Time Crisis – Crisis Zone Arcade levels PERFECT run !
22 May 202322 May 2023|
GeorgeTime Crisis – Crisis Zone Arcade levels PERFECT run !|

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Good thing you uploaded this sewn together, made me appreshiate the details in the carnage the second time more. Made me think of the fantastic game Max Payne 2, gotta give that a second go as well!
About “destroying Londons”, have you played Megaton Rainfall? Don’t know if you can destroy London there, but it looks quite fun!
And the credits with the endless stair-struggle coupled with the victorious music made me chuckle.
good thanks mate i thought people might like to see the whole thing instead of having to piss about finding the other videos after watching them one at a time. seemed a sensible thing to do and i still had the files lying around. i need to get better at the 2nd mode there are actually another 2.5 stages (the .5 is just firing at a boat from a helicopter and imo doesn’t really count as a full stage) that involve going wild in a hotel which were not in the arcade at all so i need to learn that and GIT GUD so i can make a playthrough for that too. also that is different in that for the base missions you can actually play them in any order (although you must complete them all to unlock the Geyser 1 final mission) but for the 2nd ps2 exclusive mission set you can only play from the start so you have to go through all of it in one sitting, you can’t pick which bit you want to play so i suppose that shows some longevity as these are more or less memory games and that’s more of a chunk of stuff to memorise ! thanks for watching mate !
*your viewers want to see on the site*
it’s what I need and i think it’s what YOU need too ! having said that, i didn’t follow that statement for an immediate demand for 25k which would subsequently “vanish” into thin air !
Id like to see Lady Varty rip this off word for work and put it up on her site.
Great playthrough George – it’s a good watch with the segments all together! If you’re taking requests on what your want to see on the site , I’m happy to make some suggestions. I think you could do some top 10 games videos on various systems, some meaningless comparisons of the same games on said systems, an extended Altered Beast review and with an in depth analysis on the game’s connection to Ray Harryhausen. I would also love to see a video on why the Sega Saturn failed aswell if you would be so kind 😉👌
yes mate definitely sounds like unique content and that’s what i’m all about ! unique content and a sort of rudderless attitude to the generation thereof, wherein all of my videos are either written by or at least suggested by someone else !
top 10 game video went up today mate !