Barcadia: FIGHT !! (maybe)

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Gordon Ramsays left eyebrow
Gordon Ramsays left eyebrow
1 year ago

“people want and deserve a better class of personality”.

Id go further George me old mucker.

I dont give a flying monkeys f#ck if the video maker has zero personality – as long as they make interesting, concise (ie not padded out to f#ck for the Youtube algorithm), and informative videos about subjects Im interested in.

Mr Sujano looks like a pedo Scout Master, but makes videos as long as they need ot be – if it only needs to be a 7 minute update, he makes a 7 minute update, not a 15 min borefest.

PatmanQC sounds as if he has special needs, and has a voice not even his mother could love, but, his “history of” videos wipe the floor with the UK shite, and are incredibly well researched.

Both have the charisma and personaliy of a baby’s jobbie, but Id watch their videos all day over what the UK scene is now putting out.

1 year ago

witchfinder1976 can be a bit monotone, but he covers all manner of C64 games. Better when he has a panel, like when he did his budget game publisher videos.

1 year ago

It’s only a matter of time before they start turning on each other. Fighting over the last 3 subscribers who actually have a bit of money to spare. Spiffing.

1 year ago

Epic fight scenes there George, this could be the future of combat sports for the mobility impaired! I found Daz’s response completely unnecessary, and seeing as he wasn’t tagged, he could have ignored it and moved on. Been the bigger guy. That probably would have been the end of it. But no, egos are easily bruised and he needed his shining halo of moral goodness to be restored for all and sundry to witness. To be honest, that’s ok, I mean we all get annoyed and startled when we’re shouted out in public, especially by some stranger you don’t know, but his responses were completely unbecoming of such a sweet, innocent, loveable character. His blatant and completely transparent attempts to reframe himself as the victim, and myself as some sort of aggressive oppressor is both laughable and lamentable. I’m sure many victims of gaslighting could spot such similarities in his behaviour.

Anyway, I wanted to calm things down for the evening and move on, but not before making an attempt for Daz to finally see why folks weren’t happy with him (and his fellow Barcadia Cohorts). We get a partial acknowledgement that his outbursts were unacceptable, but the truth is, he and the rest of the campaign team have been tone deaf in their responses. They were either deliberately avoiding questions and anything that may cast some doubt on their Barcadia dream, or simply oblivious to the fact that the public may want more information before parting with their hard earned cash. By hard earned, that’s by doing real stressful jobs, not just sat in front of a computer or camera reading other people’s scripts. And that’s my issue with the Barcadia team and campaign. You support them and give them likes and money, and they’ll give you their hollow thanks; or you ask questions, raise potential concerns and get labelled a troll. How is that a suitable and professional way to conduct your business in public? Answer for Nostalgia Nerd, Daz and chums: It’s not.

I don’t watch enough of their content or interact with them enough to care about them as individuals (they may be lovely, I’m sure even Hitler was to his mother), but I do care if good honest folks get caught up in their schemes and potentially ripped off. Not saying they will with Barcadia, but hats off to you, Codetapper and the other people daring to actually voice their opinions towards these self-important retrogaming charlatans.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I never knew how big the UK retrogamming circle jerk was until I saw those photos from OLL Norwich. So much smugness under one roof. Again, I’m sure individually they’re all beautiful people, perhaps even worthy of a decent conversation, but collectively, that’s one party I’d sooner avoid. In fact, stripping naked and smothering myself head to toe in nutella and cream cheese and screaming “EAT ME, I’M SIN FREE!!” at a Slimmers World convention and being devoured painfully by the ravenous, chocolate starved, obese attendees would be preferrable than sitting in a hall listening to one of those retro folks give some sort of “humorous” talk about their hobby.

1 year ago
Reply to  Collieuk

They all hang out with each other at these shows because nobody in the UK either knows who they are or gives a toss. Not to mention when you see some of them in person you probably couldn’t bear to look at them to have a chat. Makes you glad the 3D TV/monitor craze died out.

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  George

If you try and appeal to everybody, you’ll end up appealing to nobody. This fact doesn’t appear to have caught up with the circle jerk yet but it will eventually. Meanwhile those who remain true to themselves and give zero fucks about what anyone else thinks will keep their small but very loyal audiences who value authenticity.

1 year ago

Great video George and on the button as usual! Just for the record – I for one would pay good money to see any form of pugilistic match up involving a cross eyed demented Kieren with you on his back barking orders to him Master Blaster style! I’d pay even more to see him get his helmet knocked off revealing his orange noggin like Mel Gibson did! 😂👌

Chris Thacker
1 year ago

Call me old fashioned, But I suspect many like myself want our content providers to be honest, respectful to the community and most importantly not like most TV / Movie stars, use their platform as a way to increase their short term profitability by marketing any and every promotion that comes their way. As anyone will tell you in media, this route will tarnish your identity instantly the moment your voice gets associated with “Raid Shadow Legends”, “Manscaping”, “NordVPN”, and other such products which have no relevance to the topic your talking about or are used ever again in future videos.

Every member of the panel this weekend have done this to some degree so far, and the current shilling of new PCs, Bars, etc. has gotten to the point where most of us have started to turn off. you only have to look at Socialblades daily stats to see most of the panels efforts are trending a 1-3% audience viewship against their current subscriber totals. Especially NN who’s hovering just above 1%.

They haven’t spotted this because no one wants to face the fact that they are all currently monitising the same small pot of active users who only have a finite amount of liquid capital to spend, one that’ll be diminishing shortly due to the upcoming recession and price of food increase (can’t wait to see how Barcadia justifies the prices then!).

I usually rip on THGM and LD but in this case their retention on viewership is considerably higher, to give them credit, and right now being separate from the others may just give them a positive for other markets.

But regardless, the moment each of them stayed on the fence and stopped supporting the community it started killing their channels and losing that free promotion is critical.

Family Brick
Family Brick
1 year ago

You’re bang on about Kim. The amount of times I’ve been tempted to respond to her cryptic drama-courting tweets with something along the lines of “name names or shut up” because it was irritating reading all the “what / who / WTF?!” replies that she obviously thrives upon. It reminds me of when she made an ill-advised, algo-chasing commentary video about a viral incident involving PewDiePie saying hard racial slurs on stream and got upset when some of us didn’t appreciate her “It’s not racism – it was just being an edgelord” take. Imagine if some cunt argued that anti-trans slurs were just a bit of harmless fun instead of hatred that have ugly consequences. She then moaned on twitter that she had no idea why she even made that video
that she but the first words out of her mouth in said video were something like “well everyone’s talking about it so I might as well”. Like a moth to a flame (or a slightly dim attention seeking child) she can’t help herself and it seems old habits die hard.

T. Rollin
1 year ago
Reply to  Family Brick

Kim’s a drama queen, but their long-form documentaries are actually pretty good. Probably one of the least worst British Retrogaming Circle Jerkers imho

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Don’t want to get into her personal life etc, but she did lose her partner which can’t have been easy. Sitting about on the internet instead of going out and doing things can lead to some of these stupid messages. The devil makes work for idle hands as the saying goes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Oh that’s terribly sad. No one should have to go through that so young. 🙁

1 year ago

OMG, those pictures. It’s like the last scene of the film Society.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Special FX done by another screaming mad George 🙂 But yep, it was really well done and summed up a lot about the corrupt world we live in now way in advance of others, except maybe They Live.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Although I suppose the Invasion of the Body Snatchers also did similar, the original being a 1950s film.

Family Brick
Family Brick
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

The same Screaming Mad George that made that amazing Playstation psychotic horror first person pinball game called “Paranioascape”? Must be. *takes note*

1 year ago
Reply to  Family Brick

Yep the same, that’s the only game he was involved in it seems. But he did work on many 80s classic films.

1 year ago

I saw Kim’s comments on Twitter about this. To be honest though, I also saw here twitch stream last night where she is singing the praises of Norwich and all the fantastic people she met…i.e. Trista (recently got a PC for free which she keeps promoting), Gamesmisstress (recently crowd funded for a new pc), Gebs24 (entire channel is grifting from small retro shops), not to mention Slops (not all biased), Nerd, and of course, everyone’s favourite/ worse total loony bin… Octy (or whoever she is pretending to be this week). Sorry, but if you are going to align yourself to such grifters, don’t be surprised when people then look negatively at you as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Retro_Replayer

OLL should really change its name to the Norwich Grifter Convention (NCG), as the photos of everyone on stage is essentially a mug shot of the worst grifters in the retro scene.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I have read a lot of “OMG it was amazing CANT wait for next year” strangely all from Youtubers / streamers / or wannabes. Next thing you know that will try and get Play Expo moved to Norwich when the Norbreak finally (and mysteriously) burns to the ground

1 year ago

YouTube wrestling they really are getting desperate now. Its clear the well is dry and they need to find new income streams. I still find it strange that NN put more effort into getting that stupid monitor KS across the line rather than his own bar / arcade / save his GF’s business. Ashens has clearly washed his hands of his, so Daz has taken up the mantle of spokes person. NN is (as always) too busy doing whatever he does all week
Kim cant stay away she really is desperate to her her channel in the spot light and therefore keep the cash rolling in.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I can’t say I’ve seen a genuinely amusing Ashens video for a while now. Same with AVGN. As soon as they’re doing it purely for a living it seems to become a production line.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

AVGN has run out of notoriously bad games and games he knows from personal experience from his youth. Uses the same intro now all the time, he used to change it about a bit. But as soon as you’re in the mood for the content he jumps in with an advert which takes you out of the moment. Seems even an annoying tit like Mike Matei knew when to jump ship.

Couldn’t give a toss about Rex Viper. I like a lot of bands that take influence from the 80s, but the best ones go beyond it (e.g. Carpenter Brut).

1 year ago
Reply to  George

It’s the usual case of “I got an audience by doing something they liked, I’ll foist something else on said audience that isn’t anywhere near as good and they’ll like it because it’s me”.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Ashens is clearly done with it, he cant even be arsed making his own videos any more. He is closing in on 50 and all he has to show for it is a bunch of videos about cheap tat on an old brown sofa
The AVGN, you can just tell he hates doing it but it still (somehow) pays the bills. All he does now is turn up and read a script he then hands it all of to others. He has tied to do other stuff and no one cares they just want the nerd (for some reason). He has been doing it for almost 20 years now which is crazy

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I don’t want to give Mike credit or anything, but he encouraged James to upload the first videos and he probably told James that the nerd thing was either getting worn out or not getting enough attention. So it’s no wonder he checked out.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I wonder when we’re getting AVGN the movie 2? 😀 I honestly couldn’t wait for it to end, so boring.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

The Critical Drinker is a bit hit and miss. He’s about 10 years my junior so I look at it from that perspective, that he’s still a youngster 😀 I listened to an audiobook of his first novel (do a lot of dog walking, so it’s the ideal way to get through a book) and it wasn’t too bad. Started the second but couldn’t get into it. He’s a fellow greyhound owner which makes him okay in my book.

1 year ago
Reply to  JamesP

I’d love to see Kim flatten the Laird. Maybe she should start dissing him and his knowledge of Atari and he’ll definitely be up for a bout.