Geezer runs Bartertown (this site)

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T. Rollin
1 year ago

Sorry to hear that, George. All the best.

1 year ago

Get well soon George

T. Rollin
1 year ago

I know what I said about free range vs manufactured drama on another post… but I don’t suppose Geezer could stir up a bit more shit, could he? I’m getting a bit bored here.

1 year ago

Speaking of free speech, if you want to have a sneak preview of what the germ of “a boot stamping on a human face – forever” might look like, have a look here:
What a wonderful and tolerant place!

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago

I heard Geezer has transitioned to “Madge”. Is this true?

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

I think i can confirm this is true but I’m not sure.
(Who the fuck is Madge?) Madge from Neighbours? I’m no Harold lover.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  George

Never heard of it! Will have to go find it now…

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Geezer

It’s cool to choose an old-skool name for yourself. Madge was the first that popped into my head, which is disturbing.

1 year ago

He seems like a great bloke.

1 year ago

Thanks for this response George and as as someone who also didn’t watch the video, I think you’ve outlined sensible approach here. Much respect it Geezer as you say and I didn’t see his comments or form a view as i couldn’t bring myself to watch the video due to the insufferable people on it tbh. I agree however that if you choose to inflict yourself on others via any media, you’ve got to be ready for the comments that folllow – good or bad. You can just not watch the content you don’t like or likewise as a creator just ignore any comments or wind ups you don’t like surely? Without knowing Graeme personally, his sense of humour does seem to come across in his dialogue and perhaps that’s what people are missing here maybe – I don’t know. Anyway I’m glad funky spectrum exists and always look forward to what is uploaded here. And loved the master blaster reference by the way! 😆

1 year ago

Bloody hell, I’m amazed that this is still being debated…

I suppose people will bicker for the sake of it sometimes, but what I’m struggling to wrap my head around is the following:

Over on Twitter, post a link to a video with a comment such as “Look at this pair of bellends” and nobody bats an eyelid, unless it’s something trending or something particularly sensitive or polarising. Nobody pulls you up for lack of commentary or critique or added value – you’ll simply get a free pass. Post the same type of content here and suddenly all the offense tourists show up being angry on behalf of the 2 streamers in the video. Why?

It’s one thing if one, or both, of the streamers turned up here and had their say (and I believe everybody has the right to reply to comments which are out in the open, be they good or bad) but it’s another thing entirely to be offended on someone else’s behalf and to start throwing around isms & ists at the original poster. It’s a bizarre trait of modern media I suppose – attack the person’s character, not the original argument.

My rule for online interraction has always been quite simple: Don’t say anything online which you aren’t prepared to say in real life, face to face. Can you imagine if somebody came running up to me in the street and called me a Goth prick (it’s happened, several times actually) and then some random passer by gets angry on behalf of me and starts berating the original antagonizer? Doesn’t that strike you as being a little odd?

If folks are getting all worked up by literal text on a screen aimed at somebody else entirely, then perhaps they need to take a break from the Internet, go and interact with human beings in the real world for a bit and develop some people skills. As you mentioned in the video, with free speech comes the risk that you’ll occassionally not like what is being said. Ignore it, move on…

1 year ago

Freedom of speech is EXTREMELY important. It’s something that modern day wokeness and snowflakes are trying to take away from us but it’ll never happen. I watched most of Graeme’s video in question, and I’ll be 100% honest it wasn’t my cup of tea, but so be it and that’s fine. I didn’t comment on the video because it wasn’t for me and I moved on to the next video. As you say he has every right to upload whatever he wants, in the same way that you do, George.
Graeme does a brilliant job on this site and I for one, like many others are grateful that George has a platform again. Keep up the excellent work guys 👍🏻