lauren Cox, of Luton Council’s Social Justice Team, for volunteering as our referee on our application.””
Fiona Morton has already stated she can’t work with the wotsit. i have been banned from posting on their facebook page because i posted “that” link to the atariage forum and all kieren’s wrongdoings. i’m sure they’d welcome input from others though 🙂
Cheers for clarifying that.
Have you got the link for Atari Age mate? Sounds like a good toilet read.
an incredible read and to think it’s only a toe in the water of his cuntery over the years. he’s a weapons grade bastard !
He’s the uniting force in the retro scene, people who don’t really see eye to eye all come together in their hatred of the guy.
That is one of the most mental things I’ve ever read. The bloke is utterly bonkers. And to think the thread was closed almost three years ago. Fuuuuck me.
There’s only so much you can read before you just think how can he not realise he is in the wrong? When even people who worked for Atari in the management team on the products he is talking about tell him his “facts” are wrong you’d think the penny would drop.
he’s an utter cunt, a fantasist and a failed sociopath. he’s not smart enough to be a successful sociopath. nothing he does is ever wrong, nothing he says is ever wrong. this is why he’s so universally loathed and why he’s gone to great lengths in his attempts to destroy anyone who pulls him up on his incessant bullshit. there’s that side of things, and there’s also the side of things where he denies any of the behaviour that people have examples of him engaging in. he could do something in front of 100 people, blatantly, then tell them he didn’t do it – and he’d believe himself. he’s a broken, useless fuck up of a man.
you’d better be taking the mother of all shits lol it’s 70 pages of mayhem. there’s so much of it that it has its own index 😮
Read a fair bit of it, but after a while you just want to stop reading it wondering how someone can be such a complete idiot.
I wonder if the event will even go ahead now. This is only the first person to leave and will not be the last
Only if there’s a stall where you can throw rotten tomatoes at the wotsit.
Belisha Beacon sounds like a pornstar name.
lol i feel the opposite mate i find it very utilitarian !
Poor mites – I bet they thought they had quite the coup having the one and only ‘Mr Atari’ at their fab event, only to find they ended up with the cross eyed, demented, compulsive lying, scabby, loathesome, crab brained love child of Boris Becker and a mannequin made out of Red Leicester! A quick google of this ginger boil might have saved them the trouble 🤔🙈 or alternatively they could have had a look at his YouTube channel and found that he is about as well informed and entertaining as an ingrowing toenail.
it’s utterly bizarre. why the fuck, as you say, wouldn’t they have googled him. it’s impossible to google his name without finding out a great deal about his antics over the years. there’s way more negative information out there about him than anything else. a fucking stupid bastard ! fat, lying, monotone, boring twat !
The Wotsit is into cosplaying big time, he cosplays as an author and youtuber most days.
Sadly, i can’t say this news comes as any surprise.
Over the years we have seen individuals quit forums due to this individual’s behaviour, Forum owners quit their own forum and pass the site onto others, rather than deal with the situation caused by this individual’s behaviour..
Retro Event team staff quit for the above reasons.
The Individual in question couldn’t even settle on a single reason for why he no longer worked for RG Magazine..
Lee Foggarty had caused him to be sacked, no wait, they’d rejected multiple articles he pitched to them, no, it was because he wanted more creative freedom in his writing, then finally he could make more money working with publisher, Paul Andrew’s.
Then having parted from Andre’s, whom he’d said without which and his team, his solo books woukd be impossible to produce, he rocks up, self publishing on Amazon, claiming he could create better books and make more more by self publishing.
I can’t wait to hear more on this story, the excuses given alone, will be most entertaining.
indeed mate. as usual, it just writes itself when this utter prick is involved. he can’t do anything without rubbing people the wrong way, it’s in his nature to be awful.
There’s literally no redemption for him. He just needs to go find a job that is in keeping with his talents. Something down in the sewers where all the other turds hang out.
he’s been sacked for being incapable (or worse) in every job he’s ever had. he’s a completely useless cunt. so, he gives himself a job. the job of lying. constantly. to make people “love” him :-/ christ i could fucking throw up when i think of the lack of activity going on inside the self serving shithole between his ears.