Barcadia – Dazz goes into (automatic) defense mode

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P. Ness
P. Ness
1 year ago

I see Dazz has posted some creative writing on X about this website in recent hours.
Given his immense popularity, I was surprised to find the site hasn’t crashed with all the extra traffic.

Frot hat
Frot hat
2 years ago

Peter stated on the Retro Hour that he will be renting the arcade machines from Play Expo Andy.

No assets on the balance sheet. Short lease, easy to terminate and change direction.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frot hat

Wouldn’t that be more long term cost though? Are they real arcade games or just PI’s/one up machines?
It’s basically a bar with a few machines thrown in, take out the others backing this (not with money though) and it would get no real interest.

2 years ago
Reply to  Boingalot

The Kickstarter comments section is quite engaging as Samantha is handling the criticism with poise and professionalism lol. Interestingly, it appears that investors have already invested money in the project, leading to the question of why they require Kickstarter funding. The promotional YouTube video portrayed the venue primarily as an arcade that serves food and alcohol, and this was likely done to attract the retro community. However, it turns out to be the opposite, and they are compensating with tokens to play games. This news may be disheartening for retro enthusiasts who supported this initiative, and it wouldn’t be surprising if there are only a few machines available at the venue

Harry Chuffwomble
Harry Chuffwomble
2 years ago
Reply to  Frot hat

Bait and switch. Bring in the retro money with some arcade cabs to add to the hipster vibe. Only rented so switch them out for more tables or something else as you tweak the business model. This thing is being marketed as an arcade but is just a bar.

The area isn’t exactly hipster country. What you will get though is farm hands in the city for the night looking for 12 pints and a fight. Hope the budget includes bouncers as I’d pay to watch the nerd try to eject a load of drunk muscled agricultural workers.

Seriously, I really would pay.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frot hat

I might be wrong here, but doesn’t Play Expo/Replay Events also own Pixel Bunker in Milton Keynes and that’s where their machines live most of the year? It would make sense that they’d want to rent them out for space reasons more than anything else, given that Expo has went from 5(?) shows a year to 2.

BBC Norwich
BBC Norwich
2 years ago

Old Peter is doing the rounds promoting the opening of barcadia, getting ahead of any bad press and milking it for all it’s worth!

Wonder how many people he will feed under the waiting busses to save his misses dreams. She must be a good lay to require this amount of commitment.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
2 years ago

Ahem… Samantha has been thrown to the lions and has replied to every current question on the KS page. It makes for an intriguing read.

Fierce Onion
Fierce Onion
2 years ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

Does she think they can take out the Kickstarter money without reaching the end goal?

I wonder if they will go the PayPal or go fund me route when the Kickstarter fails, they may as well have stared that way. The whole thing stinks.

Whats next the Lady Decade retro burger van or the Richards in bits stationary store.

If the nostalgia nerd succeeds in this grift the floodgates will open spilling copious amounts of scheming cunts with money making ideas stuffing wads of cash into their knickers.

The only one id actually back would be a spray can of DJ Slops repellent.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
2 years ago
Reply to  Fierce Onion

This should have been a gofundme. Could have really played up the sob story that poor Samantha’s shop is dying on its arse. The retro community has plenty of simps to fall for those.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

Or indeed Indiegogo à la Vega+, free money with no questions asked.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jim

I see we’ve had a serial downvoter. How quaint!

2 years ago
Reply to  Frisky Dingo

I had a look at the questions and answers on the Kickstarter page. I might be missing something but i still dont see what’s to stop them taking the Kickstarter money and just spending it on themselves.

Lowcow Enjoyer
Lowcow Enjoyer
2 years ago

The UK Retro Scene Cult seems to have quite a few mindless simps who are more than happy to go into attack mode when the object of their affection is slighted by others, and they’re in their favourite creator’s Discord being all “notice me senpai” like. That’s what happens when the worlds of D-list internet celebrity and autism collide.

2 years ago

Totally agree with the previous comments. Samantha’s business appears to be loss making with liabilities she can’t repay. Likelihood is it will be bankrupt soon and she will default on whatever liabilities she currently has. As she’s the dual named director of Barcadia, they will struggle to get any credit from suppliers / loans from the bank to set this up. As they haven’t provided any context what this ‘grifted’ money will spent on, one can only speculate it’s to sure up the losses on her current business, so that she can make a clean exit, and be less of a credit risk.

2 years ago

The other information that’s been shown today on Twitter is a post from when Retro Replay opened, and who should be the invited guests singing their praises? Ashens, Nostalgia Nerd and this unknown Dr Who Dazz chap. Maybe it’s another idea Nostalgia Nerd has lifted from seeing them in action, like some of the other YouTubers who go out of their way to copy other people.

Frot hat
Frot hat
2 years ago

There’s a discord?

2 years ago
Reply to  Frot hat

Click on the Live stream link at the top and then choose Join Discord Server

Frot hat
Frot hat
2 years ago
Reply to  Geezer

Why thank you kind sir

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
2 years ago

At this point it all points towards a fund raising effort to wipe off Samantha’s arrears and move her into Barcadia.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
2 years ago

I can’t see Peter flushing the pipes out at the bar, anymore than the great unknown, Daz, can get his White’s whiter than white.

Whittaker was never happy with public records material being shared either.

These people must be as thick as mince, if they don’t think the community are going to invest a bit of time and do basic legwork and find and share public domain material.

2 years ago

Ashens really threw a spanner in the works by admitting he has nothing to do with this venture, and was merely “helping a friend”. Well Stuart, you should have been upfront about that from the off, instead you’ve been exposed as hiding the truth – something all too common with the UK circle jerk YouTubers these days. The original video of Peter throwing to Stuart and Dazz the unknown looked so badly done – were they so uninterested they couldn’t even get together to film it together FFS?

2 years ago

George. I think you are missing the obvious point mate that this is nothing to do with Retro Gaming. It’s an American Psycho theme bar where you can go and have a starving rat shoved up your bum, whilst Ashens attaches electrodes to your nipples. And you will blood well enjoy it!

2 years ago

Great video George and spot on. The only wrinkle is describing it as a “charity”. A charity is an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need. This venture is nothing of the sort. It’s designed purely to make a profit for the owners (Peter and Samantha) and will do nothing for the local community apart from perhaps provide a handful f zero hour, minimum wage jobs. I don’t see this being funded now as it stands unless they make dramatic changes.

Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
2 years ago
Reply to  DadGamerUK

The staff at Barcadia will be the current staff from slice and dice. They’ll move there once they clear Samantha’s debt with the kickstarter money (if they indeed make the goal, which looks less likely today) and relocate the business in Barcadia. Her kitchen is plant based. Coincidental? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

TRVG Chris
TRVG Chris
2 years ago

And the debacle gets deeper..

The fact that there’s a sudden push to tarnish and attack anyone who questions what the money will be used for or how they can differentiate themselves against a duplicate business practically two streets away, is not how you pull off a successful campaign nor how you entice Joe public into an area that is known for disturbances into the evening, and one which isn’t a place you could encourage a family friendly atmosphere.

Playing devil’s advocate here, but if I raised 25k to start a new business (in the premises I was going to move my other business into, that’s coincidently 25k in debt), I’d like to ensure my finances are in order to enable me to have a small working capital pot to cover a potential year of non profitability while the site gears up.

Can’t help thinking this 25k isn’t quiet enough to cover and the use of youtuber name endorsements, including ones that will no doubt be invited to the launch, will be the marketing push to try and push foot fall.

Yes if it opens it’ll have a successful operating run for the first month as everyone in Norwich with a passing interest, will likely pop in either to see their name on the wall, or to just sample the atmosphere. Bit I suspect depending on your regular clientle and generated atmosphere you’ll find this site will be running at less than 25% capacity most days of the week afterwards.

I just think this who campaign hasn’t been thought out properly, and should’ve really been tied to the ‘geek retreat’ franchise (which would’ve been a more perfect fit)

2 years ago
Reply to  TRVG Chris

Very well said. Who on earth is going to visit this expensive lettuce bar during the off-peak times? I can’t imagine they will get anything like 25% capacity. In fact, they’ll probably be lucky to have anyone in there during certain times.

R Sole
R Sole
2 years ago
Reply to  Codetapper

Combine the two option? Board games in the day, drinks and videogames in the evening.

Have to say her Twitter feed about going to see Broadway shows in New York for a week while the last Kickstarter took place possibly didn’t help it.