Khare: Steve Jackson and John Blanche’s dark fantasy masterpiece

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Colonel basic
Colonel basic
1 year ago

I enjoyed this video George, I like when people are genuinely passionate about something. I never tried these books back in the day only the poor choose your own adventure versions but I know what you mean about a stain left on the mind. Bloodborne is engraved on my mind for it’s overbearing sense of bleakness even more so than Dark Souls series.

Max Levin
1 year ago

Thanks for opening my eyes for these books and their artworks, love hyper detalied stuff like this! There’s even a South Park-edition of one of Jacksons books, is it any good?

1 year ago

Re: the intent of Sorcery being pitched as a bit more grown up, there’s a note in the SJ interview below:
Admittedly that could have been (and probably was) just marketing gubbins, and from the above it seems the intent of Steve Jackson was to branch out somewhat as you say – so a little from column A and a little from Column B.

1 year ago

Smashing video George, interesting stuff and great to hear an enthusiast in full flow.
Weren’t the Sorcery series originally touted as a more ‘grown up’ version of FF?

1 year ago

Loved these books and read them all back in the day. Death trap dungeon was my favourite. I feel sorry for kids today who I imagine would have little interest in these type of books. I enjoyed reading them over and making different choices everytike. Never knew about the book’s connection to the dark souls series and how they influenced the design. Make absolute sense when you think about it, and the games have nailed that hopeless and foreboding atmosphere well

1 year ago

This was an excellent listen mate, really enjoyed it. A real trip down memory lane to my early childhood. Back in the early 80’s and my infants school days we used to have the Puffin book club, which was basically a colour folded brochure of sorts, but only a couple of pages, and it advertised all the latest Puffin books that were available at a reduced subsidised price for young school kids. I remember seeing Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone’s “Warlock of Firetop Mountain” and being totally mesmerised by it! I had to have it and thankfully my parents gave me the couple of quid needed to order it. I remember the excitement when it arrived in the classroom about a week later. Me and my mate Bjornar played the book to death, hundreds of times I’d say. Then I moved onto secondary school and my focus moved to different interests, and I never bought or played any other books in the series, which was a real shame.
It probably explains my huge love for the Soulsborne games like yourself, and your observation about the similarities between the books and the games is a brilliant one. No two games of a Soulsborne game are ever the same, and there’s always something new to learn no matter how many times you’ve played, and that’s similar in many ways to these books. Very interesting to hear of Miyazake’s interest and influences taken from these books too. It all makes sense when you think about it!

Tempted to buy the Warlock of Firetop Mountain again for a big nostalgia hit as you’ve definitely brought it back into my consciousness again. Excellent video mate, thanks 👍🏻

1 year ago

God, I loved these books. I had a full set 1 to 23 plus Sorcery and another set that was a more realistic set that I can’t remember the name of. It was something to do with being on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. It was a bit boring and never got in that one. I had the Bestiary book as well.
My favourite location was Port Blacksand, it felt really alive. I understand your love of these books completely, they were so immersive.
Unfortunately when I moved house everything got left behind and now they are distant memory. Recently I managed to find all the books in PDF format from (ahem) somewhere or other. It’s not the same as holding the book in your hands.
But I’m 100% with you. These books are awesome.