Barcadia: Dazz strikes back and confirms “sponsorship”
10 April 202310 April 2023|
GeorgeBarcadia: Dazz strikes back and confirms “sponsorship”|

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Hi George
Just thought I would give you a quick update as to what kind of day I have had today. Been run off my feet. First of all I had to pop into Barclays to pay off some big bills. Then I had to go into town and visit Poundland to pick up some kitchen utensils. Found a nice potato peeler, stainless steel colander, egg slicer and found a great utensil that cuts triangles into tomatoes. That should impress my American friends who are coming over to visit Norwich and coming to the bar on opening day. Should also keep old Sam quiet in the kitchen for a while, where she should be eh George. While I was at the checkout, Octavious sent me a picture message with her rat out again, so thought I would quickly pop round there as I have not seen her for a good while. I put the rat back in the cage and also put her pet rat Roland back in his play cage. Before I left, she wanted me to read her book out loud to her, it did not take long as she is still on the first paragraph. I gave her some tips on how to write a couple of books and I went on my way.
Popped round to Ashens house, but he did not answer the door, I knew he was in as the curtain twitched a little at the bedroom window (he does not like to talk to people sometimes). So I then posted the money through his letterbox to pay back his credit card and posted this Non- Alcoholic Vegetable Cocktails Book which was brought from Waterstones. Thought it might come in handy when he starts work at the bar. Rang old Daz to tell him to keep his trap shut on Twitter or I would send the boys round to duff him up, the mouthy twat, some people eh. Loose lips sink ships.
B&Q is not far from me so went in there to pick up some toilet seats and some more paint and some fancy paint rollers. Will take some more pics later on my update post on Kickstarter.
Just going to write out some invitation cards to send out to my friends and sponsors, will send you one as well George.
Anyway, better go soon as I need to go into Morrisons before they close and hopefully pick up some cheap vegetables with the yellow stickers. Sam and her crooked books, after all the funding and laundering she has only left me with £11.50 after paying back all the debt and bills. Will have to start another Kickstarter in a couple of months to buy a fridge to put all the veg in, and maybe pay some more bills. So keep em peeled for that one.
Take care matey, from the one and only grifter friend
Peter ‘ Catweasel’ Leigh
Its not a problem here in the good old USA where I have now lived for 20 yrs since leaving the UK. We have lots of barcades without need to kickstart as far as Im aware. I once met Metal Jesus Rocks in one who was filming a Youtube video of his. It was a former bar and not in anyway a historic grade building. Granted the USA doesnt have the same historic buildings as the UK but gRAAAAAAA, the yanks do it with far more grace and my local barcade is massive, more like a small warehouse, 3 floors, lots of machines. Not some small shithole in retarded norwich full of locals with less teeth than braincells.
The usual joke is Brits have history, Americans have last week.
Btw MJR is probably not the best reference after his roadtrip and mold issues 😉
LOL, yes that is true, us Brits can seem very smug. As for Metal Jesus Rocks I didnt know about those issues, I dont watch alot of youtube or incel nerd drama. But I agree with George and he’s one nerd I would buy a pint for, if he leaves his house. He’s right on the money with this scam.
MJR had a “I’ve got mold in my basement and I need 10000 to fix it otherwise my collection might get damaged” and an “I need 50k to get an RV and go on a road trip to buy games” appeals.
I didnt know, Im very causual when it comes to youtube and watch a bit of gaming stuff here and there. Yeah that sounds like he’s had a big idea but not been mature enough to sit down with one of his buddys like Reggie Riggs or whoever to make it sound. I would say were smoking dope and drunk when they came up with a scooby doo roadtrip but then nerds dont tend to smoke or drink. What is it these days Mountain Dew and Doritos. Smell of tangy cheese gets all the women to run a mile.
MJR was e-begging for $10,000 to fix his basement while standing in front of $100,000+ of retro games. It wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t go on about what he’s bought this week in videos all the time. In the end the repair was dead easy, could have done it himself with a big drill and some concrete or resin. It was some metal ties in the wall which had corroded away leaving pin holes in the wall. The sad thing is he’s taught his friend Reggie to e-beg as well. He was asking for money to go to a gaming show too.
I think the problem isnt just Metal Jesus, but the whole YT type culture where big man babies think everyone who watches them owes them a living. As for doing his own DIY, LOL, I doubt many of these nerds wash their bums unless their partner reminds them. Give over MJR, NN all these Tubers wouldnt know how to drill a hole. They probably all owe a drill but its sealed in its box.
They don’t know how to drill a hole but they certainly are good at digging them.
That really got to me, it was clear insurance was going to take care of it but no he still wanted money as he was only a “poor” youtuber
are we talking about metal jesus ? if so then yes, that boggle eyed, boring prick saw the grift as soon as the situation began. his van grift was a disgrace too. i mean someone who has hundreds of thousands of subs can make that money. in all honesty i use my patreon to pay my bills and nothing more, and some arsehole the other day was giving it “oh george makes money off his game sales” but, no, how many fucking copies do they think an already available for free on the internet zx spectrum tape sells in physical form ? we’re lucky if we sell 10 copies, and they’re only a bit above cost once everything is put together. now we can’t really source good tapes in europe for a reasonable price with a sensible timescale it’s put paid to the business more or less anyway ! times are very tough here but here i am like a real numbskull at the computer pretty much every day making videos for people for free ! (also, the website costs £70 a month so there are inherent costs in putting this all together that are not present on youtube)
Almost all of his videos are about what he has bought. It’s all a bit “look how much disposable income I have” and then the next week it is “I need some money”.
always the same from the majority of them. one week they’re in corfu or someplace on holiday then next it’s back to Blighty and ebegging. i fully understand people needing money, i need money myself, but what i cannot comprehend is the hubris involved in taking lavish family holidays then expecting others to foot the bill. that doesn’t make sense.
It’s all “give me some money and I’ll do some content for you” these days. Crowd funding has really messed things up, now you’re expected to hand over some cash without knowing what you’re going to get.
Bragging about meeting MJR is like bragging about meeting Nostalgia Nerd.
I take it you’re not a member of the “Metal Militia” then 😀
Ah… so you’re an American, Kev? That explains a lot.
The worst part of the entire kickstarter (aside from the dodgy sponsor money ensuring they would get the money regardless) is this Daz character. Who is the twat anyway? He is beyond toxic. Utterly vile and hasn’t any hint of charm or empathy. He throws aside everyone’s comments and objections and resorts to fingers in ear “I’m not listening you’re a troll” playground shite. He is a grown adult and self confessed spokesperson of the campaign and yet has all the grace and demeanor of a drunken piss head from one of the dodgy backstreet strip clubs in his beloved Norwich. He has shown such contempt for those not in his circle jerk, that he just cries “fuck off” as if that is some sort of acceptable response. The Nostalgia Nerd although being a bit smug in his response to the wonderful “success” of the kickstarter, at least has the sense not to come across as some pathetic angry child who was probably denied the opportunity to be the Milk Monitor at school, and hence is now on some sort of power trip. Ashens had the sense to back off during this unsavoury campaign, and if NN has any sense, he’ll ditch this Daz before he does anymore harm to his now somewhat tarnished reputation.
I visited Norwich today, went to the wonderful Retro Replay and also took a look at Prince of Wales Road. To be honest, although it is surrounded by deserted nightclubs, bars and takeaways, it is at least at the top end of the road, near the historic Anglia TV building and isn’t too bad a location. I’ve seen worse streets in other cities. As a unique bar, there is always a chance of success, but such a shame they completely went about it the wrong way. They have their money now so won’t care anyway.
I believe NN, Ashens and Daz share the same office building, so the atmosphere could get a bit sour if they weren’t all yes men agreeing with each others ideas.
That’s a bit awkward then. Daz will have to play with his own joystick. Three’s a crowd anyway.
Most nerds have a very small joystick. I spent most of my time in the sun, soaking up Vitamin D on the course or at the beach when I have the time to travel outside state. Sitting all day in a dark room playing Mario, your sure have a small dick like this Daz nerd guy. Lets hope his barcade has a beer garden, get himself some sun.
You’d know all about having a small joystick, Kev.
Maybe the real Daz is the friends we made along the way.
Wonder if Peter – The Grifter – Leigh took the £27,781 to B&Q and brought the paint (which was 3 for 2 this weekend) new lights, taps and toilet seats to get the bar ready to open, and take shit pics of himself and his girlfriend with tools in hand. Maybe not….the tosspot…..too busy laundering the money with Daz that he has scammed out of people. Kickstarter should be informed of this shenanigans.
well apparently a lot of people have written to kickstarter about the “sponsors” admission mate so who knows what will come of that !
It’ll be off to the nearest branch of Barclays tomorrow morning to clear off some debts.
My memory isn’t great, but wasn’t Julian Clary the face of Daz laundry detergent?
One of his advert campaigns being a “Wash Your Dirty Linen in Public” roadshow with Daz Tablets.?
Peter is clearly involved in some ahem, laundering of his own these days and the public roadshow is the Kickstarter campaign.
I’ve still no idea who the hell this Daz is, he seems to strut around acting as if we should all be aware of who he is, how influential he is..
And as for Kim Justice…
YT revenues declining to the point you’ve become the Liberal Democrats of the UK YT scene.
Your caught jumping on every bandwagon going of late, how about saving the community some time, researching your videos properly, so we don’t have to post corrections, fill in gaps.
Your not the voice of reason in the UK Retro scene, not now, not ever.
yes mate dazz seems quite an aggressive and antsy individual. he’s not fielding questions at all well on twitter and it’s the usual “you’re all TROLLS !” pattern behaviour we’ve seen from every one of these tits who has had their grifting spotlit. kim justice ? i can only presume that the “justice” part is ironic at this point.
I cant stand Kim Justice, her videos are way to professional. I like hobbiest channels. The kind of guys you would meet at a bar, have a few pints. Not all these ‘I should have been on TV’ type pricks but failed in media studies. FUCK OFF
i don’t really care if videos are professional or not but i do lean your way on this mate i suppose. one of my favourite youtube channels is red letter media mainly because it’s a bunch of idiots sitting in chairs. yes there is multi camera editing but mostly it’s deployed for silliness or to focus on stupid expressions. i’m not that into the “skit” stuff they do but the episodes where they just sit and talk about films or tv are the ones i like. if people are interesting, no amount of editing will make them more so. same as if people are boring. no amount of editing will make them less so. kim’s stuff is far too dry for me but i’m not the target audience and i can read wikipedia myself if i need to. i really don’t watch much if any gaming content, i look at some really small channels that are run by good people but that’s about it.
Fair play to Slope he admits to knowing them, if not friends people that move in the same circles. He says think not a place for families, get Daz and co say it is. He also talks about it talking away from Slice and dice, again many people have asked about this and been called trolls for it. He does go easy on them and sits on the fence however he has voiced some of valid questions. In the latest update Peter has again used the term sponsor, which has a lot of implications.
it’s all a bit toothless though and, now that i’ve watched it, does in many ways come off more as a backhanded advert for them above and beyond anything else. yes, some “issues” are touched on and he does do his best to highlight the vegan thing being not to everyone’s taste but then goes on to admit that when nostalgia nerd is around, no-one gets a choice where they eat. sounds like a real team player that one !
What if the sponsor was a loan from the other business? Maybe selling private shares to people?
it doesn’t really matter where the “sponsor” is from or who it is, even if it’s themselves, it’s against kickstarter rules and a few people have messaged me saying they’ve brought the issue up with kickstarter 😮 might not have seen the end of this yet !
Fair point. Has Kickstarter ditched the flexible goal stuff? that option meant even without hitting the target they still got the cash. They’re in the building fixing it up, so the money was never about allowing it to happen. It was just to give them an easy life.
not sure mate how that works, i know this was an all or nothing grift but i couldn’t say if the flexible goal situation is still a “thing” although many projects did abuse it by getting 1/2 their requested amount, taking it then leaving people in the lurch with the statements usually saying they just didn’t get enough money. it wouldn’t surprise me if kickstarter had put the kibosh on that as it looked bad for their platform.
The Barcadia campaign was definitely an “all or nothing”.
The flexible funding thing was perfect for scammers. As you say, they get the cash but can then claim they don’t have enough to carry out the project.
KS doesn’t have a flexible funding option as far as I know.
It’s got a bad case of fence-arse attached to it.
Showing most of the launch advert after saying he backed it? Bad.
Saying that he’d never been to Norwich and questioning the dad bellied vegan market capacity? Good.
Not challenging the future potential – bad.
Describing the consideration Peter gives to others after evangelizing his vegan views – good
Using the word “influencer”? Neutral in this context.
If there is a follow up vid it could be interesting.
i really wouldn’t describe nostalgia nerd as an influencer. i dread to think what level of human pondscum would actually take cues from an individual like that.
Influencer seems to mean someone who runs adverts in their videos these days.
All the nerds worship a guy like NN, hes a handsome guy compared to the fat obese ulgy mother fuckers Ive seen. He also looks like he knows how to wash between his small cock and balls.
as i’ve said already today mate he looks like the dad off of “the modern parents” in Viz ! google it if you don’t know what i mean !
That’d explain why NN has so many birds on the go. Sure they’re either kinda plain or completely fucked up with BPD, but he’s probably had more birds than you and me combined, Kev.
And being a mekon means there’s no risk of getting them up the duff.
Good Lord – this contemptible grifting drama is getting worse by the minute. George is spot on here. It’s the general stupidly of the punters that have readily handed their money over to these total bellends that upsets the most – this whole thing sets a sad precedent indeed
I look forward to George’s eventual video about a retrogamer who set up a website selling modified games that used Konami’s intellectual property without permission, all for profit.
It’s a huge scandal, and I will aid him by naming the website that did this for years.
It was called BumFun Gaming.
Go get ’em, George!
actually lol you shot yourself in the dick with this one. 1) it was cleared with konami and 2) the game was sold “not for profit” at a reduced price compared to the other titles on offer, as part of the clearance and at the wishes of the authors.
our super meat boy homage was also given the green light by tommy refenes, and all of the other titles we released from old software houses were officially licensed from the IP holders. so there’s that, too.
There is as much evidence of your Konami “clearance” as there is of Nostalgia Nerd’s last-minute sponsors.
When in glass houses, don’t throw stones.
i don’t have to share anything with you, nor do i need to. do you think we could just sell that, the epyx stuff, the old ocean stuff etc willy nilly ? you’re an imbecile if you do. as for evidence of the NN sponsors, dazz himself SAID they’d had last minute sponsors, so that’s an open and shut case from the mouth of one of the people behind the project. again, you’re an imbecile.
While the term “sponsors” could be misconstrued to mean backers. That would be true if the last minute donations were in the tens or hundreds, not thousands!
Oh George, you really are retrogaming’s biggest hypocrite. You demand evidence for absolutely any claim by people more successful than you. When you don’t get it, you revert to snidey speculation in your videos. “WHAT ARE THEY HIDING THEN?”
It’s the worst part about you. And it’s all you’ve got. All your ‘call out’ material is riddled with it.
And when the tables are turned on you – let’s face it, you haven’t provided any actual evidence that the modified games you sold were ever officially endorsed by the actual IP holders. It’s just your word that we’re expected to accept without question.
You spend your life complaining about the YouTube grifters who make claims without evidence, so why do you do it?
Lol, sit down you absolute loser. I’ve already replied to you on this, change the record and piss off while you’re doing it, there’s a lad.
oh, and finally, Castlevania: Spectral interlude was not a “modified game”, it was a completely new title from a well known and highly regarded programming team that’s widely regarded to be one of the best titles every produced for the ZX Spectrum.
Reheatedpixels, who let you off twitter!
More sock puppet accounts than the cheesy wotsit. You’ve already had 20 odd comments removed for spamming shite do you ever learn? Wait.. hold up Kieren is that you m8?
Shut up DVDFev……sorry Boaz Jimenez. Twat of the highest order, still bulling I see. Please go to one of the Retro Events this year, would love to meet you face to face, have a nice little chat.
lol is that who that is ? i might have guessed from the bitter spasticity and the fact he’s constantly holding the wrong end of the shitty stick !
I have it on good authority he survived COVID due to nobody wanting to be inside 2m of him, meaning his exclusion zone was never breached.
I look forward to George’s eventual video about a retrogamer who set up a website using Konami’s intellectual property without permission, all for profit.
It’s a huge scandal, and I will aid him by naming the website that did this for years.
It was called The Spriters Resource.
Go get ’em, George!
Profits aren’t important? What is this, a social enterprise scheme?
Daz sounds like the kind of person who gets booted out week 1 of the Apprentice. You know, not even the person they keep in until week 6 in order to get some entertaining TV due to them acting like a prick.
Business has to make a profit to survive. To invest in the future. To provide a cushion in hard times. Be it a vegan arcade or a multi million dollar electronics company. Count the profit on every vegan cocktail, every arcade token. Be across those books with eyes like a hawk. Every day, how much did you take? Are you breaking even? How can you improve that? How do you make more money?
If you don’t care about profit then you are unsuited to running a business. So with no regret at all, Daz, you’re fired.
The reason so many pubs sell food now is the margins on food are something like 60% but the margins on drink are wafer thin. So the worst situation for them is people drinking there but not liking the food, the majority don’t want vegan food. At my workplace someone was trying to be all eco-friendly and put at a vote to have “meat-free Mondays” in the works canteen, it was rejected. This isn’t a factory either, a workplace of IT professionals.
Clearly its not social bite, I am still not sure what this is. The longer it goes on I am not sure Peter and co. know ether. On paper this business has been around almost a year, yet they are unable to answer such complex questions such as opening times. No wonder alarm bells are ringing for many people
Kim cant have both ways, if they don’t want to be involved then don’t make videos about it. The whole “just helping a mate” routine they all use. Its clear they all talk, all the time. A Whatapp group the very least. I object to being called a troll for asking simple questions like opening hours. However Peter will be too busy as he is away at some con next weekend so he cant answer questions. From what locals have said this is not a family location for this place at all.
Going off Kims latest tweets shes now trying to slowly back track to the sound of beeps and clown noises.
of course. “i did this thing that was squarely aimed at you and the current situation but it just happened to be a complete coincidence and it was about something utterly different”. hm, yes.
Kim seems to think of themselves as the Mother Hen of the British retrogaming scene, which is sweet… but also kinda misguided. It’s like War Games: the only winning move is to not play.
kim has now tweeted that they take no involvement in any of this, so what exactly is making a video on the road featuring the business in question addressing comments about the safety of the area raised by myself and others got to do with not being involved and not trying to be involved ? can’t have it both ways. the backpedaling has begun (of course) and now once again the victim card “damned if i don’t and damned if i don’t” is played, and apparently kim has zero involvement in anything once again but damn this last month eh ? (nebulous post that could be about anything and falls in the middle of ‘could be taken either way’ ville)
Has old DJ Slope not thrown his 2p in yet ?
he was first in the comments mate saying he couldn’t wait to CHECK THAT BADBOY OUT blah blah. he also featured it in a private/paywalled “kickscammers” episode as i’ve touched on here in another video but in reality that was clearly just clickbait to get people to pay to access it.
I guess Slops won’t be covering the magic last day thousands that appeared via a few donors on the kickstarter.
it’s a poisoned chalice now, slops will not cover it and kim is already attempting distancing tactics.
His kick scammer news video that covers it is on yt, and has been for about a week. Starts at 33:52
Slops sitting on the fence a bit there, quite an impartial and diplomatic view given his association with them.
Methinks the Daz doth protest too much!
Small minded to drop the f bomb. If these are the sort of people involved in the project just wait until they get negative reviews for the place, will they ban everyone who does that?
probably mate but good luck getting trip advisor to prune reality, i don’t think that’s their aim ! it was a very stupid thing to say and daz’s behaviour in general has been ridiculous, especially with this “sponsorship” revelation.
do you think mate ? lol
The insincerity is sickening. That photo, my God. The transparency of their bullshittery is laughable with the last minute donations saving the day, do me a favour! Nothing left to say.
I still have no clue who this Daz guy is, he is clearly clueless and thinks we are all idiots. What is his involvement with the business. Profits are not important what the hell is he taking about, that is the point of a business.
Big sponsors my arse, fake bids you mean. I wonder how much real money they got without all the fake bids. A few games I backed did this to get them over the line and it turned out they did not have enough to finish the game so the money was wasted.
Profits are always a huge impediment when you are running a business – agreed.
Trading insolvently in the UK is a serious offence that can have severe consequences for directors and creditors. It means continuing to trade when you are unable to pay your debts as and when they fall due, or when your assets are worth less than your liabilities. If you are found guilty of trading insolvently, you could face a prison sentence and/or a fine.
The Insolvency Act 1986 sets out strict rules about when directors can trade while insolvent. Essentially, directors must prevent the company from incurring further debts when it is clear that there are not enough assets to cover those debts. If directors do trade while insolvent, they may be liable for any losses incurred by creditors. They may also be accused of wrongful trading, transaction at an undervalue, preference or extortionate credit transactions, which can lead to disqualification, personal liability or criminal charges.
It’s impressive they got a laundry detergent company to sponsor some poncy hipster arcade! Useful for throwing into the eyes of any ne’er-do-wells that may stumble into Barcadia after being chucked out the nearby spit-and-sawdust pub during the early hours of a Saturday morning.
maybe nostalgia nerd and the rest could use it to clean up their act ! the grifting swines !
It’ll take more than a jumbo sized box of washing powder to clean up the British retrogaming scene.
They’ll be filling small bags with it and selling it in the toilets.
Credit card bills to pay.
That would explain the chosen location.
Just use the contents of sherbet dib-dabs or sherbet fountains and see if anyone notices a difference.