Top Hat & Lady Decade – Culling their tweets AGAIN!
19 December 202219 December 2022|
GeorgeTop Hat & Lady Decade – Culling their tweets AGAIN!|

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Just saw she has a new video about “The PROBLEM with video gaming in 2023”. The irony is off the charts. Why won’t the pair of them just fuck off?
video coming about that very soon mate it’s taking ages to render as it’s about an hour long lol and yes it fucking beggars belief and yes they both badly need to fuck off !
Glad DVDFever’s finally getting called out for being a creepy racist.
he’s an utter creep mate, just a bitter jerk that no-one likes and for good reason. an odd, odd bastard with some very creepy preferences !
The first D stands for D.
e.g. Dick VD Fever
fair point mate i hadn’t thought of that i thought maybe it was for “dunce” but your suggestion makes much more sense !
Brilliant too see you back George it’s pish how they got you kicked off YouTube keep the fight going baaassstttarrddsss
it wasn’t a “they” it was a “he”, dom the boring bastard aka dvdfever games !
Good to see you back George, uncensored, full blooded and in full BASTARD exterminator mode.
happy to be back mate ! this site had to happen eventually, i always said i was on borrowed time on youtube it just took one miserable, hated, pig headed, boggle eyed, toilet brush haired, jealous, plagiaristic and useless prick to send in a raft of complaints motivated by pure bitterness and their own stupidity so here we are ! feel free to tell all your friends and associates mate the more people who know about this site the better – the truth will out !
A YouTube channel doing “10 things about x” is an akin to a struggling boozer installing a punching machine & letting the barred locals back in.
Make a quick buck before the bailiffs arrive.
very true mate. it stinks of desperation and a genuine contempt for your audience, as well as a large amount of pin eyed, cucked stupidity. the sort of stupidity that hides behind it’s wife when it makes a serious mistake online and doesn’t have the fucking guts to address the situation themselves.
One fact everyone should know is the internet like an Effalump is large, grey and has a trunk… oh yeah and a long memory.
and it can do screen grabs mate ! :p
They’ve deleted their tweets because they need to be seen in the eyes of a Jury that they have a squeaky clean past. However, anyone can see the scammers they are when they parade a picture of Billy Mitchell in their living room (and yes I mean the video game cheating wanker, not that bone head from East Enders FFS!).
it’s wild though lol a squeaky clean past doesn’t require that you delete 16,000 tweets :p
the thing that baffles me more than anything is how on earth he was able to string 16,000 tweets together. presumably they ventilated them together ? ;p