Robocop – Bulletproof Arcade run

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Max Levin
1 year ago

I remember wanting to try beef jerky for the longest time, it was mentioned every now and then in american media back then. So when it finally showed up in the supermarket in the city I bought it(it was expensive as hell!) and had a bite. Unforutnately, I had, as a kid, tried our dogs dry food, and knew immediately what I was eating. What a disappointment, but hey, atleast I knew exactly why you shouldn’t eat beef jerky.

1 year ago

Thanks for uploading George – enjoyed seeing this again. This is the only version of Robocop I’ve ever completed – I did it with a mate back in the day – no real skill involved – we simply had enough money between us! Obviously designed to fleece players of cash as it’s quite unfair with the amount of unavoidable bullets / enemies in places. As for crisps – don’t remember Riley’s, but definitely enjoyed Tudor Crisps which were popular up here in the north east. Never tried Phileas Fogg but remember the TV advert saying they were made in Medlomsley Road, Consett!

1 year ago

Testing 123…

1 year ago

Oh darn, my reply ended up as a new post. See above.

1 year ago

Not sure I do. What I really crave are Phileas Fogg crisps, especially those mignons morceaux. A sort of garlic crouton type thing.

This site covers Rileys:

Rileys Crisps

1 year ago

I remember Robocop arcade from the local Rileys snooker hall. That’s also where I first played Shinobi.