Nostalgia Nerd – Arrogance incarnate !

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2 months ago

My biggest problem with NN is that when people send him stuff to create a video about he actually never makes a video about the items.
I remember watching one of his unpacking videos where the read out a note that went along the lines like I have sent you this item for use in a video but I need it returning to me after.
You could tell by his attitude and smirk that he wasn’t even considering returning the item.
I wonder how much of the stuff he is selling was meant to returned after the non existent video was made.

1 year ago

Fundamentaly, as soon as youtubers decide to go ‘professional’ i.e. give up their job and try to make a living doing youtube, I’m done with them.

OK so you’re gonna do youtube when your 50? You gonna keep that green coming in with new, exciting & interesting content? You gonna stay relevant?

Fuck No. You’re gonna milk your subject dry. You gonna go from 4 vids a week to one a month. You gonna whine and complain how hard it is to edit a video, it takes soooo long and it’s so hard (blimey, I’m wandering into LD territory).

Oh, how my heart bleeds for these poor souls.

And then… It’s time for kickstarter, go fund me, etc. The final death rattle of these worthless humans. Let their careers die a horrible death, their job and reputations ruined as they realise that youtube is not a career.

Youtube hosts free videos, they provide a free service (yes I know about adverts but you can easily get round that nonsense) and are not doing it to provide you with a job. They promote vids that get views, even if they are just about morons leaping about saying “bro” and screaming like a banshee thats got it’s balls trapped in a vice every few seconds.

Personally, I hate the term ‘retro’. To me all these systems provide me entertainment and useful services (I still use my BBC Master 128 to keep track of my bank balance) so I don’t consider them retro. Yes, they’re a bit old but they’re hardly vintage in my opinion.

Ahhhh, that’s me ranting sorry. All I’m saying is that ‘Professional’ youtubers have a time limit. The route they take is always the same and ends up being a pathetic footnote on Wikipedia,

NN, LD, THGM, OK, and other un-touchables should just fuck off and let us get some more interesting, fresh and exciting people to watch. People with a passion and genuine interest. Not grifters and beggers. Let the ‘pro’ retro youtubers go and sit in the street and do their begging face to face.

1 year ago
Reply to  DocBanzai

One youtuber I watch (techmoan) who is full-time gave up his job for health reasons. So I can appreciate that works out well for him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Oh, errrrr actually you’re right. Techmoan is very much the exception. He’s always managed to somehow remain interesting so I tip my hat to you sir.
Perfectly understandable for him to reduce his output, his health problems are ongoing and it just makes sense for him to do it.
In a Venn diagram though, I would say the he has the tiniest overlap with the likes of NN et al. He doesn’t e-beg or whinge about his channel either. Even his fairly recent vid about his health problems was in no way a moan. It was a simple, dignified explanation of things to which even he said he didn’t want sympathy and wasn’t going to mention the subject again.
So, yes, there must be others like him (I hope) but amongst the UK youtuber ‘retro’ scene I imagine they a extremely few and far between.

1 year ago
Reply to  DocBanzai

The difference is he had a proper job and career. I think he was a team lead or manager of some kind. He’s the only patreon I’m subbed to now. Some of the others are either stupidly expensive or just don’t produce any “perks” worth bothering with or both (e.g. Retro Hour).

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I like that he’s stuck to videos dicking about with old (or sometimes new) stuff.

Unlike certain others, who now try to produce feature length documentaries on things they’ve never seen nor experienced, with stock footage, photos and Wikipedia knowledge.

1 year ago

“Do you want some more? “

1 year ago

What a horrible arrogant cunt, fucking hate this Catweasel prick. How people gave this two bob cunt money is beyond me. Really fancy going down to the Scamcadia on opening night and slapping this twat right round the chops with one of those shit vegi burgers.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I mean, I don’t think people should gatekeep. However to talk about an era of computer history you weren’t around for means you have to be very careful, you can’t talk with authority about a period of history if you weren’t there or haven’t done your research well. And by research I mean publications of the era, you can’t rely on google search.

1 year ago

Oh George… I come in confession, sackcloth and ashes. Ever since I discovered your videos (before you got banned, for no reason) from YouTube over the whole LD/THGM debacle, you’ve consistently brought painful truths to light. I had been a Patreon supporter of NN since starting to watch his videos back in 2017. The ‘speccy-themed’ intro videos were good fun, and he made enjoyable content that I liked to watch. Over the last two years, though, I’ve noticed he doesn’t make a lot, and when he does it’s always as if it’s a big effort that we should be grateful for. Little did I know, until you highlighted it, that he wasn’t even scripting his own stuff. Then the Barcadia thing launched, and I was prepared to give him a chance, thinking “OK, perhaps this explains why he’s stopped making videos, he’s been busy with this new venture” – and I was taken in at first, seemed like a nice thing to set up and give Norwich a quality venue (even if the food choice seemed a bit questionable). But then you and Simon started pointing out all the unanswered questions, the existence of Retro Replay down the road… and I wobbled. I thought “hmm, this isn’t what I was sold” and I confess, I withdrew my pledge. Then the sudden mystery donations at the 11th hour – as you had predicted would happen – really made me upset. But the final straw has been this latest video of yours. I had no idea how much of an arrogant, unpleasant guy he could be; not the persona he puts across in his own videos at all. Why go to an event like this and agree to be on a panel if you’re going to turn in a bored, rude performance like that? Well, it was the final straw for me, George. I’ve cancelled my Patreon (not that it was a big monthly donation) and I don’t want anything more to do with him. I’m sad, because I really did enjoy his early videos – back when, perhaps, he actually had an interest in the things he was making videos about. He seemed more genuine, more passionate. Now, to coin your phrase, that ‘dead-eyed stare’ into the camera, reading out a script written by someone else (whose videos I’ve never watched, as I find the whole ‘I’m a character, it’s not the real me’ thing on YouTube to be weird) just turns me right off.

Thank you for what you do, George. I will be the first to admit your style is an acquired taste, but you get to the heart of things every time. I was blind, but now I see.

1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

Companies house shows they created the company for this venture in May last year, it got renamed in August 2022. This venture was always going ahead, so why beg for money? I think this weeks Retro Hour interview with Steven Jones of Checkmate fame said it all, I’ve linked to the exact moment:

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

So basically, why take any risks when you can put everyone else’s money on the line instead.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I don’t have any reason to dislike Stephen, but it’s a bit sad that he downgraded to Nostalgia Nerd to promote his new monitor after it was rejected by RMC.

It’s disturbing that they all speak as though Crowdgrifting is perfectly normal now. No need for those pesky banks with all their interrogation! I might suggest to my local council that they run a Kickstarter campaign to fix the potholes in my street.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

Yeah I wasn’t saying I dislike him. He basically went bankrupt and lost everything including his house after he misunderstood what a letter of intent was and so obviously he’s not going to take a big risk again. But he’s offering a physical item for which he needs a set number of pre-orders to pay for injection moulds to be made, so it’s the perfect sort of project for kickstarter.

And I’m not saying Barcadia is all being funded by risking punters money, they’re taking risk between them as they’re both named on the company entry. But they’re definitely taking advantage of some rather odd people in the retro community who will give away money and get very little back. Have you seen the price of train fares these days? To get where I live in the midlands to Cambridge off-peak is about £91 and I daren’t think what it would be to Norwich. Driving would be long day out.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  chithecynic

You’re not alone. I too am a former Nostalgia Nerd Patreon member.
I can’t remember when I cancelled. I think it was after the “I’m done with YouTube” video.
His Patreon statistics show this year hasn’t been kind to him. I can’t imagine any reasons why!
I suspect he only releases a video these days when he’s got some crypto scam, shady VPN or mobile lined up game to shill. I doubt he’s offered those every week.
Not a great way to try to make a living. A job at Tesco would be more respectable.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

So he peaked about August 2020 and it’s been downhill ever since. Obviously right now it is hard for some people to spare cash for patreon but the decline pre-dates all that.

I’m only a Patreon of one creator and they’re not doing retro games. Oh and the ZZap 64! relaunch, paying for those but I’m at the point where the novelty has kinda worn off but it’s not expensive.

1 year ago

I am going to the Digitiser live show in a few months and this charmless fuckwit is going to be one of the people on stage.
Be curious to see if this personality vacuum will bring this style of dynamic action to the stage there, as shown here.

1 year ago
Reply to  B3tan_Tyronne

You could always make a t-shirt telling him how you feel 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I am seriously giving this some thought, just thinking about what to have on it 🙂
Maybe the scene from Oliver Twist with the words ‘please sir can I have some more’ upon it with his face photoshopped onto Oliver.

1 year ago
Reply to  B3tan_Tyronne

Or how about “Who the fsck is Peter Leigh?”

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Suppose I could go old skool and do something Peters and Lee related.

1 year ago

I was going to write a 4000 word essay on why his response was wrong.
But do you want more?

1 year ago

Looks like the wereferret has fully disappeared up his own hairy arse. Unbelievably disrespectful to the people who’ve paid good money to be there, some of whom would have also contributed to the highly dubious Kickstarter campaign for his business/vanity project. He’s also making life more difficult for the host and the other panel members as he sets an awkward and unpleasant tone right at the outset. And for what? He’s not hard, he’s not cool, he’s just another useless, charisma-less grifter who thinks the world owes him a living.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jambon

All because when you Google his name he appears second in the list. Whoopee do.

T. Rollin
1 year ago

I thought everybody knew that vegan shit doesn’t stink. Is it really a surprise that NN is such an arrogant twat?

1 year ago

As George has pointed out many times – when I watched that clip all I could bring myself to feel was his total arrogance and contempt for the people who have got him where he is. Makes me feel really sad for the gullible saps that have funded this shitbird’s recent grift. He comes across as a total prick no self awareness at all

1 year ago
Reply to  Bigsky

He thinks he is super famous. I’m reminded of a story a friend told me about when he was doing a job in London (although to be fair he does make up stuff), he said Michael Winner was driving along the road in a Range Rover but with a chip wrapper stuck to one of the wheels, everyone was pointing and Michael thought they were all recognising him.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Oh don’t get me wrong, I love his films as he doesn’t do subtlety. Death Wish 3, now you’re talking “He killed the Giggler man!!!”

If you haven’t checked out Parting Shots do so, it’s on Youtube (although it pauses for about 10 seconds at one point, nothing much lost). An all star cast completely squandered haha. It’s has the most bizarre tone due to completely inappropriate use of music.

Apparently it also inspired God Bless America which people think is a remake of sorts. Also a film I enjoy when I need a bit of stress relief, along with Falling Down of course.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Just avoid ‘Bullseye’.

1 year ago

I found this on his linkedin. Kinda shows how recent this whole retro tech thing is to him and how he’s more of a marketing, brand type person.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Good find. 2 things from that:
–LinkedIn is a cringey place. Just look at the 1 reply – who talks like that outside of LinkedIn?
–For somebody claiming to be entrepreneurial, the recent business plan, (lack of) risk assessment and communication to potential backers left an awful lot to be desired.

1 year ago
Reply to  UnixAnt

I should have known he was a former search engine optimisation expert, the NFT and crypto bros of the 2000s

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I’m pretty sure Octavius used to be in the same field of work, before she sort of went off the rails and spent her evenings streaming her rats running about the place. It’s entertainment for some folk apparently.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  UnixAnt

According to his LinkedIn profile, he’s had one IT job with a local lending firm, then “self-employed” in meaningless “businesses” thereafter.
Certainly makes me feel better about my career trajectory.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

Which leads me to think, what is the future for the channel? The only thing more stupid these days than making your youtube channel your sole source of income is also starting a high street business.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

He had a lot more of this quality content on his website, which can be found archived:
I think he’s read too many self-help books.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  George

What position is he even in to give advice? There’s no public evidence he’s been successful at anything.
He would’ve been in his 20s when he started writing his “mindful entrepreneur” blog. So much life experience to draw from.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

His first step to success would probably be to go vegan or grow a beard.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

“Peter Leigh – Founder, Grafter & Tea Boy”

Second word is so close to being right.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Fondler, grifter and tea bag.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

So a quick look at NN companies house shows that ONLINE CAPITAL LIMITED used to be previously known as BLACKLISTED LOANS LTD. I think that speaks volumes out what the business used to-do

1 year ago
Reply to  George

But a vegan vampire, almost like Count Duckula who was veggie.

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  JamesP

I note the account for his old company are sparse, but what little there is to go on doesn’t exactly paint a picture of a successful entrepreneur.

1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

After the financial crash of 2007/2008 the people at the job centre were known to encourage people into setting up their own companies to get them off the dole.

1 year ago

Maybe he’s jet lagged from all the travel to get there.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago

Worn out from all the jerking, or the leapfrog game they were all playing backstage.

1 year ago
Reply to  P. Ness

In the video we have Trista Bytes talking to Master Bytes.

1 year ago

Watching that reminded me of something, and it was not long before I realized the game show NN would be ideal fronting…..

1 year ago

Just look at the body language! I mean, I’m no fan of any of them – a rogues gallery of who to avoid in the retro scene, but at least they are sat up straight, attentive & smiling (forced or otherwise). NN is slouched in his seat like he’s the ‘ard lad at school who always sits at the back of the class and doesn’t pay attention. Another example of the utter contempt these parasites show to their fans. Why people bothered to turn up to this is beyond me.

1 year ago

What a self important wanker, I was not being funny or smart he really just could not be arsed. Trista might have done better if she used pliers to pull it out of him. It sounded like everything was beneath him.

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  JamesP

Fair play to Trista for sneaking in a couple of gentle jabs at NN… “The massive enthusiasm from this man. He just can’t contain his energy!”. I have no idea who Trista is, but I get the feeling she has a lot more enthusiasm for retrogaming in her little finger than NN has in his entire body.

1 year ago
Reply to  T. Rollin

I did briefly sub to her channel, but I don’t think I ever watched any of her videos. So I wasn’t subbed for long.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I got sucked in my the goth like image, used to be a scene I frequented years ago.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Oh god, my spelling is terrible today. I got sucked in by the goth look.

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  George

I hardly ever watch anything on Twitch, so that’d explain why I hadn’t really heard of Trista before.

Family Brick
Family Brick
1 year ago

YouTubers writing books nobody asked for is an interesting phenomena, and seems to be somewhat of a rite of passage for the modern media personality. Nice little projects that can be easily managed, give your profile some intellectual gravitas and used as backer ‘rewards’ for future grifty crowdfunding schemes.

P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  Family Brick

I’ve got his first book. It was cheap in a local bookstore. It’s unremarkable and completely forgettable. Lots of photos and screenshots with a few arguably witty paragraphs around them. Nothing new.
Practically the same level of “writing” found in porn magazines, just far less appealing.

1 year ago

Sounds like it was a smutty joke because he’s been giving her quite a bit if you know what I mean.

But talk about phoning it home. Maybe things aren’t going to well with the bar thing. Holding up paint brushes for photos is a hard life.