Rolling gunner is excellent !

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Max Levin
Max Levin
1 year ago

Never expected Mack(WorthABuy) would get a jab from old George, but alas, I didn’t expect Mack do that weird hysterical character for decades either. That’s what pops up when you aim to make a career in Youtube, I guess.
Good video!

Stevie Aaron Stevie Aaron Stevie
Stevie Aaron Stevie Aaron Stevie
1 year ago

Well, George, it really does look a bit brilliant doesn’t it?! Stupid observation probably but I especially like the perspective and that enemies on the ground are posing a problem; I can’t think of many horizontal shoot em ups that do this quite like this off the top of my head! Hopefully there’ll be a lot more shumps in the future of similar quality! Good stuff.

Frot hat
Frot hat
1 year ago

I’m spending more time on here than on Reddit and YouTube combined these days.

Top work.