The Hunter – Call of the wild

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1 year ago

Looks like a good game but think i’d feel a bit mean killing the poor old animal for sport, even if they are just pretend. They should let you hunt the hunters instead. Thanks for the vid.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jambon

Im not a fan of hunting animals for pleasure, im ok with hunting them if they’re being a nuisance or for culling purposes but once i started playing this i got sucked in so far taken down 3 bears, 2 moose and countless turkeys, deer, rabbits and coyotes. I can see why some people love hunting but personally im good with this game. Definitely a game i will buy buying once my gaming funds have recovered from Xmas.

Frot hat
Frot hat
1 year ago

Haha. This looks like an excellent troll simulator.
Firing a revolver into the air whilst your team mate tries to silently stalk his prey

1 year ago

I’ve not been on the Minecraft server much over Christmas and New Year but will be getting back in to it now.
I’m working a little way off from the original spawn point (so don’t often see people in the flesh (so to speak)) near a village and just found a huge cavern near it that I’m in the process of exploring.
If you see me (Pigsfoot) feel free to drop by.

Max Levin
Max Levin
1 year ago

I can imagine this being fun, a few games I’ve played where they’ve threwn in hunting mechanics(GTAV, Far Cry 3 et.c..) have been surpricingly entertaining.
As for Minecraft I’ve mostly tried to plan out my building/s, what resources I need(tried to do that in Classic mode, lol).

1 year ago

Agreed! The server is feeling very quiet at the moment. I see u4ria quite often, but I’m usually half way across the map on my Uncle Traveling Matt style adventures, searching out saplings, crops & other goodies to bring back to the very green core of the spawn point. We need to get a spelunking group together…

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I’m definitely up for that. We just need to find a time which suits everybody, I suppose. I’ve got voice chat set up and ready to go! I do have a request, however: What are your thoughts on installing one of the minimap mods (I have no preference which one specifically) so that we can have a realtime map in the top right hand corner of the screen? Bumworld is vast, and needs to be mapped out so we can put markers on the key spelunking opportunities. From a technical point of view, I’ve no idea if this is a client only mod, server-side, or both…

1 year ago

Can this be played on the PC George ? i have a Xbox one due to my son getting his new Xbox but i would rather play it on the PC with the mouse and keyboard.
As for Minecraft the Server is looking more lived in ive seen a few of the guys exploring and building. Ive built a few things over the Xmas and new year period, Just a few mind..