The Octavius Issue – They LIED to us!

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1 year ago

i see she can take time to dress up as chun li for a digitiser the show for a skint abut cant write anymore about a fully funded book people paid for. Doubt thst the book will ever come out.

1 year ago
Reply to  chumpyman

As we’ve said elsewhere, if you have used video games to get over being abused as a kid, then revisiting such games ain’t going to end well. You’re best keeping that shit locked up and keep your mind busy with other things.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago

The question I always found myself asking was..

Who in their right minds, would ever fund a book, without it even being properly started?

As an investor, i would want to see a good few sample pages, so i had an understanding of the books context, direction and the author’s ability to write, to convey stories.

Only then would I know if it was for me, if it was worth funding.

Octavius has seemingly taken a large amount of money for a project that by her own admission, she doesn’t even know where to begin on.

The planned direction for the book already changed..

She’s in no fit mental state to write…

The mind boggles.

1 year ago

I have to say I prefer this to YouTube, I’m sure its a pain not getting the “passing” trade but this is very professionally done and its you giving you’re views without the worry

1 year ago

Is NN shagging Octavius, or is he just the simpiest of simps?

Spectrum User
Spectrum User
1 year ago
Reply to  Ywnbaw

Last time I know of they was seeing each other.

Friends with benefits and all that.

1 year ago

The Shilling of crap is almost non stop now. Keyboards, monitors that err have no monitor, books that are speech to text and books that don’t exist. Which is the worst?

1 year ago
Reply to  Boingalot

I’ve been very vocal with my fingers about said keyboard and monitor grifters and the hoops they jump through to defend their obvious grifting is laughable a few times ive just posted a one sentence response and they go into full defence mode and end up calling themselves out. Then “the community” aka pilot fish jump on me with all manor of insults and sometimes threats.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Fun times though watching them jump through hoops. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

1 year ago

They all shit in the same pot mate.

1 year ago

Sadly his click bait titles will only get worse. The YT UK circle jerk are running out of topics to cover. They need to keep the cash flowing or they will have to go out and find real jobs like the rest of us

1 year ago
Reply to  VV

It’s not just topics its patreon subs dropping off now because people are having to tighten their belts. A lot of the Circle Jerk are making less videos or listening to YT about keeping videos around the 10 minute mark to keep the viewer engaged. I notice Catweasel AKA Nelly(Retro Man cave) is making less videos now and using his pilot fish for content, His newest video is for that USB/PS2 windows keyboard they stuck an Amiga badge on calling it an “Offical Amiga Product”, Either times are really hard or hes looking for discount on one and pushing it on his brain dead pilot fish. As for his so called Museum Im expecting either begging videos for donations to keep it going or him putting out a heartfelt sad video to say its shutting down in the near future.

I pulled someone up short not long ago crying about the UK “Retro” scene and how its withering when in fact its not its just the YT Grifters withering. The “Retro” gaming scene has been around since Adam was a lad and will still be around for years to come, Its just a majority of so called “Retro” gamers are late to the party most of which are the younger members who seem to have chip on their shoulders because they didn’t live through the 80s/90s.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Before YT lost their best creator, you mentioned something odd with regards to the RMC museum. Did anything come of that? I can’t recall a video about it.

Frot hat
Frot hat
1 year ago

NN is despicable. Making poor OK whip up dog-bin-shit grade video content when she’s so unwell she can’t even function is, frankly, an outrage.

The police need to get involved. He’s clearly taking advantage of her degraded mental state for his own financial benefit and I think that’s appalling.

1 year ago

This is the type of click bait shit hes pushing out now his newest video is about Imagine Software and Bandersnatch labelled… “This Game Broke a Generation” what ever that means. Well we all know really its about getting the views for the sponsors.