George and Codetapper talk about the new Barcadia update

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1 year ago

Well, as predicted by you guys it’s up to 18K with 4 days to go, so I guess the booster funds to tip it over will happen soon.
Shameful begging though this is if people are willing to throw money at it what can you do? Apart from go to retroreplay for all day arcade play and a proper burger.
They should’ve capitalised on the strip joints on the road and stuck with ‘shot & slot’ for a name; I’d’ve gone, albeit only once.. by accident, followed by disappointment and regret at paying a fiver for loaded fries as I was already there and thought it rude to leave without buying something, thinking that chips would at be the cheapest option on the menu and no thanks, I don’t want to buy any tokens for the cabs as i’m still wearing the wristband for retroplay and was just having a walk to see if the stripper places were open as I was hoping to see some tuppence and have an angry wank after getting repeatedly dicked on R-Type.

R Sole
R Sole
1 year ago

It’s interesting looking into the previous companies Peter was involved with.

The name change to “Online Capital Ltd” from “Blacklisted Loans” was a stand out. (Dissolved with debts of 87 pounds)

You also have to consider other competitors of course, every bowling alley in Norwich that has arcade games e.g. bowling house, namco funscape , Hollywood bowl, superbowl.

William Bellenden
William Bellenden
1 year ago
Reply to  R Sole

I think they’ve clearly stated their difference. It’ll cost you a shitload more than the competitors. I’m sure the loaded fries will be Peter’s special recipe too.

Nobber Harris
Nobber Harris
1 year ago

It’s all stinks a bit of a vanity project. One of hundreds, nay, thousands of niche “boutique” pop-ups that open up all over the UK because somebody has had a bright idea, only for them to fail within the year. because they have no long term plan after the initial buzz.

Often funded by the fortunes of well off parents to give their spoilt child “something to do”. But what happens when you don’t have access to the deep pockets of nepotism?

This. Clearly.

1 year ago

I would not even give the drippings out of my nose, let alone money towards this.

Ross sillifant
Ross sillifant
1 year ago

Great to hear the voice of Codetapper.

Not been able to listen all the way through on this one, playback keeps stopping.

2 years ago

Great video, and good to hear Codetapper. An interesting point is that this is now being advertised as a ‘sister’ company to Sam’s other business. You are right, it’s appears as if the only distinction between the two is: one does board games, and ones does arcades, and they both serve cocktails and vegan food. Here’s the thing though… Sam owns her business, but Barcadia will be a joint business venture between her, nerd and 2 others (if you believe want they are saying). Surely though, by opening an almost duplicate business in the same town, it will come at the detriment of the other? I mean, I can’t image there is a huge crowd of people who want vegan food and cocktails in Norwich… Or at least not enough to support both businesses. So by opening Barcadia, surely her other business will suffer as a result, and she will lose income. Now, I could understand it if she was sole owner of both companies… That would make sense. But to go into business with 3 other people when her other business will suffer as a result just doesn’t add up, or make business sense, as she’s going to be lossing income. I would be heavily surprised if Ashens and Dazz turn out to be genuine shareholders in the company. I think, as you implied, this is Sam and nerds venture, and Ashens and Dazz are only attached as names to help the Kickstarter gain additional support.

2 years ago

Nice to hear Codetapper on the vid. You both do great work exposing these grifters thanks.
This latest update has made me wonder what they’ll be paying their staff. Will they commit to paying them the real living wage? To what extent will they be exploiting the good will of volunteers (especially when it comes to fixing the machines, etc. ) while they sit back and count the money?
Also, the list of machines announced suggest they’re aiming the business at the most casual of casual gamers because, like you say, most of these games can easily be emulated or are available on various compilations on modern systems. Nothing wrong with being a casual gamer, but that’s not really who they’re asking to fund the place when plugging the Kickstarter on stuff like The Retro Hour. They’re a bit like televangelists in so far as they’re all about extracting free money from gullible people who just want to feel part of something.
The whole thing stinks and is incredibly cynical. Sorry for the rambling. It just winds me up.

James P
James P
2 years ago
Reply to  Jambon

An the advert hour, where each week Dan and co see how many adverts they can pack into an hour. Between adverts we get the hosts telling us how expensive it is to make a podcast and without your support the show will stop

Frot hat
Frot hat
1 year ago
Reply to  James P

Parodying the Retro Hour would be pretty easy. It’s the same format and delivery every week. The only things that change are the guests and the articles lifted from IndieRetroNews

An OK Boomer
An OK Boomer
2 years ago

The more I hear and read about this Kickstarter, the more it smells like a bucket of tofu in the sun.

R Sole
R Sole
2 years ago

What’s interesting is the comment section over in the news report. Local consensus is “6 months max”

However the website IS up, running and recruiting at the moment.

R Sole
R Sole
1 year ago
Reply to  R Sole

And here’s their recruitment ad from

1 year ago
Reply to  R Sole

Seems to be a heavy emphasis on pinball on the website there. When have they ever said they are going to have pinball?
Also the only other arcade picture is of an arcade in California which seems to be from 2016. Was that just the first GIS result they got for “arcade” or “arcade bar”?
If you’re going to open a thing isn’t it a bit weird not to have pictures of the actual thing?

P Ness
P Ness
1 year ago
Reply to  R Sole

Website probably created by this mob for £25k:

2 years ago

BTW great video and enjoyed hearing the dulcet Antipodean tones of Code Tapper for the first time

2 years ago

I raised the point on Twitter today that it seems Peter has set up the KS personally and not as the company. Does that mean the money will “rest” in his account? And that he will pay income tax on it, as it’s classed as personal income? I’m not too sure how KS works and if the payment can be directed to a company when it’s set up as a personal KS but it could do with clarification by NN.

2 years ago
Reply to  DadGamerUK

Peter will inherit this money himself yes and whatever bank account he allocated it to go to. The only time tax may be viable is when funding exceeds the total amounts in very large numbers or after expenses for everything is paid for

So say 25k and they raised 30k? Unless all used any amount left over are subject to tax(very little) your talking only for big money funding here.. 5k or even 10k over their goal would be minimal on paying tax and can easily be put to work or written off as an expense.

2 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Sorry Darren I think you misunderstand. My point is that if Peter has set this up himself and the money hits his personal account, HMRC will recognise it as his income not the company’s and he will be taxed on the whole amount as an individual.

2 years ago
Reply to  DadGamerUK

Maybe he will pull a Father Ted ‘It was only resting in my account’.