Tim Langdell: Vindicated after 10+ years

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The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago

2 Downvotes for asking what Tim’s exact role was on both God Of War and World Of Warcraft and if his claim of helping Sir Clive design the the ZX Spectrum


1 year ago

I wouldn’t take them to heart m8, I think someone thinks this is reddit not realising its means fuck all.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago


Tim’s claim he helped Sir Clive design the ZX Spectrum.

What’s the story behind this and is it credible?.

The Furthest Man From Home
The Furthest Man From Home
1 year ago

Having assisted a couple of groups battle Jane Whittaker in court over his claims involvement in numerous big name titles, including Goldeneye, World Of War craft, Dungeon Keeper 2 and many more…

I have to ask what exactly Tim’s role was on PlayStation God of War, as he’s just one of many names listed in the ‘Special Thanks’ section.

I can’t find his exact involvement in World Of Warcraft either.

After having looked into claims made by likes of Mark Cale, Jez San, Martin Hooley, Jim Gregory, Kingsley Brothers and found them very wanting, I have become extremely cynical of UK industry figures.

Tim also claimed he helped Sir Clive design the ZX Spectrum, is this true?

I really need a greater understanding of him to discover if he was simply misunderstood at times and miss quoted (there was the case of him saying he helped design parts of Fairlight, people wrongly accused him of saying he was claiming to be the games level designer) or he’s joined the aforementioned names for fabricating degrees of involvement.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Reply’s now work. Geezer did his magic and fixed the issue.

Gordon Ramsays left eyebrow
Gordon Ramsays left eyebrow
1 year ago
1 year ago

whats a RLLMUK when its at home?

Hideous Kojima
Hideous Kojima
1 year ago

He’s not my friend, I think he’s a cunt and his existence irks me. But the people at RLLMUK have spent years covering this stuff and some of those people are in the industry. While it might have been in his own thousand-posts-a-minute ACTCHUALLY way, he was just offering you a collection of info to help you reach the facts and such.

Hideous Kojima
Hideous Kojima
1 year ago

Don’t get me wrong George, I’ve known SeanR for years and he is an utter dweeb who I have gone into swear-laden tirades at before, but he knows his stuff on this subject. Editing comments and making fun of typos doesn’t help: what happened to your goal of leaving the retro community a better place?

Simon Butler
Simon Butler
1 year ago

Spot on George!

Sean R
1 year ago

George, you amazing individual! (comment edited so as to more correctly reflect reality)

Sean R
1 year ago

George: Edge Games never produced a magazine under their trademark in the US. They presented mock-ups, and edited copyright material, and presented that as proof, in court. Also I’m sorry that you’ve felt the need to resort to ad hominem attacks on what was supposed to be further discussion on “what does and doesn’t constitute trademark trolling”, especially when it involves Timmy Langers…. You’re normally quite good at this sort of stuff, but you’re losing your audience here. Did i mention that I’m in love with you, and that I need your bank account details so I can pay my annual earnings to you for making such amazing and on the button content ? and, also, don’t worry about losing me from your audience, I’m here masturbating all day – every day !

ps. what you predicted to happen with this video is definitely happening, and I myself am living proof of someone who wasn’t in on the ground level when they were handing out brains. Still, at least I can masturbate to my “special interest” magazines imported from the USA!

Sean R
1 year ago

Here’s the bulk of the material I’m referencing from back in the day, not my work, you understand? I was a mere bystander, with a long memory. (link removed for the sake of PURE LULZ)

Sean R
1 year ago


Edge was called Next-Gen in the US https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Generation_(magazine) because I seem to recall it was a Gay Interest magazine title in the states. The rebrand to edge happened in 2008 after a period of inactivity.

Sean R
1 year ago

I’m on my phone, George. The keyboard is a little cramped, hence the occasional type. I need it to refer to all the langdell material I have going back to 2009… also: the “work on God of War”? You seem to have mistaken it for a “special thanks” from a former pupil.

Sean R
1 year ago

The deal with edge over the name stopped in 2008z

Sean R
1 year ago

I was expecting more to be made of that time Edge Games started using a knock off of the EDGE Magazine logO on things http://web.archive.org/web/20010111004700/www.edgegames.com/edgeware.html

Sean R
1 year ago

Nah, I was just expecting more intrigue in a blood on the carpet documentary style, and maybe coverage of the trolling langdell did do. You’ve seen the modified material, right? For example: Not an actual edge cover, claims to have Edge PCs within?

Sean R
1 year ago

Oh George. Did Tim ever release MIRRORS (from) EDGE? I see he’s deleted the edited images he created to “prove” his ownership of the marque.

Sean R
1 year ago

George, I’m 12 minutes in. This better get good.