Top Hat & Lady Decade – Simon Butler responds to allegations

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2 years ago

Wow! This guy is easily amused/confused…

Thanks for keeping these Varty scumbags under the spotlight. Their sheep-like groupies have such short, selective memories.

2 years ago
Reply to  dreamkatcha

Another simp wanting his Morticia Addams fetish fix, we should setup a section called the Lady Dickhead Simps Hall of Shame and stick this clown in at number 1. Saying that, she’ll not be happy with his performance as there’s no links back to her channel or Twitter feed to be seen in the description.

2 years ago
Reply to  dreamkatcha

Don’t tell me its an American guy having his mid life crisis giving his thoughts on it with the usual giggling and odd none-witty comments. Like all the rest of the reaction videos YouTube is plagued with.

2 years ago
Reply to  u4ria

Patreon is depleting I see.

2 years ago
Reply to  Geezer

She still making a decent crack for doing next to fuck all but its going on Gym membership, sellotape and new carpets.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

My personal favorite was when he “reviewed” Mario Kart Super Circuit Live and he created a race course out of diacarded fag packets through his apartment.

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor
2 years ago

Can I just say that I love the Butler / Cropper interactions? George – I love your stuff, but sometimes its like eating vindaloo 24/7. It’s nice to have a mild korma from time to time.

2 years ago

What a Stella video. Bravo on the great insight of the subject and great guest George.

2 years ago

After hearing how gently Simon tiptoed around People of Gender, there’s no way he could ever be accused of being a gammon.

Frot hat
Frot hat
2 years ago

I think I’ve worked it out.

Her and her missing husband are going down the ‘shock jock’ route like Talk Sport radio.

In other words, make outrageous statements to bait people into engaging.

Both The Mail online and Katie Hopkins take this approach for commercial gain.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frot hat

That wont end well then because those who still sign up to there patron will get bored and unsub, the community at large will start to turn on her then shes just left with those who cant or wont pay subs to blow smoke up her arse. If you look at the comments on her current videos and twitter posts its simple nonsensical remarks and drivel just like her videos it looks like shes found her lane and target audience.
I honestly think she starting to lose it, its like shes lashing out at everyone and getting her self worked up with all the strange silly faces and grunting noises. I’ll be surprised if shes not breaking down into fits of rage chewing holes in the carpets behind the scenes.

2 years ago

Bloody hell, I’m kicking myself for not finding this website sooner! Was bummed (no pun intended) to hear about you getting binned from YouTube, but it seems like it’s only unleashed the beast – so to speak. I’ve a lot to catch up on it seems. Keep spreading the good word mate!

2 years ago

They’re a perfect reflection of the times, aping the cynical tactics of politicians, certain news outlets and influencers to manipulate their viewers. They’ll do or say anything for money, hence the faux outrage and ad hominem attacks. It ultimately degrades everyone and is poisoning the hobby. I wonder if we’re all just feeding them and stirring up extra clicks for them because nothing seems to convince their simp audience that they’re being taken for a ride. The virtual silence of the other big UK YouTubers has been a massive help to them. I wonder if anything ever came of that person who said they were an academic and used the infamous crying video to teach their students about online manipulation? Maybe if that lecture made it onto YouTube it would have an impact.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jambon

If anyone tries taking Top Twat and Lady Dickhead on, they’ll get piled on by simps and/or ostracized by the rest of the British retro community.

If anyone in the retro scene ignored Top Twat and Lady Dickhead, they’re accused of aiding and abetting their grift, because “silence is violence”.

Can’t win, don’t try.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ywnbaw

People have took them on and shown them for what they are and they lost a lot of followers dicky then went awol and now hides behind his wife letting her try to claw back followers and when she gets called out by someone and she cant lie her way out of it or get her simps to defend her she blocks them or makes lies up about them to get what simps she has left to raise pitch forks. Also a few of the UK circle jerk tried to defend them and then George dropped the Discord chats on them and those that did defend them turtled up real tight some even tried to wriggle their way out of what they had said and got called out on the bullshit excuses. It’s not about winning its about pulling them up on their bullshit so people can make their own minds up and as we can see from their patreon falling off a cliff people have woken up to them. This is why shes tried to attack Simon by playing on what followers she has got left misplaced sympathy.
Where the rest of the UK circle jerk let themselves down was when she told them what she was about to do and they said nothing then when she did drop that grifting video they still said nothing they could have put a stop or at the very least minimised the attack on Martin and his family by showing those discord chat logs but they as always turtled up hoping not to get any splash back on themselves.

2 years ago
Reply to  u4ria

I was under the impression that they made a mint and gained a lot more patreon income after their video about Martin’s work. Has this evaporated already?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ywnbaw

@Ywnbaw Why do you think people who call out THGM & LD would be “ostracized by the rest of the British retro community”?

Rs Biscuits
Rs Biscuits
2 years ago

Through discussions I’ve had with Simon, the phrase clique-bate appeared and applies to their output. It’s a title/post that is designed to trigger their own cult…

They are SIMPly trying to activate them as a perceived defence to their competence.

Frot hat
Frot hat
2 years ago

Just watched a few minutes of her latest upload where she basically says her fan base need to get off their computers and go outside.

Thought that was pretty brave of her given the fragility of her income stream of late.

Btw – watched via Reeder so there’s no ads

Alan Cole
Alan Cole
2 years ago

You’ll probably moderate this, but you’re backing the wrong horse here George and I feel this nutjob is rubbing off on you. Butler is a deranged stalker who went way OTT with the Wotsit and now Lady Decade. These characters maybe churning out shit content and grifting their audience, but Butler’s insane obsessions are bordering on criminal stalking, the man unhinged. You’d do well to stop supporting him at this stage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Cole

He’s not stalking though is he, hes just putting his thoughts on twatter about a few grifters and twatter has this block feature shes quite good at using when people post anything that might effect her grifting and twatter account in a negative way so she could just block him and he goes away. She says he stalkers her yet Simon proved her accusations of stalking are all bullshit. Either you didn’t watch the interview or your trying to shit stir im guessing both.

Also take a look at one of her current comments she says he doesn’t know all the much about her and he makes stuff up, he thinks shes from London but shes not so the accusations of Simon contacting her employers is a pure fabrication. See when a person tells lie after lie they start to forget what they’ve said and make new lies up which most of the time contradict each other and here we can see a prime example. As you can see from her twatter feed and videos shes not all that bright but she is very good at manipulation and telling porkies we can all agree on that.

2 years ago
Reply to  u4ria

Unhinged or not, Simon and George’s muckraking is a lot of fun, especially when their targets start firing back. It’s better than Corrie.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

Your streams of consciousness are the chlorine that the cesspool of British retrogaming desperately needs. Keep doing you, George.

David birdsall
David birdsall
2 years ago

Catching up on what I’ve missed mate.

2 years ago

Kloe Varty is nothing but a liar. It was great if Simon to confirm he only went to one event last year – the Crash event, and LadyDecade sure as hell wasn’t there. I really doubt Kloe would have even been allowed on the premises!

2 years ago

You know its gonna be a good day when our George has a long video up!

2 years ago

Same here – I always enjoy George and Simon’s insightful catch ups – we definitely need more of these 😊👌

2 years ago
Reply to  George

Lol – I think you know the solution to the new microphone problem George – borrow a couple of snivelling children and do a grifting video! You can also tell them Simon’s in bits for good measure ha ha. Seriously mate, technical problems aside the chats are great and I’m sure others would also like to see them uploaded on a regular basis 👌

2 years ago
Reply to  Bigsky

£470.52 should buy you a very nice mic

2 years ago

And there it is yet again simp baiting with lies, As i said in a previous comment on the the problem with retro gaming video that was her setting the scene pulling the simps into line and pigeon holing them into age range ready for a full frontal attack on anyone who has no interest in her poor content Gen X and when i say full frontal attack i mean lies and falsehoods only her simp followers would swallow. Then she went after Simon someone who could run rings around the circle jerk and be back in time for a pot of scouse.

The statement that Simon reads out that starts at the 1:04:00 mark just goes to show what type of Gentleman she picked a fight with.

So the balls in her court now but i wouldn’t expect any sensible truthful response probably more throwing words around that don’t actually mean anything outside the silly Twatter sphere or maybe more sad face pictures.

2 years ago

When is the Walsall event that Simon mentioned?
Always enjoy your chats together, two people with understanding and passion for the subject.
Keep up the good work.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

There is not much difference between Walsall and Warsaw I don’t think

Danger Otter
Danger Otter
2 years ago
Reply to  Danester

We need to set up some kind of Walsall Pact now