“That” Amiga Kickstarter: Neil RMC knew ALL ALONG!

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1 month ago

There was a channel update video from this lot a couple of weeks ago. Some of the responses to questions asked in the comments were quite interesting. There was a link to a video from Alex explaining why he left the Arcade Archive. He sounded a lot like a victim of narcissistic abuse. Poor guy.

1 year ago

To be fair to Neil, his fence sitting approach is exactly how a corporation would position itself; neutral, opinion-less and avoiding controversy at all costs.
Having a strong opinion on a controversial topic poses a threat to his income stream(s), so from a business point of view, he’s doing the right thing.

Morally however, that is a different discussion, and I have no doubt he harbours strong views on certain topics.

I have a LinkedIn profile which projects a very corporate and ‘safe’ view of the world.

Whereas my twitter profile is littered with strong views on atheism, Qatar’s stance on human rights and how shit the Atari Lynx is. But they mix like oil and water.

1 year ago

Yep, which is why I’m always pointing out to people that the whole political correctness thing grew out of capitalism as it was about maximising profits by not offending potential customers. Of course that’s now gone the other way and they’re actually employing activists who are making brands political much to their disappointment when they realise the majority don’t share the political views of their latest diversity hire.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

She was utterly clueless and clearly had an agenda. Saying there was no plan for star wars, no material when Disney took over. What? there was a whole plan that George handed over and she didn’t want to do any of it. I think part of the deal was Lucas got 30% of any money made from merchandise over his characters so they bumped them all off and created new ones.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I think Lucas said something like he expected it to go how their takeover of Pixar went. Basically nothing changed other than reporting lines, profit share etc. But nope, they bought it and got him out of the way as they wanted to do an even worse job than he did with the prequels.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago

Said it before, will say it again..

Neil was the person who deleted comments exposing Jane Whittaker for the proven liar he is, on his guest appearance slit on Neil’s CDTV repair video.

Neil is absolute slime.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago

So we have 5 fans of Neil here.

Welcome one and all.

Downvote till your fingers bleed, it won’t undo the FACT Neil puts views and likes, over fundamental morality.

He knew Jane Whittaker was a recognised fake, someone who constantly uses other people’s platforms to self promote, lie and remain in the public eye.

It would of taken no time for Neil to issue a simple update comment/disclaimer on his video, but instead he deliberately deleted comments warning people Jane was lying.

So yes, Neil is absolute slime.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago
Reply to  George

Here’s the thing then.

All these folk good and true, white-Knighting Neil via the downvotes…

How about you have the stones to post a counter argument, detailing exactly why likes of myself are wrong in our views.

Explain how morally, Neil was perfectly justified to leave Jane Whittaker as a guest speaker on his video, had no obligation to his YT audience (Neil) to point out he’d been duped..

And why Neil was justified to delete genuine comments warning people Jane was lying through his teeth in the video making out he’d worked for Microprose on various Amiga flight sims etc.

I personally don’t care if people are down voting my comments as they support Neil, Jane or both.

Not if they absolutely hate my guts.

The fact is Neil’s actions earn him his reputation as do Jane’s.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

That’s one of the reasons I unsubbed from some of these channels. For years I’ve wanted a CDTV and an Amiga 1000 and people just hand them over for free to these people.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I was once given an Amiga 3000, it was rescued from a skip at Psygnosis by someone who worked there. He obviously removed all the hard disks.

1 year ago

Tubby Gristle likes David but can’t see why it needs a kickstarter… HOLD THE FUCK UP. Tubby cant see why it needs a kickstarter BUT she got involved in the Barcadia grift even though Peter admitted they didn’t need the £25k.. Let that sink in.

1 year ago

Nice video George
Its good to see someone calling out Wide-boy Neil for a change

How Heber and himself has been milking the MiSTer project for every little drop of change they can over the past few years is a sight to see. Even to the point of Richard from Heber fishing on the likes of the Official MiSTer forum of ways to fork the project to milk it even more. This is without giving anything back to the project or making their designs open source of course

You then get his great mate Jurassic Dave promoting blindly everything that comes out of Heber

One of my recent favourites is the “Super Video Custard Cartridge” their MiSTer Multisystem board at only £65.99 which enables S-video and composite output by converting the RGB signal. Ironically the MiSTer project recently added the ability the get S-video and composite direct from the core with no RGB conversion via the VGA connector (which the MMS has) with a simple Luma trap which costs around £16

Dont get me started on the CTRLDock Classic SE Joystick Adapter they launched recently which costs over £100 including case and is based on a £3.60 Pi Pico……

The one good thing is at least Rich is getting called a parasite now which is a start

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Yeah the scene seems to be very full of grifters sadly but Neil has quite a dedicated bunch of followers lead by Jurassic Dave and its horrible to see him riding on this

The whole ” Retrogaming Museum” makes me laugh every time

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I guess he’s a Mister Man. Mr Fence?

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Mr Milky Milky

1 year ago

You can see why he loves the MiSTer. Just like himself it can be programmed to be all sorts of things.

T. Rollin
1 year ago

To be fair on Neil and Heber, they’ve done a good job of making the MiSTer easier for normies to understand. Though I don’t know why they bothered. The MiSTer community is full of more angry autistics than the Amiga and ZX Spectrum community combined, which is quite an achievement.

1 year ago

Bloody hell George, you are on a roll 🙂

1 year ago

Even his mate Mark had the balls to call it snake oil

1 year ago

your videos are so good, the editing etc is so on point.