Gaslighting, fibs and other nonsense.

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Winston Fahrenheit
Winston Fahrenheit
1 year ago

It’s shocking how such talentless nob jockeys like Ravi Wankaar and his gang of non-entities can suddenly become so important in the whole Amiga scene as it is today. But, more realistically, self-important and self aggrandising.
What you are doing is fair comment, parody and review. Why not simply give Geezer his £65 and move on. No, why not instead descend with tenacity and vigor into hollow threats of legal action. This reflects the £40-50K a month empire (depending on who you include), in which these few retro illuminati are going to great lengths to protect. The great tragedy is how many people, many of who are at their youngest are in their 40s, part with their cash to charlatans and grifters.

Grabby Abbort
1 year ago

How is it shocking? The people who put them in that position are even lower human scum. They send them money via patreons, subscriptions, kofi and whatnot. They watch their insipid content and talk about it everywhere giving them props at any given possibility. and they’re very vocal in rubbing them up with butter online everywhere they can.

These people exist because a LOT of others, probably the gross of the Amiga community, allow them to. Let’s not write insane horseshit like “I am shocked! The Amiga community is so much better!”

No it isn’t, it’s this rubbish bin on fire.

1 year ago
Reply to  Grabby Abbort

LOL, truthfully, that doesn’t just hold true for the Amiga community, the entire retro gaming community in general are like this. They prop up the worst of the worst, while ignoring actual good people in those communities. All these people care about is shitty, cheesy, boring “jokes” and “comedy” routines.

1 year ago
Reply to  LordEvyl

And for the record, I’ve never gave money to ANYONE on Patreon, and never will.

1 year ago

Well to be fair, Ravi organised an Amiga event. Of course I’m glad I couldn’t go now due to this silly drama. If you organise an event you have to be pretty neutral and tolerant as long as nobody is getting hurt.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago

He’s not a nob jockey. He’s a disc jockey.
Oh. Wait. No, sorry, he just plays some ripped off noise samples on an Amiga.

1 year ago

I had no idea I was upsetting so many people across so many demographics by using this place and I have not even got out of bed yet.
That is truly a tremendous feat and makes me wonder what else I am capable of when I do actually get up.
Thing is, is there anyone left for me to piss off by that stage?

1 year ago

Imagine, if you will, the sheer impotent rage of the Funkyspectrum comments downvoter…

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Their mothers made a huge mistake by not choosing abortion

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  LordEvyl

And they’re reminded of that decision every time they get the privilege of laundering a basket full of their dirty socks.

1 year ago

Haha, i knew it. Banning Geezer Games was clearly out of order but heaven forbid anyone should just hold their hands up and admit it was a ridiculous decision. Way better to double down and launch a series of ad hominem attacks.

1 year ago

God, these dumb fuck idiot Retro Hour cunts irritate me. When are we gonna see the goods on how Ravi ‘I couldn’t get a real job’ Abbott SILENCED any criticism of his scandalous banning of Geezer? Someone needs to address it directly, and in person, with old toss pot Ravvvviiiiii.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

He seems to have a weird pronunciation for many words. Meta for example, he said it like it was spelt meata. What does he call the MET police force?

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I’ve lost track of the things he’s pronounced wrong. But the one which amused me was when he was talking about Superman in one of the episodes and he kept saying Louis Lane instead of Lois Lane 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Look at his LinkedIn: – Educated at Trent (a Poly..) then jobs of nothingness. He’s such an idiot fuck that he can’t even spell his job title correctly: “Project Assitant” (sic). His career has been an abject lesson in how to toil at the bottom of the ladder. He quit it in 2013 to go all in on his podcast.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Can’t view it in a private window either. If I clicked it when logged in then I’m sure they’d try to get me the sack.

T. Rollin
1 year ago

I thought Dave was better than that.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

I would’ve thought he’d be the least likely of that circle to be offended.

Maybe there was a memo to employees from RMC corporate about public representation on the subject.

1 year ago

Racism, transphobia, antisemitism and homophobia??? Is Dave sure about that? Care to provide proof? I’m yet to see any comments on this site that one could claim to be any of those things. Someone appears to be telling porkies to try and discredit. That’s kinda sad.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stevieboy74

It’s the same old criticism shield they use in Hollywood. They use it with every movie now, hire someone with an unproven track record who is from a certain protected group then if the film is utter garbage they can say it’s because the audience has some sort of prejudice.

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  Stevieboy74

I’m surprised that ableism wasn’t tacked onto the list of charges. That would’ve been doubly hilarious given that the most “ableist” person in the FS universe is a bloke who has a genuine disability and constantly takes the piss out of himself over it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stevieboy74

I’m going to use the Tu Quoque logical fallacy and ask why they allowed ‘sexist and racist’ David Pleasance at the kickstart event?
A couple of videos have surfaced on YouTube recently showing him mocking the Chinese and making derogatory comments about appearance of a female performer.

Seeing as the Retro Hour table was next to David’s at the event, I’m sure Dan Wood will have leant across and given him an earful. 100%.