Vampire Survivors – What have I begun ? :p

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1 year ago

A full game and all the dlc for just over a fiver!
What utter madness is this?

/bought and will play later.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Finally, got to have a go at this and what a fantastic ‘just one more go’ game this is.
Well worth the price of admission and puts a good many AAA games to shame.

1 year ago

Fuck me George! I’ve missed you. I thought bad things had happened when Youtube dried up, I feel incredibly stupid for not looking for your website before now. I think I was afraid to search.
Genuinely very, very happy to hear your dulcet tones again. I feel that all is right in the world, you’re here to put things right and prick some ego’s that are worthy of pricking. But, above all, to inform and educate me about some new (old) games.
All power to you mate, I’m glad to be a born again bummer.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Trust me mate, I’m wading through it all as we speak.
Barcadia is all new to me but I can’t say I’m suprised. There are more and more UK Youtubers being sucked into the abyss. Not just Retro gaming but repair and ‘comedy’ stuff as well. I seem to spend more time unsubscribing than watching these days.
Ho hum. All hail the mighty Pound/Dollar/Euro/Ruble/Rupee/etc…

1 year ago
Reply to  DocBanzai

The whole “Update on the channel” or “Where I’ve been” type videos are getting ridiculous now. You can understand someone like MVG who is doing coding and a proper job too, although his uploads still seem regular. But the other “internet personalities”? they just have run out of topics to cover. Watched a few Slops videos as I’d not watched his channel for years after he endorsed the scam that is “buying large mansions” on his channel, but low and behold it’s just a lot of compilations of his previous content with a few new bits added. You can see the dates of 2017 on the kickstarters he’s covering. Must be why these channels don’t change their visual style so you can’t notice the recycled clips.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

Hence we’re now at the point of covering slightly odd Playstation controllers. That’s something LGR does better I’m afraid Octav1us.

1 year ago

Great game George and thanks for bringing this to my attention! Just for those of us who are not part of the pc master race (😉), the game is also on cheap on Xbox and is also on gamepass so giving it a go is a no brainer 👍

1 year ago

Absolutely fantastic game. One of those that if you don’t play, you won’t get it. Gaming crack cocaine.

1 year ago
Reply to  DadGamerUK

That’s me. Stupid me logged in with the wrong account.

1 year ago
Reply to  DadGamerUK

Fuck my life. Looks like my account reset…