The WOTSIT returns – Luton Comic Con. Oh dear, Oh dear.
13 July 202313 July 2023|
GeorgeThe WOTSIT returns – Luton Comic Con. Oh dear, Oh dear.|

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Soo. You’r’e not a fan…
Fuck Loton.
Nice to see the Shite Hawk popping up to remind us of the fact that a leopard can’t change its spots.
he’ll forever be trying to sneak back in mate, he’ll never change. he thrives on attention and having people to lie to. you can only lie to yourself in a vaccuum, and that’s no use to him at all.
If he had a wash he wouldn’t get spots.
well his idea of a wash is a bath in multiple boxes of cheesy pasta OR rubbing a load of wotsits or cheese dorito crumbs into his face. that’s it.
Fucking Chris Evans looking cunt. At least Evans doesn’t smell like fake cheese, though.
“With over 50 books to his name, Kieren is one of the most prolific writers and authors within the video game sector. He is also credited as a script writer for numerous popular YouTube channels and as a contributing author on a host of books by other authors.”
IMDB says:
Fact Hunt 2015-
One channel is numerous? I guess he’s as good at maths as he is at English.
he’s clearly filled these people with lies mate. ANYONE can write 50 shit books if they’re all cut and paste and filled with the demented scribblings of a daft, lying cunt who’s never even played most of the games he’s reviewing. as he once said “i don’t need to play a game to review it” yes, um, yes you fucking do you massive, horrid orangutan !
His books at least now have some honest reviews on them. Apart from the one that’s probably his own account:
“Amateurish throughout.
This is just an amended version of “reviews” found in the author’s Atari 8-bit A-Z which is now unavailable due to his publisher dropping him in 2022.
He is peddling the same bad grammar, childish spelling mistakes and factual errors that he did in all his previous publications.
This does the subject matter a disservice and insults anyone seeking informative material.
There is none to be found here.”
I kind of like how this Spectrum game takes the piss out of The Wotsit. LOL
He’s a failure on pretty much all levels. I mean, I wished I’d picked up coding back then, I might have got into machine code and while I don’t think I’d have done a commercially viable game I’d have done something. But for the Wotsit to claim he wrote Spectrum games is hilarious, he’d make so many typos the code would never assemble.
i never thought i would ever be in a position to say this, but that’s an insult to chris evans
Chris Evans at least has a few bob and nobbed Billie Piper.
indeed mate
“The man who makes Pinocchio look like the fucking go-to guy for facts”
George – where the fuck do you get them from mate?
i don’t know mate i just hit record and explode when it comes to videos like this :p
Some introduction that, you ought to do the intros for the boxing world title fights 🥊
i would do the introduction to a funeral at this point mate if it paid the bills :/
You can write my eulogy. 😀
it’s a deal mate ! can you pay me in advance ? i’m not sure your family will be happy to foot the bill for one of my trademark explosions at your funeral !
I did the whole Comic Con thing, some years ago for a while.
Starting with a small Twin Peaks event, organised outside London and that was GRIM.
The special guests, all 2 of them, were paid-for access only, main event downstairs.
The toilets absolutely stank.
From there, went onto do the proper ones In London, met all the people i wanted to meet from likes of The Fast Show, Game Of Thrones, Sons Of Anarchy, Aliens, AVP and Predator 2..
Then stopped as these events are mega expensive.
When I saw the Luton one, it was like going back to the Twin Peaks one, but without the celebrity guests.
This is just Cosplay and sellers.
The organisers first event, so of course he’s going to be looking for help with the event.
The individual in question, has the spare time to assist, he’s no 9 to 5 or shift pattern based employment to juggle it around.
Has been involved in various niche Retro events in the years before.
So basically, he will use the site to promote his warez, get a video out of it to meet the YT algorithm and claim he’s again, never been busier.
He just cant stay away, everyone knows what he is like. Comic Cons are poping up in every little town now. However as you said with Luton being close to London why not go to a massive even in London. The event will be a car crash if he is involved in any way
exactly mate, anyone of import will stay clear of ANYTHING that’s touched by the hand of this spiteful, ginger tosser ! plus, indeed, they’d all make actual money going someplace in london. as has been said by multiple people, this is just going to be vendors and “the luton deadpool”, with no-one actually “famous” scheduled to be there.
Luton will be a heck of a lot cheaper I expect. It’s hard to get a venue for a decent price right now.
it’s in luton because they’re all based in luton. the notion of starting a new comic con in london is even more insane than inviting the laird to be an ambassador for your event !
At least Luton will be famous for something other than card fraud and sky high car insurance.
and racism :/
Well one guest has been announced. Form an orderly queue for an autograph everyone.
i made a comment or two on there and got banned from the group !
Autograph? I wouldn’t want him touching anything of mine. Would leave cheese powder marks all over it.
indeed mate. a guaranteed way to devalue anything you own.
An Amazing Media Partner… 🤔
i presume they mixed that phrase up with “a complete fucking arsehole and a massive liability”
They’re getting a lot of engagement there, 4 likes, 1 probably from the Lurd himself.
they’ll all be from him. no-one else will have put them there. if you know who he is, you know how much of a prick he is, simple as that. the ony reason he’s even trying to get himself into this “con” is because if he showed his face at any retro gaming event he’d get it smashed in.
beautifully put as ever XD
A good friend of yours I presume mate?
you’d think so, from the fond way in which i talk about him, but actually it’s quite the opposite !
Haha! So I presume then that the email he sent you a while back, apologising for past misdemeanours and general cuntery turned out to be fake, and not actually from him?
no i am pretty sure now that that was fake and was someone trying to get me to spotlight the free download of his book because it was one he didn’t want to give away or something like that. i should have known really as kieren never apologises to anyone, certainly not to the point where he means it. he’s an atrocious cunt.
He’s more of a Happy Shopper brand cheesy puff than a Wotsit anyway.
Not the first con he’s been involved with 🙂
very droll, mate. quite right though ! his whole life is one !